Masvidal respond to sherbros obsessed with size.

No no no. I can't let that one fly. Lesnar was a wrestler. Hardy just fought the single ugliest fight i have ever seen, and lost to the only guy in the top 10 he had a chance against
Styles make fights and Ngannou wins because of his athleticism. Greg Hardy is the only guy that's a better athlete than Francis Ngannou. Just because of that, he'd negate all of Ngannou's strengths and he'd have a chance. Not a great one, but he has a good shot.
Funny that you say that because I thought the opposite, I think this guy would go down rather easily
Agreed, that type of muscular build is useless in a fight, he looks swollen instead of someone like Jared Cannonier who has a proper muscular physique which is optimal for fighting. This useless weight lifter would gas in a few minutes at best, plus those guys all punch like shit.
This is just a guess, but I think a UFC level MW (probably walks around at over 200 lbs) would beat any untrained guy. Size & skills both matter, but at the size of a UFC MW, I think they're big enough & skilled enough to be able to overcome any untrained guy.

What I will say is I'm pretty athletic & fit compared to most people, on my first day of BJJ they had me rolling with someone much smaller, I was tapped out very quickly. Of course BJJ & a street fight are 2 different things, but skills do matter a lot IMO
200lbs is considered to be the one punch KO barrier. Even among boxers, they all agree that at 200lbs KO power becomes much more common. Punching power doesn't seem to increase much from the 200 to 220lbs range, in fact the hardest hitters aren't even over 220lbs historically. Look at Wilder, Tyson, Shavers, and even a young Foreman (225lbs).
Just cause you're big doesn't mean you got the balls to take a punch. Let alone the fighting skills.
These athlete fanboys don't seem to understand this. Even if you're athletic you still have to have SOME degree of fighting spirit. You have to have the desire to inflict violence and also be fearless in a full contact fight. There's also the factor of being talented in one sport not guaranteeing success in another. A great baseball player don't be a great soccer player, for example.
Bob Sapp was unskilled but he managed to beat lots of good fighters in MMA and Kickboxing.
So even though I see this issue both ways, I'll say this: There have been several times over the years where my professor entrusted me to live roll with the new(er) white belts that had some pretty clear signs of an acai-heavy diet until they either quit or toned down the spaz factor, this being after injuries were sustained by others of similar experience level. Typically, I would spend roughly the first 60-90 seconds of a five-minute round either maintaining guard with an elbow mushed into my face while he spazzed out trying to pass or being slammed repeatedly during scrambles. This process would generally result in gassing, at which point I'd be able to sweep/submit.

My point is, on pavement and with any and all wild strikes allowed, I'm not willingly jumping into that scenario unless I absolutely can't avoid it. So yes, to a degree strength/size present an X-factor for those of us with healthy egos.
Agree, and size is even less important with striking. The only "out of the box" advantage novice big guys have in MMA is wrestling. Taking down someone who has 30 kilos on you is hard just due to strength and weight factors, but then you can still use Judo trips on them and usually get the same result as a double. It's just more tiring.

I've seen waaaaay more huge guys come in to the gym with this intent to hurt people than regular/smaller guys.

Bec Rawlings used to train at my old gym, and one meathead obviously knew her from TUF/UFC and went on to throw bombs and ended up giving her a black eye. He would have been 90 kilos, at least. He would pop up once a week at a random class until the coach caught wind of him and his stupid intensity against smaller, green guys and girls. He was invited to pro sparring and he quit in the third round of rotation sparring...I didn't get a chance to smack a reality into him but some of the other guys did. He left and never came back.
People who think size doesn't matter have never been in a fight.
"Unskilled guy": If the guy is retarded, afraid of violence, and the "size" is pure fat. Then yes you have a chance.
What 99% of people mean by size is normal size advantage. A large tall powerfully built man who's not afraid of violence and doesn't really train martial arts. If you think even as a small dude 30-40kg lighter who "trains martial arts" you dont have a big danger in this encounter, then you are a fucking fool who's never been in a fight.

Go to any nightclub and talk to guys with fighting experience/security who had to deal with 2 meter 100+ kg bodybuilder on steroid who decided to fuck someone up...If you think your "martial arts training" "MMA" is worth shit in a real fight please go and get yourself killed, its better for mankind and the gene pool lmao.

I'll tell you the reality of a street fight...Fighting amounts to throwing fists. There are no kicks in a street fight. Throwing fists with power is something the average monkey can do easily. If you have 100+ kg of muscle throwing hands and grabbing you, even if you throw elbows/kicks, whatever the fuck you want...There will be no effect. In such a situation its survival and you have to hit the eye sockets, mouth, genitals, hell use a weapon like a bottle or knife, because if a big guy decides to jump you and fuck you up you are in for a bad night.

Let's have Masvidal please fight some relatively unskilled HW guy in UFC, we'll see how he fares
A security company used to send their employees who worked in notoriously bad nightclubs and pubs to our gym to train. Sure, they were big and tough, but like a lot of previous posts in this thread, they would get out-worked.

Obviously there's a lot of risk fighting someone bigger than you, but if you know fuck all about striking and grappling, regardless of size, you are at a bigger disadvantage than the size difference. The bouncers didn't do so well, especially in striking and BJJ. The bigger guys also had no cardio whatsoever. They only trained once a week for about 8 weeks, and many improved a lot in that time, but they were by no means competitive.

There's always the one-shot danger with fighting guys bigger than you, but big guys with no training have only the tiniest of windows to land a bomb before they are heaving for oxygen, and they are slow as hell for that 90 seconds they can throwdown.

The bottle/knife/weapons thing isn't really relevant as that wasn't what Mas or anyone else here were including in the observation. Anyone can kill anyone with a weapon. Also your last sentence is just as irrelevant as Masvidal was pretty clear with the 'no training' part. He made no assertion that he could beat up UFC HWs.
purple is not a low level belt bro. Legit purples can and do submit browns and blacks on the regular. They lose more often than not but they're arent beginners.
For sure. I got my black belt in kyokushin karate faster than my blue belt in BJJ. If you hold a purple belt you can usually hang with black belts. I've seen plenty of purple belts submit brown.

These are at legit BJJ schools/MMA gyms though. I've been to a school where I could regularly submit the purple belts as a white belt with 4 stripes. I learned after leaving that the gym owner and gym in general was shamed in the local MMA/BJJ community.
Demetrius Johnson would fuck up an average 300 pound guy. My friend is a security guard at a hotel, about 6'5 and 360 pounds, no fighting experience to speak of, and 100% I'd bet my house Mighty Mouse kicks his ass in less then 2 minutes.
Mighty mouse is such a cuck name haha
Unfortunately this is exactly what it is.

The number of regular sized dudes foaming at the mouth over the size of big men (athletes, martial artists, boxers, actors... Hell even just big dudes out in public) is alarming.

Guys have become absolutely obsessed with size to the point that I think it's actually turned sexual. Look at the way Rogan acts over guys like Ngannou... All he can talk about is his impressive size and the relentless hunger with which he talks about it means there's an unsatisfied urge inside.

I honestly wonder, in a closed room and the prospect of nobody ever finding out, how far these guys would take their obsession with very big guys.
lmao this gave me the laugh I needed.
These threads are always useful to find out the people that have never trained and/or who are morons.
If he's talking about the morbidly obese, obviously.

If we're talking the behemoths in the nfl that are paid to eat and lift, I'll take the over.

You see 155lbs Heurta KO that 280lb lineman in about 5 seconds in that street fight?
Since when is there fair fighting in the real world? The big guy is going to hit you over the back of your head with a brick if he doesn’t shoot you first

anyone fighting in public, good chance the person isn’t afraid or smart enough to fight fair
If he's talking about the morbidly obese, obviously.

If we're talking the behemoths in the nfl that are paid to eat and lift, I'll take the over.

I swear, it's like some of you are living in some teenage fantasy land.
You see 155lbs Heurta KO that 280lb lineman in about 5 seconds in that street fight?

Huerta wouldn't even risk damaging his knuckles if it wasn't a chaotic bar brawl. If this was a one-on-one fight, he would easily take the guy down and RNC him before the ball player even knew what was going on.
No bro. If you play football AND lift, you can beat Jorge Masvidal. Nevermind the fact that Roger Huerta already demonstrated how effortlessly he can beat the shit out of a football player.

I think what sherbros of average or larger size are talking about manlets, I mean when it comes to mightmouse or little freaks like that all you'd have to do is sit on them or put your hand on their forehead so their punches or kicks wouldn't hit you.
An athletic 230lb guy with literally 6 months of decent training would fuck him up. It'd be a different story vs Usman or Colby because of their wrestling.