Social NY Post has obtained some juicy Hunter Biden emails

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Just make note of all these posts, because these guys are going to feel fucking retarded when Biden's camp doesn't debate the emails.

Is Hunter Biden running for president? If so, don't vote for him.

Still lurking for now, this thread chains gonna be good.

Lets say that Mike Pence has a son that is a lobbyist for a concentration camp for gays. This concentration camp for gays pays Mike Pence's son millions for access to Mike Pence. Then, one day, Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump get together and pass a bill that will send all gay people to concentration camps, and they will have Mike Pence personally drive the train. Mike Pence wasn't the one who made the was the Senate and Trump. But do you see how this is still a quid-pro-quo situation? Mike Pence's son is being paid for lobbying efforts at the same time Mike Pence is near to all the decision makers.

Your analogy has one fatal flaw..

Nobody would have to pay Mike Pence to drive a train full of gays to a concentration camp. He’d do that shit for free.
I hear there's a new set of emails where Hunter admits to fXXgering women against their will; tune into Tucker Tonight!
How did Facebook, Twitter and the rest of the left/Biden camp forget the...


This shit is blowing up everywhere!

Like I told another poster. It makes no difference at this point. Let it out in the public and it hurts Biden. Suppress it and it bolsters more support from the populists.
Rigged debates
Big tech censorship
Jo/Ho campaign have covid

Is it just me or is it all unraveling before our eyes
Rigged debates
Big tech censorship
Jo/Ho campaign have covid

Is it just me or is it all unraveling before our eyes

It will all be suppressed enough to where most people won't be able to find it unless they are specifically looking for it.
Sounds like the computer guy gave a lengthy interview. Anyone watch it?
this went from a rabbit hole to a damn wormhole real quick.

>son of one of the most powerful criminal mafiosos on the planet, dad one step away from running the most powerful military in human history, millions at your disposal
>lose it all because you didn't have 85 bucks to recover your fucking loli drive from the computer repair shop
>probably blew it all on crack
>be a fucking 12channer
Lol you'll get there eventually (you probably won't lol)

LOL, this moron thinks he found a "gotcha" because he figured out Hunter Biden wouldn't have created PDFs of his own emails proving his own misconduct.

I mean, holy derptastistic, Sherlock Nobody's-Holme, no shit.

Hopefully we'll get some clarity from the FBI soon because they seized the laptop.
Your analogy has one fatal flaw..

Nobody would have to pay Mike Pence to drive a train full of gays to a concentration camp. He’d do that shit for free.
Pence gets shit done!

Like I told another poster. It makes no difference at this point. Let it out in the public and it hurts Biden. Suppress it and it bolsters more support from the populists.

No one really cared about it, certainly on the left, but censoring a post from the white house website, and outright censoring this article, is bananas. I'm sure they're thinking about Hillary's emails, and the blowback from it.

They could have just let it play it out, and ignore it, instead of discussing it like they did with Hillary. Blocking it like this has only drawn untold attention to it. It's so fucking hypocritical and biased/corrupt. Nothing like evil stepping out into the light...
Kinda sounds like the law is so poorly written that twitter gets to play both sides of the fence.

The law itself seems pretty clear, but you get people deliberately misrepresenting it muddying the water. The whole point was to make companies that host platforms *not* be afraid of moderating. Good explainer here:

It's quite disturbing that the idea that the gov't should unconstitutionally step in to prevent criticism or force companies to host misinformation is so prevalent on the right. And it's Orwellian the way that's described as a *pro* free speech position. If the law was written the way hacks are saying it was, it would clearly be an attack on free speech.
Pence gets shit done!

No one really cared about it, certainly on the left, but censoring a post from the white house website, and outright censoring this article, is bananas. I'm sure they're thinking about Hillary's emails, and the blowback from it.

They could have just let it play it out, and ignore it, instead of discussing it like they did with Hillary. Blocking it like this has only drawn untold attention to it. It's so fucking hypocritical and biased/corrupt. Nothing like evil stepping out into the light...

I just went on the biggest left wing echo chamber in existence (r/politics) and I could not find one single post about what's going on. There are around 6 million members of that subreddit and not a fucking peep about probably the biggest issue in politics right now. That isn't bananas. That's fucking scary. I have never in my life seen so many heads lodged up so many asses at once. The left is truly insane.

At this point if anyone believes those polls than I have bridge to sell you.
I just went on the biggest left wing echo chamber in existence (r/politics) and I could not find one single post about what's going on. There are around 6 million members of that subreddit and not a fucking peep about probably the biggest issue in politics right now. That isn't bananas. That's fucking scary. I have never in my life seen so many heads lodged up so many asses at once. The left is truly insane.

At this point if anyone believes those polls than I have bridge to sell you.

Why would this be a major issue, much less bigger than the ongoing failure of the COVID response, the economic crisis, executive branch corruption, the climate crisis, etc.? "OMG! A presidential candidate's son probably used drugs and had sex!!! The left is crazy for not thinking that that's the biggest issue in the world!"
Why would this be a major issue, much less bigger than the ongoing failure of the COVID response, the economic crisis, executive branch corruption, the climate crisis, etc.?

Jesus Christ you're malfunctioning.

Use your head for just one second. I'm in no way lending any truth to what's going on pertaining to the whole Biden fiasco and I don't even care if his son smoked crack or any of that nonsense. Do you not see the issue with social media, news outlets and a collective of 6 million members of a political echo chamber all turning a blind eye to an allegation of corruption? Like that doesn't bother you not one bit?
Why would this be a major issue, much less bigger than the ongoing failure of the COVID response, the economic crisis, executive branch corruption, the climate crisis, etc.? "OMG! A presidential candidate's son probably used drugs and had sex!!! The left is crazy for not thinking that that's the biggest issue in the world!"

I laughed out loud at the 'climate crisis' being brought up in this thread.
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