Opinion Liberal santa sends young boy away in tears after refusing to gift him a nerf gun for Christmas

Yup. And they will be used if there's not access to anything safer. Constantly.. the amount of knuckle pain i got from fake sword fighting with sticks/ brooms was incredible... you don't often consider a hilt / guard as a child. Ahh fun times

Give 'em half an hour of WWE and wait for the destruction to start :D

I mean, if you have a problem with toy guns, you're probably gonna have to lock your kids away in a dark room until they have no choice but to be exposed to all the things you hid from them while you were meant to be preparing them.
Give 'em half an hour of WWE and wait for the destruction to start :D

I mean, if you have a problem with toy guns, you're probably gonna have to lock your kids away in a dark room until they have no choice but to be exposed to all the things you hid from them while you were meant to be preparing them.

Lol oh yeah wwe created chaos on the trampolines when we discovered that lol
It's not really a matter of physical risk to the kid, I'm not worried about a Nerf dart injuring them. I probably would be fine with toy swords and bows because they're not really associated with modern war or self defense, and it's the psychological effects of desensitizing kids to gun violence that I'm thinking about.

I'm not anti-gun and I wouldn't be opposed to getting them a real gun and taking them to shoot when they're older, my wife is a great shot I hear. I just don't want to glorify guns in my house, doesn't mean I'm against guns.

You're over analysing things mate, more people die in car accidents than by guns. Do toy cars desensitise cars and speeding and create pychological effects? Does wrestling with another kid desensitise violence? Do play sword/ knife fights desensitise and create psychological effects? And desensitise them to knife crime?

Your job is to teach them to understand the negatives of all of those things and help them learn from them. Not hide them from them imo.
You're over analysing things mate, more people die in car accidents than by guns. Do toy cars desensitise cars and speeding and create pychological effects? Does wrestling with another kid desensitise violence? Do play sword/ knife fights desensitise and create psychological effects? And desensitise them to knife crime?

Your job is to teach them to understand the negatives of all of those things and help them learn from them. Not hide them from them imo.
I find it weird you insist what toys I give my kids. You think it's going to ruin them if I don't give them toy guns?

As a wrestler I value competition and I pray my kids love the sport as much as I do. I would be happy to watch some New Japan with them too. My grandpa built one of the first motorcycle tracks in the country by hand to race way back in the day, if you want to race there are places to go to do it safely. Swords are a little different, I know that difference is nuanced but swords are only representative of a bygone time.

The way I see guns is that they're for hunting, war, and self defense. Pulling a trigger requires a lot less work than fighting hand to hand or even getting in close to stab a person, same reason I think drone warfare makes it easier for people to kill mentally. I don't want to mix signals up for my kids growing up when it comes to them. Those are all very serious things. It's not like I'm going to pretend guns don't exist, of course I'll talk to my kids about them when they ask or the time is right.
The way a lot of you are responding you would think Santa told the kid "fuck the 2nd amendment, and fuck you, kid".
He overstepped a bit, but he didnt go crazy on the kid. I dont see a problem with suggesting other gifts, but it would have come off better if he was more 'jolly' in his tone.
The easiest thing to do is just nod, Hohoho, and tell the kid 'sure', and then move on to the next. But I don't think a mall Santa has to just nod and agree with whatever the kid wants. Santa as a character is all about judging who has been good and bad, and there's plenty of room for some conversation when you're talking to a kid that has come to see you.
A Santa suggesting a little girl ask for something other than makeup for example would be completely fine, imo. "Oh, you are pretty the way you are little girl. Don't you want something you can get more use out of like _________?" I think something like that is completely fine so long as he isn't pushy with it.

The kid was honestly a little bitch though and teared up when he heard 'no'. If he hadnt cried, this wouldnt of been made into a big deal.
Brittle spirit.
I find it weird you insist what toys I give my kids. You think it's going to ruin them if I don't give them toy guns?

As a wrestler I value competition and I pray my kids love the sport as much as I do. I would be happy to watch some New Japan with them too. My grandpa built one of the first motorcycle tracks in the country by hand to race way back in the day, if you want to race there are places to go to do it safely. Swords are a little different, I know that difference is nuanced but swords are only representative of a bygone time.

The way I see guns is that they're for hunting, war, and self defense. Pulling a trigger requires a lot less work than fighting hand to hand or even getting in close to stab a person, same reason I think drone warfare makes it easier for people to kill mentally. I don't want to mix signals up for my kids growing up when it comes to them. Those are all very serious things. It's not like I'm going to pretend guns don't exist, of course I'll talk to my kids about them when they ask or the time is right.

Not insisting anything, but I do think your kids will be missing out on quite a few life lessons. But seeing how you mock crying children online i guess its kind of a moot point. All the best bud
I never got the things I wanted as a kid, but never cried like a little bitch about it.
In fact I would get smacked if I acted like that kid.
Yes I know it's a little kid, but he's also a little bitch, but I guess that would be his pampering parents fault.
To each their own, and I know your heart is in the right spot, but you sound like a huge pussy here. Do you really want to be that parent that shelters their kids from the the things that all of the other kids are allowed to do?

This reminds me of my friend who had hardcore Catholic parents that had the cable company take MTV off of their channel line up when we were growing up. Imo that style of sheltered helicopter parenting will do more damage than allowing a boy that knows the difference between right and wrong to play with Nerf guns.

The choices here are not "Shelter your child from the world" and "Fuck it, the world is a scary place and the kid just has to experience it for what it is". There's a lot of other options in between that.
I don't have kids yet, so don't have a concrete line on some of these sorts of issues, but his argument is valid and has nothing to do with being a pussy.

I think that one of the biggest problems in America with guns is the culture, and that too many people treat guns like toys. Having toy guns and letting kids watch movies and TV shows where people get mowed down doesn't exactly help fight that idea--especially when that is the only image being presented when it comes to guns and violence.
That has nothing to do with sheltering your kid, it's about handling mature content in a mature way. When my kid is exposed to guns, cussing, sex, etc., it's not going to be in this lazy "there's nothing i can do but let it happen" way.
And a lot more 'pussy liberals' would be comfortable about guns if there was a more responsible culture surrounding them.
A toy foam gun just seems like a garbage gift anyways that won't last more than 2 months.
Not insisting anything, but I do think your kids will be missing out on quite a few life lessons. But seeing how you mock crying children online i guess its kind of a moot point. All the best bud
I don't have a problem with crying, it's the reasons for crying that I might take issue with. Like if the kid was just shy and didn't know what to do, no worries. My nephew once started crying around that age during his birthday when the waiters put a sombrero on his head and started singing, it was hilarious and adorable. If he cried because he couldn't get exactly what he wanted in the way he wanted it, especially when he hadn't even thought about it before the question was asked, then nah, kid needs to suck it up.
I don't have a problem with crying, it's the reasons for crying that I might take issue with. Like if the kid was just shy and didn't know what to do, no worries. My nephew once started crying around that age during his birthday when the waiters put a sombrero on his head and started singing, it was hilarious and adorable. If he cried because he couldn't get exactly what he wanted in the way he wanted it, especially when he hadn't even thought about it before the question was asked, then nah, kid needs to suck it up.

Yeah I dunno . Never was told to believe in Santa myself but my automatic assumption was aren't kids told if you're good Santa will get you presents if you're a bad kid you get nothing?

So by that response he was a bad kid ? Thats how I looked at it.

No idea as I said , never did the whole Santa thing
Yeah I dunno . Never was told to believe in Santa myself but my automatic assumption was aren't kids told if you're good Santa will get you presents if you're a bad kid you get nothing?

So by that response he was a bad kid ? Thats how I looked at it.

No idea as I said , never did the whole Santa thing
You get coal if you're bad. But every kid knows there's limits, you don't see them asking Santa for falcons or 747's. Santa at my house was some candy and coloring books maybe, my parents could afford one good gift and they sure as hell weren't going to let a fictional fatass take the credit for it.

For us Santa was more about the experience, leaving cookies and milk out, hearing noises, finding deer shit. The works. That was more fun than any Nerf gun, except maybe the shit, that was a little excessive.
Santa is just a cheap obese American knock-off of the real Dutch Sinterklaas anyway. In the Netherlands you get presents on December 5th with Sinterklaas and then again from Santa the 24th.
Wtf you jabroni santa? Santa has been giving bb guns to kids for like 300 years. Fuck that dude.

But on the other hand letting your kids sit on a strange old man's lap in 2020 is sus.

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