Lets be honest here, how many of yous have over $1000 in your bank account?

If they paid me more, I'd prolly have to do work so if the alternative is being some stressed out cuck, I'd rather be poor
Lol @ stressed out Cuck for having to do more work. Sounds like the opposite.
What did you spend $1242 on in 6 days?
I actually have $121 left from all that. I was looking at something incorrectly.

Rent, power bill, water bill, car insurance, paid off 2 tvs for a total of $230, oil change, some beer, $50 worth of videos games (7 games though), some books for my son, some more toys for his birthday, groceries, gas, $70 worth of crypto and stocks, cell phone bill, and some fast food. And put the $100 I took out of savings back in.
But do you have $1k in your bank account? If you lost $50k in stock market and you didn't think to keep $1k liquid cash in your account, then I stand by my statement that you suck at money management.

If you have enough money you can handle a $50k loss, then that's good you man! Congrats as you are doing quite well.

Nah i lost it all. This year I lost it all cause I was trading just 1 or 2 mini futures contract on oil or the S&P but I was holding when they both had record crash days.That did me in.
Why does it matter how many of us have over $1K in our bank accounts? Worry about your own financial situation and you might find that it really doesn't matter how well(or not) others are doing.
First of the month came. I'd imagine things like rent, food etc.
I just posted what I spent it on. Lots of necessary spends like you mentioned but also some wasteful (or didn't need to) stuff.
People like TS just bitch and moan and expect the "government" to magically bail them out. When they are given actual solutions like "Get a job......make a budget....don't spend outside your means" they just complain even more b/c it's too much work and they want to buy everything they want, just necessarily what they need.

WTF Bruh, why you got to do me dirty like that? You know I am reading this?
who cares, stressing about money. Someone is always going to get it from you. My dad has a lot is almost 80 and wont spend it, work your ass off to die and give it to someone else, I dont get it. And yes I tell them all the time to spend it all, appearently Im the executor and if they dont have anything it will be an easy gig.
This. My 401k alone made 40% this past year. My other investments made way more.

I'm not saying you sound poor but when people without investentments suffer those with investments prosper..
Equity line would have helped with this.
Shit. I didn’t even think about that. Where were you back in March? I still had a fairly nice chunk I had been saving for a house down payment I was able to invest, but more would have been better.
I actually have $121 left from all that. I was looking at something incorrectly.

Rent, power bill, water bill, car insurance, paid off 2 tvs for a total of $230, oil change, some beer, $50 worth of videos games (7 games though), some books for my son, some more toys for his birthday, groceries, gas, $70 worth of crypto and stocks, cell phone bill, and some fast food. And put the $100 I took out of savings back in.

I don't care how you spend you money but if you are really curious about why you don't have any I've pointed some of the clear reasons why. Not saying you can't enjoy video games, beer, and fast food, but it's all a choice.

This isn't just for you, but anytime someone says they never have any money I challenge them to just write down everything they spend money on for a month. They'd be shocked at how much they waste in general. I've done the same for overweight people who claim they can't lose weight. Tell them to write down everything they eat for a month. they'll be shocked at how much they actually eat vs what they claim they eat. They always forget about the little snacks here and there, or the extra cheat meal, etc.