Former Miss Connecticut USA was high end hooker throughout marriage to rich surgeon- He is angry

I think that is too broad brush a statement - I can call myself a feminist, but recognize that there are issues with militant feminism and some aspects of third wave feminism. It's not a binary "us" vs. "them" and you are forced to pick a side.

As an example, I will fight tooth and nail to ensure that all girls have equal access to education and are afforded the same opportunities as boys (particularly in a developing world context). However, I am firmly against policies that try and ensure equality of outcome (gender based quotas) and largely agree with Prof. Peterson's critique of contemporary third wave feminism.

Calling yourself a feminist doesn't make you a soy boy, cuck, simp or whatever other terms people use these days. It means that I want equal opportunities for all people, irrespective of gender.

Agreed. The point at which I no longer find myself sympathetic with feminism is when they decided men could not be feminists. First and second wave are alright in my book.
She is also said to have lied about her education, claiming she had been a chemistry major at the University of Connecticut for three years.
For an Asian dude, that must've cut deep.

I have no sympathy for accomplished men (or people, but more often men) who seek to establish long term relationships with woman for purely physical/sexual reasons. These are often smart, capable and established people who are successful in all facets of their life... but they opt for a girl with a pretty face and big tits.

It's like these guys are trying to make up for the fact they were duds in highschool and want to prove that they can get the "pretty girl".

The doctor would have been way better off hiring this woman as an escort, instead of marrying her. For a man that is by all accounts extremely intelligent, he didn't question the numerous inconsistencies and unbelievable aspects of his wife's story. Did you not talk to her family about the inheritance? You can't tell the difference between a highschool drop out and a college chemistry major? Over the course of three years, you never questioned this app that is being funded by an unknown 3rd party?

Talk about being blinded by pussy.

That's exactly what it is, nail right on the head there.

'Duds' isn't the word I would use at all, but there's definitely a common thread with these type of guys in that they were clearly nerds who got no female attention from the hot chicks. There's definitely an air of wanting to prove that they've 'won it all' - they were not only more successful and richer than the jocks who used to bully them, they also got the hot chick in the end too.

It rarely turns out well. If ever.
No laughing at you for being a male feminist doesn't mean he's threatened by women, it means he (and most people) are laughing at any guy who classifies themselves as a feminist.

I see you are also threatened by women.

It's a pretty misleading headline.
She actually made 675k over 6-7 yrs.
So 100k/yr or 2k/wk.
If she's gone for days, 2k/wk is not a very high rate.
I'm thinking the higher end ones are charging 5-20k for a weekend

I doubt she did it every week.

lol this. Men calling themselves feminists are either simps or traitors to their own gender. Modern feminism is at war against men.

3rd wave feminism isn't the only kind of feminism. That is like saying Nickleback is the only kind of rock. Maybe one day you'll have a daughter and start viewing girls as being deserving as respect.
She's just trying to be financially independent and not fall into the stereotype of a gold digger

She didn't tell him about it at all, lived off his money and kept all the money she made for herself.

If she's living off his money, in his houses, in what way is that remotely independent?
As a feminist, I am loathe to use this word. But, she actually is.....literally, a whore. I feel bad for the dude, but at least he can claim she has her own income so doesn't need alimony.

Yeah but she'll take half of everything that he's ever earned instead.

What a complete piece of shit.
I think that is too broad brush a statement - I can call myself a feminist, but recognize that there are issues with militant feminism and some aspects of third wave feminism. It's not a binary "us" vs. "them" and you are forced to pick a side.

As an example, I will fight tooth and nail to ensure that all girls have equal access to education and are afforded the same opportunities as boys (particularly in a developing world context). However, I am firmly against policies that try and ensure equality of outcome (gender based quotas) and largely agree with Prof. Peterson's critique of contemporary third wave feminism.

Calling yourself a feminist doesn't make you a soy boy, cuck, simp or whatever other terms people use these days. It means that I want equal opportunities for all people, irrespective of gender.

Don't bother arguing with these incels. They have a pathelogical fear of women.

That's not feminism, that's fighting for the right thing. But sometimes, what seems right may end up resulting in a very counter-productive situation.

Actually, that is the dictionary definition of feminism. The belief males and females have equal access to resources and equal opportunity to succeed. And that their endeavours will carry equal respect. It was born out of a time when men would literally sell their daughters to other men to clear debts. A practice that still carries on in the 3rd world to this day.

But you hate and fear women, so you need to front up.
Agreed. The point at which I no longer find myself sympathetic with feminism is when they decided men could not be feminists. First and second wave are alright in my book.

3rd wave and 4th wave are, arguably, not even feminists. 3rd wave spend all their time tearing down other women, and 4th wave destroying the safe spaces (like shelters) that women have fought for centuries for.
People like flashy trophy woman, then dislike flashy problems
Don't bother arguing with these incels. They have a pathelogical fear of women.

Actually, that is the dictionary definition of feminism. The belief males and females have equal access to resources and equal opportunity to succeed. And that their endeavours will carry equal respect. It was born out of a time when men would literally sell their daughters to other men to clear debts. A practice that still carries on in the 3rd world to this day.

But you hate and fear women, so you need to front up.

Let me be clear. Men fucked up and still mess up big time, using their power for very bad things. Which is why we're in this situation. Treating every human right is the only way to go. But surrendering power to Women is another mistake imo (being ruled by emotions instead of logic is detrimental to any society). Don't worry though, I know that many males are betas and can't control their emotions neither.

Don't assume anything on my private life dude, I'm satisfied and my woman is under my control (meaning I have the final say on everything, unless I choose to let her choose on some stuff).

Because I'm a good guy and I love balance in everything, she doesn't have to suffer from anything.
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Let me be clear. Men fucked up and still mess up big time, using their power for very bad things. Which is why we're in this situation. Treating every human right is the only way to go. But surrendering power to Women is another mistake imo (being ruled by emotions instead of logic is detrimental to any society). Don't worry though, I know that many males are betas and can't control their emotions neither.

Don't assume anything on my private life dude, I'm satisfied and my woman is under my control (meaning I have the final say on everything, unless I choose to let her choose on some stuff).

Because I'm a good guy and I love balance in everything, she doesn't have to suffer from anything.

The fact that you use the term 'beta' to define other men, without any sense of irony, says everything I need to know about you.



Poor Doctor had jaw surgery to look more masculine.

At least he’s rich and can buy smoking hot chicks whenever he wants.

Kim, 41, had previously claimed in a 264-page document filed in the Manhattan Supreme Court that his 32-year-old wife had duped him into the union saying she had hidden her “secret life as a prostitute for weathy men” from him.

Watch him STILL get fucked in divorce court, LOL.

By the way, the link in the OP doesn't work for me. Here's a direct link:
Theres a few bitter men in here, I'm sorry for the doc but he should just go for girls similar to his own race, I don't want to come off as racist but a lot of white girls will just take advantage of him and destroy his trust and continue to cheat on him. He deserves better for helping people out, that being said for the feminists out there dw, girls be making good money now due to only fans and cam websites, so get the butt plug outta your rear end for once and relax.