I hate the girls that I meet in my 30’s

Just a bit of a vent.

When I was in my 20’s all the girls I met were attractive and hot and fun and had pretty good attitudes and just wanted to have fun.

Girls I meet in my 30’s just suck.

They’re older, they weigh more, and they somehow, SOMEHOW expect more when they are LESS attractive than they used to be and have a higher bodycount.

I wish someone had told me when I was in my 20’s that women will suck when I’m older.

I would have just gotten married to one of them or something. But then I just would have ended up divorced which would be worse.

I’m 32 and my kids mom is 29 and she looks like she’s 40 now and I look way younger. She looks like she got beaten with an ugly stick.

End Rant.
Older women are awesome. I’m 31 and I bang lots of 40+ and 50+ YO’s. Everyones beautiful bro if you can’t see that in people then you’re prolly jus fucking ugly yourself .
I’ve been saying this forever! My friend is 25, his girl is 21. She’s complete wife material. She’s perfect for him. All of us (his friends) like her, which isn’t by any means a given with your friends girl. She is a solid person, good looking, sense of humor, smart, etc.

He wants to marry her, and people constantly say “fuck man you’re only 25, you don’t know what you like yet, just play the field and then decide”.

yeah... I’m sure the first round draft picks will still be around when he’s done at 31 cause that’s how that works lmao.

I’m only 28, and the girls still unhitched from highschool and college that I know are pretty fucked up. Just as you said, either fat or have been married, or just fucked black and blue and are crazy.
Early 30s suck. You're kind of between chapters in your life. Late 30s things kinda even out.
Just a bit of a vent.

When I was in my 20’s all the girls I met were attractive and hot and fun and had pretty good attitudes and just wanted to have fun.

Girls I meet in my 30’s just suck.

They’re older, they weigh more, and they somehow, SOMEHOW expect more when they are LESS attractive than they used to be and have a higher bodycount.

I wish someone had told me when I was in my 20’s that women will suck when I’m older.

I would have just gotten married to one of them or something. But then I just would have ended up divorced which would be worse.

I’m 32 and my kids mom is 29 and she looks like she’s 40 now and I look way younger. She looks like she got beaten with an ugly stick.

End Rant.

Dating in my 30s is/was the most fun I have ever had. While yes, both men and woman tend to have more baggage as they get older, older woman know what they want, are less prone to playing games and have actual life experience (that tends to ground them and establish more realistic expectations of what a partner and relationship should be).

If your into just hooking up, I also find that older woman don't have as many hang ups about casual sex. When I used to travel extensively for work, I would make it a point of going out to meet people instead of hiding in the hotel room. At the risk of being crass, it was like shooting fish in a barrel - the divorced/single mom demographic can be pretty wild (in a good way) and actually preferred to keep things casual. With that being said, maybe my standards are lower than yours :)
Getting older is the shits. The girls get uglier and your body starts fallin apart, and all your friends turn into assholes or have families and don't want to hang out anymore.

Yeah but you do have more money to pay for cool holidays/cars/houses and it's easier to attract younger, hotter chicks so...
Yeah but you do have more money to pay for cool holidays/cars/houses and it's easier to attract younger, hotter chicks so...
I do have more money than in my twenties, I just still suck socially. Apparently no matter how much I try to improve, this is how it's gonna be.
I do have more money than in my twenties, I just still suck socially. Apparently no matter how much I try to improve, this is how it's gonna be.

Sounds like you just need to practice more. Get some female friends, they really aren't that scary.

Try taking up things like wine tasting, yoga or dance classes. You'll meet lots of women there.

Personally I'd go to wine appreciation courses and wine tastings as even if you don't meet anyone... tasty wines!!!
Probably the most pointless post I've read.

BTW..women in their 30's are hot, sexual, and I'm totally attracted to them.

For all you women, don't listen to dudes like this
Just a bit of a vent.

When I was in my 20’s all the girls I met were attractive and hot and fun and had pretty good attitudes and just wanted to have fun.

Girls I meet in my 30’s just suck.

They’re older, they weigh more, and they somehow, SOMEHOW expect more when they are LESS attractive than they used to be and have a higher bodycount.

I wish someone had told me when I was in my 20’s that women will suck when I’m older.

I would have just gotten married to one of them or something. But then I just would have ended up divorced which would be worse.

I’m 32 and my kids mom is 29 and she looks like she’s 40 now and I look way younger. She looks like she got beaten with an ugly stick.

End Rant.

What happened to the hot red headed Tammy though?
Well, show up late at the buffet have consequences

Grab food soon when is still hot, then if you want some variety of menu just eat some more outside home
This. Should be settled down by 30. Otherwise you are left with the rejects and the fries that sat too long and got burned.
just keep banging girls in their 20s. problem solved.
Isn't it obvious that most of the good quality women are taken by the time they are in their 30's. Same goes for men. If someone is single in their 30's and they don't want to be, they are probably a low quality, undesirable person.
In accord with this;
Cheddar & Charm; Wealth & Wit only help attract the fairer sex.


Let’s see pics playboy.
You'll just have to use your imagination sweetcheeks. I flaunt my wealth on here, not this handsome face. Here's some fap material though. Swarthy. 6ft. 6'8 wingspan(mostly shoulder, not arm). Did not skip leg day. High cheekbones. Large dark deep set eyes. Full lips. Very defined jaw. Dimples. Face looks slightly younger than age. Medium length curly dark black hair. Handful of scattered greys. Usually wear a goatee and a serious expression.
You'll just have to use your imagination sweetcheeks. I flaunt my wealth on here, not this handsome face. Here's some fap material though. Swarthy. 6ft. 6'8 wingspan(mostly shoulder, not arm). Did not skip leg day. High cheekbones. Large dark deep set eyes. Full lips. Very defined jaw. Dimples. Face looks slightly younger than age. Medium length curly dark black hair. Handful of scattered greys. Usually wear a goatee and a serious expression.

I came.

Nice that you turned out rich and handsome.

I'm admittedly just above average financially wise and average looking at best as well.

I have a pretty positive attitude though and I'm really close to my family and my kid and I have 1 or 2 great friends too.

I'm pretty happy but of course things could be better.
Honestly 30s is not particularly old as long as you take care of yourself and have your life in order. You should have no problem pulling women in their 20s … and honestly most people suck at guessing age anyway.
Nice that you turned out rich and handsome.

I'm admittedly just above average financially wise and average looking at best as well.

I have a pretty positive attitude though and I'm really close to my family and my kid and I have 1 or 2 great friends too.

I'm pretty happy but of course things could be better.
It's quite honestly a mixed bag. I incur a lot of resentment if I stick around any one place too long. People staring at you all the time gets old. Sometimes you just want to have a cigarette without passerby or cars slowing down to gawk at you. Or sit on a park bench and try not to break down in peace because life is going to shit but nah. Girls will be insensitive to the fact that you really do have a girlfriend and are just there for a drink. You'll be thrust into awkward situations frequently if you're not careful. Jealous dudes will want to fight you. Mean people will assume you have a perfect life(I mean jawline and dimples dude) so it's acceptable to be cruel to you for no reason. Girlfriends and signifcant others will often be insecure and find it difficult to trust you. Early on you try to bear it in good faith but you become resentful after awhile and then jaded.

I went to a bar last night to read my book and drink Belgian beer but a redhead that was covered in tattoos wouldn't leave me alone. Then she cried when I tried to go home alone. Drove home and been on my porch listening to my favorite podcast and smoking my bong with my girl dog. Been snapping one of my exes here and there she said she took an ambien and that she misses my dick but not how careless I am with her feelings. Or the cruel things I say when I'm frustrated with life.

Real shit.

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