Media Kayla Harrison: “Izzy couldn’t stop my takedowns”

LooL, delusional fighters would often just assume everyone goes all out in training when in reality some people would just go 50%, then they would brag about how well they did

Not to mention what male fighter would go 100% against a woman in training
This is false. A lot of fighters go 100% in training, sparring, or rolling. You never know until they turn it up, and some just go 100% from the start. You know what percentage they are sparring/rolling at. If someone was going 50% you would know they were going 50%. People that know the difference in intensity can tell easily, plus how much energy they are exerting is the biggest tell. You drain energy/cardio/conditioning fast when going 100% so you'll hear them breathing heavily, start to get winded, and start slowing down during the round.

Stuff like this usually happens when people train/spar/roll with someone new. You never know how hard they'll go until the sparring sessions start. A lot go hard because they don't want to lose rounds to someone they don't know. It's common thing. Happens more in boxing, boxing sparring is more like full on fights with head gear. Boxing sparring culture is way different, they treat sparring sessions like fights.
This is false. A lot of fighters go 100% in training, sparring or rolling. You never know until they turn it up, and some just go 100% from the start. You know what percentage they are sparring/rolling at. If someone was going 50% you would know they were going 50%. People that know the difference in intensity can tell easily, plus how much energy they are exerting is the biggest tell. You drain energy/cardio/conditioning fast when going 100% so you'll hear them breathing heavily, start to get winded, and start slowing down during the round.
Anthony Bourdain said Joe Rogan goes 100% in training, and that he'd never roll with that guy.
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yeah. i'm sure every male in a gym can stop her takedowns, but if they do, she'll call them a sexists and sue.
Anthony Bourdain said Joe Rogan goes 100% in training, and that he'd never roll with that guy.
Some just roll like that so it's understandable. I also don't mind as much since I learn more from those type of rolling sessions. Feels more real to me than the light rolls. Just catches me off guard if it's someone I don't know rolls like that. I like to start slow and match the intensity so I don't look like an asshole and just go hard from the start. Some do though and that's when I'll turn it up. Same happens in sparring. Some just throw super hard out of nowhere and the light sparring goes out the window after that.

Fighters have a lot of ego and no one likes losing rounds so you end up with some rough sparring/rolling sessions most of the time.
Anthony Bourdain said Joe Rogan goes 100% in training, and that he'd never roll with that guy.
People that go 100% are usually hyper competitive and enjoy winning. Nothing wrong with that and there is a place for it in camp as you ramp up for a fight but you aren't going to learn jack shit that way. A lot of people much smarter than myself say it's best to learn in play and play is low intensity. Going 100% vs someone you know only wants to go at like 25% just makes you an asshole and you deserve whatever injury you get as a result.
Cain is next on the right day and under certain circumstances. Right? Lol
She might be speaking the truth just because it sounds like Izzy would enjoy being taken down (and held down) by her.

Kayla trying to be Ronda version 2.0 but would just look like Ronda vs moose again.
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