International Russia vs. Ukraine Combat Megathread vol.3

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That I agree with, their Neo feudalist system does nothing to stimulate growth, just keeps a few fat and rich, but that is not good for a growth for the entire country.
lol yes it is
There are 1 billion people in China
Russia is not desperate at all, they've been very precise in their shelling, it's just getting into more residential areas that will require more infrastructure resources to repair in the future.

Wonder who's gonna foot that bill?
depends who you ask. It is either a false flag from the NWO and globalists to give reason for NATO expansion, which is a stepping stone to a one world government.

Or Putin has dementia worse than Biden and is intentionally getting his ass handed to him by civilians with wooden guns.

There are no other narratives to choose from.
the only one going on about NWO false flag shit is you
can you just go back to where you repeatedly banged on about the election being stolen?
Not that simple, I think.

Soviet Union was really a silly place economically, so catching up to Italy etc. will actually take some smart leadership I think.

And it's impossible, since place is steered by bunch of steppe magnates who are interested in having preserving their absurd wealth.
wait, I thought this was Communism? what happened to redisturbitng the wealth and siezing the means of production?!
In the DPR, today, captured military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were taken to the Alley of Angels - a memorial erected in memory of 91 children who died in 8 years in the territory of Donbass.

Then and Now

Google Translate:
Odessa 80 years ago and today.
wait, I thought this was Communism? what happened to redisturbitng the wealth and siezing the means of production?!

It's being redistributed, mostly to the few thousand people at the top of the ladder.
Wonder who's gonna foot that bill?
American taxpayers probably.

I know it comes off like I'm anti-Ukraine or Zelensky, but that's why it's so funny to me he keeps doing the "I'm here all alone with nothing I NEED AMMO" routine. He has received

And will continue to in the rebuild. This honestly couldn't have gone better from a funding standpoint for him. Few deaths, major aesthetic destruction, worlds eyes are on it.

Ukrainian Ambassador to the UN General Assembly:

"If he (Putin) wants to commit suicide, he does not need to use a nuclear arsenal. He must follow the example of that dude in the Berlin bunker in May 1945, "said Sergei Kislitsa.
Russia wants a fair fight


Preferring a brutal authoritarian dictator who is currently threatening the end of the world over a liberal politician who you think is incompetent is utter insanity. I shouldn't have to tell you why that is.

Hitler was competent. That doesn't make him the better choice over another non-genocidal politician. The idea of Putin being a competent leader is ridiculous in itself given Russia's failing economy and this disastrous attempt to invade Ukraine.
Canada doesn't have nukes, or a military he could threaten anybody with if he wanted, and has to work within an existing system. It's Canada's system that is better, not the guy running it, who would certainly much prefer a dictatorial system and has said as much.

He's certainly willing to suspend people's rights to crush his own citizens protesting, freeze their bank accounts and steal their money, call them nazis, ask "should we tolerate them", and express his admiration for China's dictatorship instead of that pesky democracy that is already pretty flimsy considering he's prime minster with less than 1/3 of the vote.

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