I didn't care if either Adesanya or Poatan won, but that was an early stoppage.

I hate standing tkos, this is mma not boxing. He was actually moving his head, guys can dive for legs and crotch sniff when they are hurt like that.
In slow-mo Izzy basically looked out on his feet.
I’m happy Izzy lost, not a fan at all. But he was still moving his head and I think in a 5th round of a title fight you have to give a long standing champion an extra second. I think a lot of people are probably dismissing it because they don’t like Adesanya. I think this place would have gone up in flames if that happened to a fan favorite like Oliveira.
I agree, and I picked and wanted Pereira to win. He was ducking and weaving, albeit sloppily since he was wobbled. But he was intelligently defending himself. We've seen far crazier comebacks.
Intelligently defending when? When he was knocked out on his feet and dropped his hands lol
Early stoppage was last week in Lemos-Rodriguez fight. In this one it was a perfect stoppage.
He was still defending on his feet, moving his head and trying to evade/survive. I feel like especially in championship fights where the stakes are so unimaginably high, that it needs to be definitive for you to step in as a ref. Yes, could this cause the fighters more harm? Of course, but if you ask them what they prefer, they will all tell you that they'd rather go out than have the opportunity to recover taken from them.

Having said that, Poatan is a heckin scary dude and am excited to watch him defend and KO some more dudes. Good fight.
Real quick, what is "heckin scary"?
Izzy himself didn't protest, that says all you need to know.

Having Poatan teeing off on him like a heavy bag is not good for anyone. Ref stopped it at exactly the right time.
He protested right away, if he was out on his feet he wouldnt have known where he was. He was dodging those shots. Maybe he wouldve eventually been finished, but thats a bad stoppage.
He was knocked out on his feet and dropped his hands. One more punch and he would’ve been stiff. Plenty of fighters protest while still out of it
Izzy was on queer street
Moving his head trying to dodge shots? He was literally staring at the floor with his head still lmao. Wtf do you think was going to happen if it were to keep going for 1 more second?

People are seeing things that wasn’t happening, and its so funny
Izzy was probably looking at his toenails deciding what color to paint them after he wakes up.
I'm sorry, would you rather have seen a completely unconscious Izzy?
Early definitely, but not like a travesty of a stoppage. I hate when refs decide in their mind 'ok one more punch then ill stop it' and the guy whiffs 3 in a row, then lands one that doesn't change the situation at all, then jumps in. Like Izzy wasn't any worse off than he was 5 seconds ago, if you're letting it continue then let it continue.
Maybe a touch early but he was pretty screwed. Personally, I thought it was a frustrating fight to watch knowing that Alex needed to throw something serious but didn’t come until the last round. I didn’t like the safety-grappling but it’s MMA so no right to complain. In the end, it was a very satiating win and uncharacteristically pounded my leg a few times rejoicing.
Izzy wasn't doing anything. Every shot was landing clean. He wasn't just wobbled. One or two more he would've gone out. At that point the fight was clearly done
Think what a knee to the face would to do a guy already half out on his feet, that was cooming next. Could have even been stopped a few seconds earlier with no issues.