Crime 10 dead in mass shooting in Buffalo

Nothing, hopefully he's here. @MicroBrew @luckyshot
I was just saying I wish we could have more people like them, instead of Homer.
Was very busy with college; lots of assingments needed to be done before semester end. I did occassionally glance at the forum but didn't log in, cause that would make me want to comment and then I would spend too much time here.
I'm not sure I can be any clearer: That pig reduces child rape to a "conservative talking point." He's a religious bigot and a racist who cynically uses racial histrionics to assert his politics.

There was a brutal rape. Conservative media used that as an attack on the trans community, which I proved was not the case. Somehow in some twisted minds my pointing out that conservative media was exploiting a brutal rape to push a transphobic agenda makes me a child rape apologist. That's how you Neanderthals roll.

I also repeatedly pointed out the recent case in Virginia where a girl was suspended for reporting her own rape, after the rapist had been apprehended and confessed, because the school didn't want it on their record. I was repeatedly ignored because you guys really don't care about rape or kids, you just really hate gay and trans people.
There was a brutal rape. Conservative media used that as an attack on the trans community, which I proved was not the case. Somehow in some twisted minds my pointing out that conservative media was exploiting a brutal rape to push a transphobic agenda makes me a child rape apologist. That's how you Neanderthals roll.

I also repeatedly pointed out the recent case in Virginia where a girl was suspended for reporting her own rape, after the rapist had been apprehended and confessed, because the school didn't want it on their record. I was repeatedly ignored because you guys really don't care about rape or kids, you just really hate gay and trans people.

Pig exploit the travails of black people all the time on here with your tear streaked force-teaming. You're not exactly slick about it either, which narrows the root cause to the "crazy or retarded" binary: "Is this the malice inherent in his pathology, or is this the true pathology of malice?"

And Vampire If you're going to save face, don't save face like a can: I literally had to remind you about the human element that gets ignored when a person's default setting is to tribalize such an heinous act. It not only diminishes the act but your credibility as a person who is suppose to denounce it.

But you seemed happy to ignore that element because with you there can only be a left-right paradigm. This makes you the most toxic hypocritical type of advocate because anything you advocate for is immediately overwritten by your tribal druthers. But these groups didn't survive the struggles you self-righteously exploit by being blinkered by this paradigm which by your vivid example domesticates frightened.

Neanderthals....again with the tear streaked force-teaming: I'm West African, you Devil. And me being so makes me one of the few in this world that doesn't have any Neanderthal DNA. Never again in your life try to school me on my genetics when you whole white-savior-complex is made out Canadian Tire Parts.

Instead how we play some basketball? You provide explicit proof to your accusation that "I hate gay or trans people...and I mean proof other than the fact that I disagree with you and that you're a fast-twitch Secular Takferi because I'm telling you right now I'm gonna Mutumbo the fuck out of anything else you shit out of your face-pucker.

If you win, you're awarded with escape velocity from your sissydom and can go pick your ticks in peace.

But if you can't you get one these cool Social Distance Warrior throwback jersey's they award to people who speak what amounts to a (cherrypicked) blood libel in your shitty little replacement religion.
This little shitbag of a human being is gonna have a grand old time in prison. He killed those people for no other reason then they were black and he live-streamed it too. Glad those families will have their day in court after everything they've been through.
Payton Gendron to plead guilty in Buffalo grocery store massacre: report
A white teenager accused of killing 10 people in a hate-fueled Buffalo supermarket massacre will reportedly plead guilty to state charges.

Payton Gendron, 19, is expected to admit to gunning down 10 shoppers at a Tops Friendly Market on May 14 in a crazed plan to take out as many black people as possible, the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle reported.

Gendron — who espoused white supremacist views in the dark corners of the internet before the shooting — is facing life behind bars with no parole on the state charges, but has also been slapped with federal charges that could call for his death if convicted.

The accused mass killer is set to appear for the plea on state charges in Erie County Court at 2 p.m. Monday, the Democrat & Chronicle said.

The Post has reached out to lawyers for Gendron, who was 18 at the time of the massacre.

The court appearance may be affected by a massive storm expected to drop as much as 6 feet of snow in western New York.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown was asked about Gendron’s plea at a news conference discussing storm preparations.

“It is going to be difficult for the families,” he told reporters. “It will open up that wound again, but I think it’s good that this individual is pleading guilty.”

Gov. Kathy Hochul, on hand for the conference, said the victims’ families “need justice.”

“Those families deserve justice. The pain is still raw,” she said, adding she marked the six-month anniversary on a recent visit to the city.

“It’s gonna be hard for the families as the court proceedings continue and they have to relive the horror they went through because of the loss of their loved one,” Hochul added. “But the system needs to work and those families deserve justice.”

Gendron is accused of livestreaming the attack with a Bushmaster XM rifle that was marked by race-fueled venom like “Here’s your reparations.” He allegedly targeted black shoppers and workers in the store, wounding three in addition to those he killed.

Gendron pleaded not guilty to the state charges of domestic terrorism, murder and attempted murder as a hate crime. In July, he pleaded not guilty to a 27-count federal hate crime indictment.
How and why are these people always captured alive after killing freaking 10 People ?

10 People.
Because once they meet armed resistance, they put the guns down and crawl like pussies. They're only big and bad against soft targets.

The ironic thing is it seems like those guys and the few confused fans they have are always big on them being bullied before but there's probably not a more cowardly way of bullying someone (and ofc much more than that) than shooting unarmed people just minding their business with an rifle. That's some real weak shit.
The ironic thing is it seems like those guys and the few confused fans they have are always big on them being bullied before but there's probably not a more cowardly way of bullying someone (and ofc much more than that) than shooting unarmed people just minding their business with an rifle. That's some real weak shit.
To be fair I think this dude shot a security guard who was shooting at him but still. A few cops show up with shotties and rifles and the perps piss their pants. The suicide meta seems to have faded with mass shooters.
How and why are these people always captured alive after killing freaking 10 People ?

10 People.

The police should start arresting white mass shooters with the same excitement they do black guys who "smell like weed".

Maybe the mass shooting would go down a little.
Back in the day these pieces of shit used to kill themselves after. Wonder if all this livestreaming culture makes them want to be alive to see the fallout.

He should've eaten the rifle and pulled the trigger.
Back in the day these pieces of shit used to kill themselves after. Wonder if all this livestreaming culture makes them want to be alive to see the fallout.

And yes I think he wants to watch it like he's some kind of hero.
True POS.
Back in the day these pieces of shit used to kill themselves after. Wonder if all this livestreaming culture makes them want to be alive to see the fallout.

Back in the day? You mean the late 90's?
The police should start arresting white mass shooters with the same excitement they do black guys who "smell like weed".

Maybe the mass shooting would go down a little.
Majority of mass shooting suspects are black though.
How and why are these people always captured alive after killing freaking 10 People ?

10 People.

That's not true. A lot of them get blasted, or kill themselves when the walls start closing in. Just recently, the Uvalde shooter ended up worm food.
How and why are these people always captured alive after killing freaking 10 People ?

10 People.

The security guard who was at the store that day actually shot him. Unfortunately the maniac was all armored up, & the guard's gun didn't penetrate. Probably a 9mm.

And of course, the guard (a retired police officer) turned out to be a tragic loss of an interesting life worth far more than the nutbag's, same as all the other victims I'm sure, which pretty much goes without saying.

To be fair I think this dude shot a security guard who was shooting at him but still. A few cops show up with shotties and rifles and the perps piss their pants. The suicide meta seems to have faded with mass shooters.

That guard, Aaron Salter, managed to hit the shooter with one of the bullets he fired but it was stopped by a bullet proof vest. That guard had no vest and was severely outgunned. The shooter wouldn't have had that advantage over police officers which is why he dropped his rifle like a pussy as soon as they showed up.
The security guard who was at the store that day actually shot him. Unfortunately the maniac was all armored up, & the guard's gun didn't penetrate. Probably a 9mm.

And of course, the guard (a retired police officer) turned out to be a tragic loss of an interesting life worth far more than the nutbag's, same as all the other victims I'm sure, which pretty much goes without saying.

The guard was the target. The poor other people were just part of the cover up.
That guard, Aaron Salter, managed to hit the shooter with one of the bullets he fired but it was stopped by a bullet proof vest. That guard had no vest and was severely outgunned. The shooter wouldn't have had that advantage over police officers which is why he dropped his rifle like a pussy as soon as they showed up.
It's because he was wearing plates, not the vest itself.
To be fair I think this dude shot a security guard who was shooting at him but still. A few cops show up with shotties and rifles and the perps piss their pants. The suicide meta seems to have faded with mass shooters.

Yeah I was thinking mass shooters in general.