Bruce Buffer

All these folks on Buffer's nuts...
Really?! He's an announcer. Almost anyone could do his job with some practice.

I prefer Dom Lau, myself. Better dressed.
No they couldnt. Even today some mma promotions have SHIT announcers.
You know always heard Michael buffer was over rated but good God,bruce has the worst douche sounding voice...ufcs production has always been cheesy as fuck and Bruce fit right in with that...cheesy and cringe inducing Love Michael buffer for boxing but Bruce always sounds like he tried way to hard
25 fucking years or so and morons disrespect 'em.....

He's probably been doing it longer than most of you fucks have been alive or were still in yer dads balls lol.....

People that hate on Rogan and Buffer, I don't get it.... but to each their own, aint no one making you watch his intro anyways. Take a piss have a smoke and miss the intro, no one cares. His over the top spins and turns and fist bumps from fighters over the years make history compared to some shit post on an internet forum ;) -- fuckin dude gets into it, and the crowd responds... what do you not get about it? Fuckin dude could announce my funeral and probably make it a thing to behold.
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It is pretty annoying that he still bangs 18 year Olds. Oh well money talks
Yes, it is just you and other losers that are so threatened by someone successful you fantasize about disgustingly violent things happening to them. Seek help.

Bruce Buffer is the absolute best at his job. His tone and actions increase as the event progresses in importance for each fight raising the excitement level of the crowd to match the desired intensity level even when you have been bored to death from a previous WMMA decision before a big main event fight, Bruce wakes you up to get excited to see what you paid for.

I recall a recent epic Bruce move where he did his turn toward a fighter he was announcing and the fighter made an aggressive move at Bruce and Bruce didn't even flinch standing his ground starring him down with scary intensity. This is cage fighting, take your toxic masculinity BS elsewhere.
There's moments in life when you are a caricature of yourself. It's become chronic with him, I think. But as far as I know, he does his job, doesn't meddle in those mma-related shitshows on social networks, and seems quite inconspicuous outside of the events. So he doesn't really bother me.

(Regarding the social networks, I wouldn't know firsthand, but I'm just guessing because people rarely talk about him on sherdog)
The crowd loves him,and he's giving them what they came to see. Im glad he's an egomaniac. You have to be to do what he does. Tremendous.
For sure - in order to get up in front of thousands of people and announce/lecture/sing, you have to have tremendous belief in yourself, which can and often does spill over into being an arrogant @$$hole.

I have witnessed it firsthand from years of playing in bands - a great number of vocalists I played with have what is known as "LSD" ("lead singer disease").

Problem is, when the arrogance outpaces the talent, it becomes unbearable. In Buffer's case, him always being turned up to 11 ("these amps go to 11") gets tired quick, and the egomania just adds to my dislike of him.

Not trying to be a hipster, but I always liked Joe Martinez ever since the WEC days. He pronounces names correctly, has cute catchphrases like "Somebody's O Must Go", and turns the volume reasonably up and down. Just my opinion, cheers ;)
Not gonna lie. I was pretty impressed when I heard about him holding his own against a pro MMA fighter in an elevator.
Title your thread something else then instead of "Bruce Buffer",

Like: "Bruce Buffer is annoying for loving his job, gonna hate on him because I am a loser" <45><Lmaoo>
Look, your still responding to a thread you didn't like in the first place. I'm the loser?:eek:
Bruce Buffer is the worst announcer in sports history.

That fake enthusiasm coupled with his annoying voice is the worst.
Nothing wrong with being passionate about what he does, kinda like how op is passionate about making this bad thread and defending it. Respect.
Is there anyone else out there, that can't stand this guy anymore? He is so over the top now, he's become clown-like to me and a little embarrassing. He turns so red yelling into the mike, that it looks like his head might explode! I wish it would. Is it just me?
dude is annoying af, and listening to him on podcasts a few years ago, the level of delusion and grandeur this guy has about himself. i appreciate the enthusiasm he brings to announcing for sure. but outside of that, not a big fan.
They need to make him stay in the centre of the cage rather than trying to get into frame when the camera is focusing on the fighter.