Social Lauren Boebert theater pocket pool and transexual discussion

I've been on Sherdog a very long time and I've been a consistent pacifist the entire time. I have never supported any kind of violence.

If I say it was a joke because I was thinking the thought of them kickboxing their way out of there was funny, that's what it was.

That's not how it works. You don't get to be your own character witness.
No ass either, insanely fake amount of make up and hair.
And literally looks like shes in her late 40s, not 36.
Its just that in terms of politics, shes better than the 70 year old fat women running around

Dude, she's a politician. You hit the nail on the head, you have to use a completely different scale. First off, the power is an aphrodisiac. Outside of that fine piece of crazy ass Marjorie Taylor Green who no doubt fucks like a crazy banshee of a woman who knows how to fuck; and that horse-mouthed hottie AOC, it's pretty slim pickings sad to say.

I mean what's next in the pecking order? Crypt-keeper Pelosi? Who wants to see fake tits nailed to an octogenarian unless you have a bizarre fetish that requires counselling. It sure as fuck ain't Hillary Rod-ham Clinton, the only time she's opened her mouth wide in the past 50 years was to express fake surprise at a balloon drop. No wonder slick willie clinton fell to the charms of that intern who loved licking the lollipop.
The fact that the typical conspiracy idiots here don't understand or are questioning
-Why ALL buisness owners want & use security & surveillance cameras
-Why a manger would pull the tape for a national news high profile incident involving a celebrity
Legit proves that they are unemployed bums or have 0 real world career experience. You have never managed or ran a business in your life. You don't even understand how a business works.

They literally have those cameras to protect themselves, their patrons, & their staff from dishonest conspiratorial nuts like Hoebert & the Shertards.

Preach brother, another big ass thread where I'm disappointed in both my brothers and sisters on the left and the right. I'm so dismayed that outside of this little critique below, all I could offer was very bad substance induced comic relief

My pals on the left making cute but ultimately misleading false equivalences between this event and drag shows to try to prove this Boebert a massive hypocrite. Very cunning but flawed.

My pals on the right coming up with typical illogical paranoid lunacy of persecution and struggles dealing with basic reality. Get a grip if you want to be taken serious.


I do wish that theatre company though had a special "owners camera" in that ladies shithouse for a little bra and panties vaping action from ms. boebert.
There's already a number of trans threads.

Some how a thread about two hetros rubbing turned into a trans thread.

Be honest, how many of you get hard whilst botching about tranny cock. It'd legit the only explanation I can think of

I wouldn't put it past this place to turn a thread about Jennifer lopez nudes into a tranny thread
There's already a number of trans threads.

Some how a thread about two hetros rubbing turned into a trans thread.

Be honest, how many of you get hard whilst botching about tranny cock. It'd legit the only explanation I can think of

I wouldn't put it past this place to turn a thread about Jennifer lopez nudes into a tranny thread

it always devolves into trans because

a. it's the biggest medical scandal in recent history that needs immediate attention
b. when arguing, people like attack their opponent's weak spots and in the trans debate the left has no leg to stand on, especially in a thread where they're supposedly outraged about two adults consensually touching other in a dark theater

...which shows that the left is morally bankrupt if they're all in on trans surgery for children and half naked drag shows but outraged about two adults petting in a theater.

i see this thread about a trashy GOP skank being more of a loss for the left than the right.
it always devolves into trans because

a. it's the biggest medical scandal in recent history that needs immediate attention
b. when arguing, people like attack their opponent's weak spots and in the trans debate the left has no leg to stand on, especially in a thread where they're supposedly outraged about two adults consensually touching other in a dark theater

...which shows that the left is morally bankrupt if they're all in on trans surgery for children and half naked drag shows but outraged about two adults petting in a theater.

i see this thread about a trashy GOP skank being more of a loss for the left than the right.

I just don't understand the leaps in logic.

And come on. You know I'm leftie. I'm the one saying all this gender war culture war stuff is dumb and absurd.

I'm honestly annoyed cause i thought thus whole event would spawn a million hilarious memes.
Preach brother, another big ass thread where I'm disappointed in both my brothers and sisters on the left and the right. I'm so dismayed that outside of this little critique below, all I could offer was very bad substance induced comic relief

My pals on the left making cute but ultimately misleading false equivalences between this event and drag shows to try to prove this Boebert a massive hypocrite. Very cunning but flawed.

My pals on the right coming up with typical illogical paranoid lunacy of persecution and struggles dealing with basic reality. Get a grip if you want to be taken serious.


I do wish that theatre company though had a special "owners camera" in that ladies shithouse for a little bra and panties vaping action from ms. boebert.
I don't think most of the drag show critiques from the left have to do with this skank liking Beetlejuice. Or that a Beetlejuice theater production is the same as a drag show. I think a majority of the drag show hypocrisy is the fact that the man who she performed a hand job on supported and platformed drag shows in the establishment he owned. Maybe a poster or 2 did make that point, but I wouldn’t attribute that argument to the entire left, especially when they are all pretty much aligned on the hypocrisy of dating and rewarding a drag show enabler with public sex acts. All while running on a platform against them & against sexulizing things that children attend.
Dude, she's a politician. You hit the nail on the head, you have to use a completely different scale. First off, the power is an aphrodisiac. Outside of that fine piece of crazy ass Marjorie Taylor Green who no doubt fucks like a crazy banshee of a woman who knows how to fuck; and that horse-mouthed hottie AOC, it's pretty slim pickings sad to say.

I mean what's next in the pecking order? Crypt-keeper Pelosi? Who wants to see fake tits nailed to an octogenarian unless you have a bizarre fetish that requires counselling. It sure as fuck ain't Hillary Rod-ham Clinton, the only time she's opened her mouth wide in the past 50 years was to express fake surprise at a balloon drop. No wonder slick willie clinton fell to the charms of that intern who loved licking the lollipop.

I’d grope Tulsi in a dark theater
There's already a number of trans threads.

Some how a thread about two hetros rubbing turned into a trans thread.

Be honest, how many of you get hard whilst botching about tranny cock. It'd legit the only explanation I can think of

I wouldn't put it past this place to turn a thread about Jennifer lopez nudes into a tranny thread
Reductivo Ad-Transgenderism: Every thread eventually becomes a Trans thread.
This thread is a great overall indicator of just how fucked up our political atmosphere is.

No kidding-

Former President and private citizen Trump (who happens to have 91 charges againt him and will be in court soon) is still giving the Republican party orders to defund the government so that the prosecution against him will essentially come to a halt.

If this isn't a symptom of a broken government, I don't know what is.

No kidding-

Former President and private citizen Trump (who happens to have 91 charges againt him and will be in court soon) is still giving the Republican party orders to defund the government so that the prosecution against him will essentially come to a halt.

If this isn't a symptom of a broken government, I don't know what is.

Trump really going after the moderate vote.
AT LEAST she isn't having an affair while in office. We know that is the worst of the worst.

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