Social Kevin McCarthy ousted; Mike Johnson becomes US House speaker

This is the behavior of a party captured by a budding dictator, a party whose identity IS their "leader." This is textbook fascism, the GOP are cowardly fascists willing to sacrifice themselves on the alter of Trump, and anyone who votes for these bumbling f*cking idiots is also a fascist.

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I'm not following this trainwreck. What's the over/under of someone being elected before November 5?

it probably won't be happening any time soon. when the republican's can't even elect their own majority whip to house speaker, it's a clear indication that their desire to pass any meaningful legislation is just a facade.
it probably won't be happening any time soon. when the republican's can't even elect their own majority whip to house speaker, it's a clear indication that their desire to pass any meaningful legislation is just a facade.

They're likely trying to run out the shutdown clock because they still think they can shut the Government down and blame Democrats.
This is the behavior of a party captured by a budding dictator, a party whose identity IS their "leader." This is textbook fascism, the GOP are cowardly fascists willing to sacrifice themselves on the alter of Trump, and anyone who votes for these bumbling f*cking idiots is also a fascist.

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The good news is, that ship's going down...
If we're dumb enough to elect Trump again, especially if he's convicted of some felonies, we probably deserve what we get, tbh. I might finally defect to Costa Rica.

Its pathetic and horrifying the Dems are letting Biden run again and giving Trump a chance.
Why Costa Rica?
No political reason or anything (though I do like their health care, education system, and commitment to the environment). CR is going to be my retirement home, love the place. I tried to get the wife to let me move us there and raise the kids as little American-Costa Ricans but she's too chicken.
Its pathetic and horrifying the Dems are letting Biden run again and giving Trump a chance.

Cenk is that you? Lol

No seriously there isnt a better candidate out there. Josh Shapiro is too green and nothing less than a progressive populist will beat Trump. Running a lukewarm centrist against a fascist will yield results similar to the Florida Gubernatorial election. Biden isnt "progressive" but the moves on labor and domestic investment are good steps. Plus Biden already beat him, and has tons of political capital. Ads are already out

No political reason or anything (though I do like their health care, education system, and commitment to the environment). CR is going to be my retirement home, love the place. I tried to get the wife to let me move us there and raise the kids as little American-Costa Ricans but she's too chicken.

Just make sure to say you're an immigrant and not an "ex-pat" like all the other Americans who flee like to refer to themselves as so they dont feel dirty
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Cenk is that you? Lol

No seriously there isnt a better candidate out there. Josh Shapiro is too green and nothing less than a progressive populist will beat Trump. Running a lukewarm centrist against a fascist will yield results similar to the Florida Gubernatorial election. Biden isnt "progressive" but the moves on labor and domestic investment are good steps. Plus Biden already beat him, and has tons of political capital. Ads are already out
I tend to agree with Carville on this one. Trump is capable of losing to anyone with a pulse, but Biden barely has one. At some point we have to believe what the polls are telling us. There's still some time, but I am not down with rolling out a candidate nobody wants, to face the orange idiot.

Just make sure to say you're an immigrant and not an "ex-pat" like all the other Americans who flee like to refer to themselves as so they dont feel dirty
Goddamn right I will. Immigrant and proud, give me my free health care. It takes 3 to 5 years to become an actual citizen, though.
Cenk is that you? Lol

No seriously there isnt a better candidate out there. Josh Shapiro is too green and nothing less than a progressive populist will beat Trump. Running a lukewarm centrist against a fascist will yield results similar to the Florida Gubernatorial election. Biden isnt "progressive" but the moves on labor and domestic investment are good steps. Plus Biden already beat him, and has tons of political capital. Ads are already out

I think Newsom would have a shot, he's a little more progressive than Biden when it comes to healthcare, environmental protection, and immigration. Newsom has taken a more confrontational stance on certain issues and has been seen as pushing for more left-leaning policies.
I think Newsom would have a shot, he's a little more progressive than Biden when it comes to healthcare, environmental protection, and immigration. Newsom has taken a more confrontational stance on certain issues and has been seen as pushing for more left-leaning policies.

How do you think he does in swing states?
I think Newsom would have a shot, he's a little more progressive than Biden when it comes to healthcare, environmental protection, and immigration. Newsom has taken a more confrontational stance on certain issues and has been seen as pushing for more left-leaning policies.

Newsome is probably the most qualified outside of Biden, but he has no incumbent advantage, and he's not particularly well-known Nationally aside from how hard Republican voters HATE California. I mean Rogan will be all over telling every Chud listener of his how he ruined Cali.

I tend to agree with Carville on this one. Trump is capable of losing to anyone with a pulse, but Biden barely has one. At some point we have to believe what the polls are telling us. There's still some time, but I am not down with rolling out a candidate nobody wants, to face the orange idiot.

Goddamn right I will. Immigrant and proud, give me my free health care. It takes 3 to 5 years to become an actual citizen, though.

Its fine to say you dont want Biden, until it comes time to answer who we do want with a real shot at beating the MAGA cult.

This is a good channel where the guy just goes by hard numbers and trends:

Polls are a snapshot in time, with a little over a year to go.
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