Crime Two adults and three children hospitalised after Stabbing in Dublin

Lmao at the Irish rioting. That needs to be saved for our oppressed explosive brothers. This is why we kneel.
I still can't believe this loser got his shut pushed in by two Irish rough uns, and I'd literally flat on his back fucked after stabbing 5yr old and thankfully failing even at that tall order.

Dublin has had enough.
The rioters have done 1000x more damage and chaos than literally the one and only immigrant to have commited a crime there in 100 years
ridiculous. they haven't even released any info. They started looting almost 10 mins after the riots started ffs. when this started they assumed it was a terror attack but the gardai have already state they are confident it is not
ridiculous. they haven't even released any info. They started looting almost 10 mins after the riots started ffs. when this started they assumed it was a terror attack but the gardai have already state they are confident it is not
Release the info then. They have the guy so they can release his ethnic background. The fact that they’re trying to hide it again says everything. If it was a white Irish dude they would’ve released info.
Release the info then. They have the guy so they can release his ethnic background. The fact that they’re trying to hide it again says everything. If it was a white Irish dude they would’ve released info.
standard procedure is not to release info in any criminal offence until it has been internally confirmed and documented.

News just now covering the riots stated it is not a suspected terror attack. That's all we know right now.

now before the info is even released they'd literally burned their own city center down and looted the street within a whole ten minuets after they started. No matter what this is and even it did turn out to be something worse this knee jerk reaction is more self destructive.
Defenetly need to do something about these Fuckers
standard procedure is not to release info in any criminal offence until it has been internally confirmed and documented.

News just now covering the riots stated it is not a suspected terror attack. That's all we know right now.

now before the info is even released they'd literally burned their own city center down and looted the street within a whole ten minuets after they started
Lol I already heard about him being Algerian 4 hours ago through a friend. Does it take that long to check a passport?

And funny that they can immediately say it’s not a terror attack, but it takes hours to find out whether he’s Algerian. Sounds plausible lol.
Lol I already heard about him being Algerian 4 hours ago through a friend. Does it take that long to check a passport?

And funny that they can immediately say it’s not a terror attack, but it takes hours to find out whether he’s Algerian. Sounds plausible lol.
it doesn't take hours to confirm. It takes time to apprehend a suspect, document then prepare and release of the info. Police have to be cautious about how info is released to the public because if it is released poorly or phrased poorly it can trigger social unrest.

He's Algerian therefore we burn our own city center to the ground and get me some nice new ski boots?

Nothing has been confirmed only at least at this point they do not believe it is a terror attack. For all I or you know right now it could have been a domestic assault, or a dude on meds thinking he was slaying vampires. I don't know.

Assuming it is not a terror attack then this is something close to a mass shooting, mass assaults are very rare in Ireland and that can be quite shocking. There was one around 2016 I think and it was in the news for a day then disappeared,
it doesn't take hours to confirm. It takes time to apprehend a suspect, document then prepare and release of the info. Police have to be cautious about how info is released to the public because if it is released poorly or phrased poorly it can trigger social unrest.

He's Algerian therefore we burn our own city center to the ground and get me some nice new ski boots?

Nothing has been confirmed only at least at this point they do not believe it is a terror attack. For all I or you know right now it could have been a domestic assault, or a dude on meds thinking he was slaying vampires. I don't know.
If they are confident to share his motive (not terror attack) then they should be able to release his identity.

Simple as that.
It's comical that the same people who get mad at BLM for rioting are praising the Irish for doing it.
It’s comical that the same people who were praising BLM for doing it, are now suddenly arguing that we should wait until all details of the case are known.

Who praised the rioting at any point? Nobody.

The difference is that you see what you want to see and change your opinions depending on the perpetrator.

White = correct Everyone else = wrong

Just admit you're a clown and move on.
standard procedure is not to release info in any criminal offence until it has been internally confirmed and documented.
While that might technically be true, we know that they pick and choose when and when not to release those details, immediately following an attack. If it was a white right wing nut who stabbed a bunch of folks, you would know his life's history by now, while the media is lumping every single right winger in with them, and calling them all potential terrorists. People aren't ignorant to this double standard.

That said, they aren't blind. People knew his ethnicity from witnesses and reports from independent sources. They knew how many he attacked, how he was eventually subdued, and there are pictures all over the net of him on the ground getting arrested. The whole "Aww, gee whiz, we can't release any info at this time for some reason", isn't gonna sit well with people who are sick and tired of the obvious political manipulation of these events, that have been going on for years. They've had enough.
If they are confident to share his motive (not terror attack) then they should be able to release his identity.

Simple as that.

there's a way of doing this stuff. People who work in the field or a familiar with it can get a scent of it. Also they are likely interogating witnesses including the offendant if he's alert. In most cases releasing news on the intent is more important than race because the general public needs to be notified if they are in immediate danger e.g the procedures released about terror attacks, random attacks, serial killers are different because they are designed to inform people to behave in different ways.

Off the bat there is the fact that there has been no mention of any slogans being yelled before the attack. Attacks against children in particular are usually committed by very unhinged people or domestic violence.

again. IDK at this time. Alternatively, if in the chance it is a terror attack and police don't think it is and it turns out to be, and more are committed, it will cause people to lose confidence, but that's for a later date, not immediately after without even considering anything.

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