Crime Two adults and three children hospitalised after Stabbing in Dublin

okay so I’ve used figures from the central statistics office of Ireland, maybe you can give me your sources cause I’m sure it’s better than the people responsible for doing the census

Currently, Ireland has a majority of “White Irish,” as 94.1% of the population. There are other sizable populations of Black citizens from African countries, such as Nigeria and Mauritius, plus Asian citizens with the majority from China, India, and some from Hong Kong.

Currently, Ireland has a majority of “White Irish,” as 94.1% of the population. There are other sizable populations of Black citizens from African countries, such as Nigeria and Mauritius, plus Asian citizens with the majority from China, India, and some from Hong Kong.

If you go to ethnic groups on that same wikipedia article it puts white Irish at 76.5% as of 2022. You’re either blind or stupid
Currently, Ireland has a majority of “White Irish,” as 94.1% of the population. There are other sizable populations of Black citizens from African countries, such as Nigeria and Mauritius, plus Asian citizens with the majority from China, India, and some from Hong Kong.

Actually, that sentence doesn’t appear anywhere in the Wikipedia page. What are you lying for?
What do you think happens when nobody cares? Does every single murder gain traction in the media landscape? When immigrants get murdered, does it hit the news?

That's the point. There is zero traction because nobody cares. If a white women or child dies it becomes national news instantly. Thousands of non whites die every day or get raped etc and nothing is even reported. It doesn't get coverage because they know nobody cares.

There is a heavy bias against immigrants/non whites in western media. To even deny this is comical. Showing one example compared to the whole western media landscape is hilarious tbh.

Even beyond that look at every single thread on this forum or social media for that matter where a foreigner breaths wrong. It becomes 20+ pages of discussion. You can say whatever you want, no matter how stupid or ignorant and nobody cares. They have done multiple studies on this already lol

People on this forum have subscriptions to every single news organization and millions of social media channels waiting for a story to post.
Okay so you have no examples. How do you know about those alleged murders then?

Did you not get the news about how goverment/police didn't talk about grooming gangs in UK. How they tried to suppress rapes by refugees in Germany?

Seems like I give concrete examples, and you just keep going by your emotions without any evidence. So many studies, so many examples, yet you can't name a single one lol. GTFO clown.
Update Two:

People in Dublin have been urged to work from home today after violent riots broke out across Ireland’s capital over a knife attack that left at least five people injured.

Police said 'significant levels' of public disorder and criminal damage were carried out with trams, buses, cars and other public properties set on fire during the clashes.


Police said more than 400 officers in riot gear were deployed to control the violent protests after a stabbing incident that left five injured.

A police cordon was also set up around the Irish Parliament building, Leinster House, and officers from the Mounted Support Unit were in nearby Grafton Street.

Shop windows were routinely smashed and a Foot Locker store was looted. All public transport in the city - trams and buses - was suspended...

Labelling them 'disgraceful scenes', Garda Commissioner Drew Harris


said a 'complete lunatic faction driven by far-right ideology' is behind disorder in the capital.

The four injured people are still in hospital.

Others have posted pics and videos of the vandalism, looting and clashes with police above. Most of the subduing of the knifeman seems to have been done, as posted by others above, by Caio Benicio:


Police have backtracked from their earlier statement that this was not a terror attack: an evening press conference Garda Commissioner Drew Harris stopped short of definitively ruling out a terrorist motive.
“I have never ruled out any possible motive for this attack ... all lines of inquiry are open to determine the motive for this attack,” he said.

President Michael Higgins


has released a statement:

“All of our thoughts are with each of the children and their families affected by today's horrific attack outside Gaelscoil Coláiste Mhuire in Dublin city centre.

We are particularly thinking of the 5 year old girl and the member of staff caring for her who are both in serious condition in hospital. All of our prayers are with each of them for a full recovery.

The Gardaí deserve all of our support in dealing with this incident. This appalling incident is a matter for the Gardaí and that it would be used or abused by groups with an agenda that attacks the principle of social inclusion is reprehensible and deserves condemnation by all those who believe in the rule of law and democracy.”
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What was the ethnicity and motive of the attacker?
ridiculous. they haven't even released any info. They started looting almost 10 mins after the riots started ffs. when this started they assumed it was a terror attack but the gardai have already state they are confident it is not

Oh please do regal me with your in-depth knowledge of crime statistics in Ireland because I'm fairly sure the scumbags tearing Dublin apart atm are not Africans, ye fucking clown.
<36>I knew this thread would be an uninformed shitshow before opening it
The guy that punched an old man for not accepting a drink and hangs out with major gangsters has concerns about at 11...

He isn't concerned about crime. He is concerned about immigrants committing crime. If an ethnic Irish person commits a crime then it's all good but if it's an immigrant then burn down the city.
Glad to see Keith Woods blowing up - I thought he had potential. Hope the Irish government doesn't step on him.