Opinion For the richest man in the world Elon Musk acts pretty dumb

Me? Maybe you have me confused with someone else? And no, I'm pointing out how you don't seem to support freedom of speech as a principle--you just don't want anyone criticizing rightists. That's understandable of course, but it's not a pro-freedom-of-speech position.

Again, "Russiagate" is undefined as a term, but you're saying they shouldn't allow false information here, but you're good with them allowing false information on subjects where you think it benefits Republicans. I think A) freedom of speech means people should be allowed to express false beliefs and B) it also means that no particular website has to host their beliefs. Goes both ways. And I'm not mad that Musk is trying to use the gov't to silence critics; I'm pointing out that that is a real attack on freedom of speech that his supporters seem to be supportive of, which indicates that they don't support the principle of freedom of speech.

"Radical left wingers" is kind of silly, but this is my point. You think that if you deem someone to be a radical left-winger, they shouldn't be allowed to speak freely.

This is projection. I think Musk should have the right to do what he wants with his own site. That's a consistent application of a principle. I don't think he should use gov't and financial power to silence critics. Your view is that left-wing views should be suppressed, but that sites should be forced to promote rightist content. That's not consistent.

That might be the biggest strawman in sherdog history. Literally none of that applies to me at all. It's as if you created a fictitious boogeyman right winger and got mad at your own made up bad guy.

Literally nothing you said applies to me, nor my beliefs. What a waste of time on your part.
Jesus. I've never seen anyone frame something so oddly.

What @Jack V Savage and all us leftists are doing is saying that the 1st Amendment applies to both. It applies to twitter allowing for posts about "russiagate," and it allows for Media Matters to report on X's letting their adds appear next to nazi shit.

Both of these are protected under the 1st Amendment, no question.

What you lot are doing is constantly trying to rephrase something in such a terrible fashion. So now it isn't Media Matters reporting on something they found, it's them distorting reality. And we hate distorting reality, so this one must be banned while the other gets to happen. It's nonsensical, and a really dumb way to try to frame this as two seperate issues.

And this is why you can go back and look at this thread and find the liberal being very clear, that Elon has a right to host all the nazi shit he wants. Elon has the right to shitpost and ban people who offend him. And advertisers, very obviously, have the right to take their messages elsewhere, for whatever reason they want.

We've even argued that Elon has a right to ban speech at the request of the Turkish government, which he's done. And there's nothing unconstitutional about calling him a complete hypocrite for that either.

The left here has consistently applied the 1st Amendment. The right, as your post so clearly shows, does not. Once again you chuds have inverted it to suggest that criticism of right-wingers is unconstitutional. And now there are calls for government intervention to force social media companies (all private entitites) to host any and every comment some right winger wants to make. That, is the exact opposite of what the 1st Amendment sets out to do.

Once again the issue is a simple one. The left understands the Constitution. The right either does not, or does not care to see it applied evenly. And it's disgraceful.

Again, strawman. Where did I ever say that any of this stuff was a first amendment violation?

All I'm doing is calling out the hypocrisy from the left, which is rampant. You guys are killing me with the strawman stuff.

Is this the censorship you support?
No, I don't support that.

You aren't going to catch me looking like a hypocrite here because I actually have my own beliefs that aren't dictated by a political party.
That might be the biggest strawman in sherdog history. Literally none of that applies to me at all. It's as if you created a fictitious boogeyman right winger and got mad at your own made up bad guy.

Literally nothing you said applies to me, nor my beliefs. What a waste of time on your part.
Obviously, expecting you to be honest would be a waste of time, but there are reasons for posting. I think your view that Media Matters shouldn't be legally allowed to post screenshots from Twitter if Musk doesn't like them kind of says it all about your consistency on this issue.
Obviously, expecting you to be honest would be a waste of time, but there are reasons for posting. I think your view that Media Matters shouldn't be legally allowed to post screenshots from Twitter if Musk doesn't like them kind of says it all about your consistency on this issue.

Show me where I said Media Matters shouldn't be legally allowed to post screenshots from Twitter if Musk doesn't like them.

I'll wait.
Show me where I said Media Matters shouldn't be legally allowed to post screenshots from Twitter if Musk doesn't like them.

I'll wait.

We've been discussing it. I pointed out how alleged pro-free-speech types never criticize an actual attack on it from Musk. You said:

"You defend Twitter allowing false information with Russiagate by saying they are a private site but you're mad that Elon is filing a legal lawsuit against Media Matters for attempting to distort reality to advertisers. It's no secret that Media Matters is a product of radical left wingers and it's been that way for a long time."

Also note that it's not just a frivolous suit from Musk--actual state AGs have chimed in to support Musk. No one disputes that the screenshots are real. Musk just says that they're not typical, and so I guess MM shouldn't be allowed to show them. There's no legitimate basis for the gov't suppressing it, but you guys support it because you don't see freedom of speech as a real principle as much as something you can use for partisan purposes because you know liberals do value it highly.
We've been discussing it. I pointed out how alleged pro-free-speech types never criticize an actual attack on it from Musk. You said:

"You defend Twitter allowing false information with Russiagate by saying they are a private site but you're mad that Elon is filing a legal lawsuit against Media Matters for attempting to distort reality to advertisers. It's no secret that Media Matters is a product of radical left wingers and it's been that way for a long time."

Also note that it's not just a frivolous suit from Musk--actual state AGs have chimed in to support Musk. No one disputes that the screenshots are real. Musk just says that they're not typical, and so I guess MM shouldn't be allowed to show them. There's no legitimate basis for the gov't suppressing it, but you guys support it because you don't see freedom of speech as a real principle as much as something you can use for partisan purposes because you know liberals do value it highly.

Show me where I said Media Matters shouldn't be legally allowed to post screenshots from Twitter if Musk doesn't like them.
They are just trying to advertise a product. I mean, this is really simple. They're advertising products, not supporting platforms.

Whether Disney are promoting a Marvel film or a subscription to Disney+ or A Haunting in Venice, they are very definitely advertising a product and nothing more.

Your schtick is amusing, but completely bonkers. It's almost like you're saying Disney has to advertise, but has nothing to actually promote. That makes zero sense, dude. Zero sense.
When lord Trump come back he will order every company in America to buy ad space on Truth an X lol.
Show me where I said Media Matters shouldn't be legally allowed to post screenshots from Twitter if Musk doesn't like them.

If you're going to gaslight, that's fine. But can you go on record here? What is your current position on Musk (and some Republican AGs) trying to prevent them from being able to do that?
If you're going to gaslight, that's fine. But can you go on record here? What is your current position on Musk (and some Republican AGs) trying to prevent them from being able to do that?

Lmao. You got caught in a strawman and are trying to wiggle your way out of it. Why are you asking me the questions? You got caught lying and being dishonest. You are not worthy of any further discussion until you admit you lied and apologize.
Lmao. You got caught in a strawman and are trying to wiggle your way out of it. Why are you asking me the questions? You got caught lying and being dishonest. You are not worthy of any further discussion until you admit you lied and apologize.

Well, I already quoted you. But if you're saying now that you didn't mean what you were saying (your defense of Musk's attack on freedom of speech), I will accept that--if you make that clear. Musk is suing MM for posting a screenshot of Twitter, and some Republican AGs are supporting his efforts to punish them for that. What are your thoughts on it?
Well, I already quoted you. But if you're saying now that you didn't mean what you were saying (your defense of Musk's attack on freedom of speech), I will accept that--if you make that clear. Musk is suing MM for posting a screenshot of Twitter, and some Republican AGs are supporting his efforts to punish them for that. What are your thoughts on it?

You said that I said Media Matters shouldn't be illegally allowed to do what they did. No where in what you quoted did I say that. I'd like an apology for your dishonesty if you want to continue this. Otherwise I see no point in conversing with a dishonest liar.
You said that I said Media Matters shouldn't be illegally allowed to do what they did.

Right, as you have refused to condemn Musk and state AGs actions to legally punish them for doing it (and in fact defended those actions, as you called Media Matters a "product of radical left wingers," as if having left-wing views means they can't speak freely).

No where in what you quoted did I say that. I'd like an apology for your dishonesty if you want to continue this. Otherwise I see no point in conversing with a dishonest liar.

Well, I think you denying that you expressed the views you did is what is dishonest here. But if you're saying it was a misunderstanding, you're free to correct the record. However, you're choosing not to do that, which I take to mean that you stand behind your anti-freedom-speech views but do not want to be seen as doing that. You're in a pickle, and you're using these kinds of unhinged personal attacks to deflect from an impossible situation (from your perspective).
He has fuck you money, so he can really operate how he likes.

But from the sounds of it, if I believe what I read online, Twitter wasn't profitable to begin with. If Elon is going to stand by what he wants to do and isn't willing to change that for other peoples money, good on him.
You said you were not sure how this was politicized and then threw out 4 or 5 left wing propaganda examples that are nothing but politicized.

If you bring up talking points, be prepared to defend them. You weren't. Not my problem. If you want to use "banning books" as an example of non progressive censorship, then be prepared to talk about why those books were banned. Otherwise it's just an empty talking point with zero context and zero meaning.
No thats not what I said.
You either misread or did not understand, it seems like the latter.
I said-

"Im not sure what "da left" has to do with the post.,But if we're going to attempt to politicize censorship, progressive thought isn't generally the mindset behind burning and banning books/cds/media, curriculum, science ,education etc."

You responded with ramblings about gender, libraries and pornography should be censored. Re-affirming my point.

Or were you trying to refute this or have a cogent point that had anything do with what I typed?
Right, as you have refused to condemn Musk and state AGs actions to legally punish them for doing it (and in fact defended those actions, as you called Media Matters a "product of radical left wingers," as if having left-wing views means they can't speak freely).

Well, I think you denying that you expressed the views you did is what is dishonest here. But if you're saying it was a misunderstanding, you're free to correct the record. However, you're choosing not to do that, which I take to mean that you stand behind your anti-freedom-speech views but do not want to be seen as doing that. You're in a pickle, and you're using these kinds of unhinged personal attacks to deflect from an impossible situation (from your perspective).

Gaslighting 101 right here. Got caught lying with your pants down and have been trying to wiggle your way out of it ever since.
frequent, baseless, emotionally fueled meltdowns about Musk is a clear indication. But I'm open to the possibility that I'm incorrect. I doubt it though.

A brackis meltdown about Musk is on a completely different level. It's not comparable.
A brackis meltdown about Musk is on a completely different level. It's not comparable.
naw, that dude is brackis, and I dont care if he reincarnated, not in favor of lifetime sherdog bans, this is a fun site that's rather harmless