Media Ian Garry: “I fear for the safety of my family”

Was unaware. Not surprising though. Unfortunately, it’s not just the mma community, the internet in general enables people to do and say vile things under the guise of anonymity.
For real though. People are awfully brave hiding behind a keyboard.
Fear they will make fun of his wife online? Shit someone might even jeer her from the crowd...
Context could be everything here. Imagine
He’s waiting around for an AIDS test or something.
It's because of the death and rape threats that are being sent to his wife.

The MMA community is full of fucking weirdos, especially weirdos who hate women. This whole thing has become really gross.
We just don't care for WMMA, it is used as a low wage, low talent filler for fight cards. We have enough watered down limited talent fights in MMA, WMMA only adds to the disappointment.

Do we have a credible source for these death threats or just Ian Garry and his manipulator?