Movies The star wars film I would create.


Dec 25, 2023
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So kind of riding off another thread but I would make 'Vader'. Ultra violent rated R and shows shit he does after becoming Vader.

Like hunting down jedi, questioning what he's become, some woman tries to seduce him and we see titties while he force chokes her.

Do you have a star wars plot/movie of your own or other ideas for the masterpiece I suggested: VADER
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When the avengers brought back everyone that died after the snap somehow Darth Maul was brought back and now he is seeking revenge against George Lucas for killing him off
I like that a lot actually. Breaking the fourth wall.

Do you think Lucas would turn out to be a jedi and they'd have an epic fight?
I would like a Darth maul origin movie, where some woman tries to seduce him and we see titties while he force chokes her.
The force wasn't his thing though or the movie would've been over at the moment he first saw Aniken. He was more of a fighter, not in tune with the force like Vader.

I think he would have to do something else to suspend her. I agree on the titties part though.

*Also a Darthe origin movie would be sick.
So kind of riding off another thread but I would make 'Vader'. Ultra violent rated R and shows shit he does after becoming Vader.

Like hunting down jedi, questioning what he's become, some woman tries to seduce him and we see titties while he force chokes her.

Do you have a star wars plot/movie of your own or other ideas for the masterpiece I suggested: VADER
He plays golf & keeps getting holes in 1...

They have already mined the shit out of old characters and fucked them up and raped them for the most part.

But anyway...Grand Moff Tarkin rising through the ranks and sort of having to ascend the military as a regular dude while there is this mystical wizard Vader obviously destined to be second in command could be good...kind of a Machiavellian story.

I imagine I probably had better ideas at some point than what they gave us with Obi Wan and Boba Fett and Han Solo and all of that, which isn't exactly a high bar to clear and doesn't require any uncommon level of creativity. I thought basically a Western on Tattooine with Obi Wan as the white hat while Luke was still a kid would have been good.

A Boba Fett hitman / bounty hunter movie...just something like The Day of the Jackal could have been good. Or like what we just got with Fincher's The Killer. Give a little insight into why Vader specifically tells him "no disintegrations."

I guess maybe a movie about Porkins learning about body positivity and being healthy at any size.

Or a movie like Purple Rain where Max Rebo learns to put his ego aside and take musical suggestions from his band and that was how they ultimately came up with Lapti Nek.
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They have already mined the shit out of old characters and fucked them up and raped them for the most part.

But anyway...Grand Moff Tarkin rising through the ranks and sort of having to ascend the military as a regular dude while there is this mystical wizard Vader obviously destined to be second in command could be good...kind of a Machiavellian story.

I imagine I probably had better ideas at some point than what they gave us with Obi Wan and Boba Fett and Han Solo and all of that, which isn't exactly a high bar to clear and doesn't require any uncommon level of creativity. I thought basically a Western on Tattooine with Obi Wan as the white hat while Luke was still a kid would have been good.

A Boba Fett hitman / bounty hunter movie...just something like The Day of the Jackal could have been good. Or like what we just got with Fincher's The Killer. Give a little insight into why Vader specifically tells him "no disintegrations."

I guess maybe a movie about Porkins learning about body positivity and being healthy at any size.

Or a movie like Purple Rain where Max Rebo learns to put his ego aside and take musical suggestions from his band and that was how they ultimately came up with Lapti Nek.
A Tarkin movie would be sick but I feel it would just be the same old 'how the good guy went bad guy.' Like Vader but to a lesser degree.

Also I feel like the t.v. show 'The Mandalorian' has satisfied any Boba urges for a film like that. You are the weakest link, goodbye. 😉
A Tarkin movie would be sick but I feel it would just be the same old 'how the good guy went bad guy.' Like Vader but to a lesser degree.

Also I feel like the t.v. show 'The Mandalorian' has satisfied any Boba urges for a film like that. You are the weakest link, goodbye. 😉

Like I said most of the ideas I would have had have been foreclosed or counterfeited by generally worse projects from actual Star Wars. Tarkin...sure they'd make it the good guy goes bad and that wouldn't necessarily make for a bad movie but I kind of imagined Tarkin as ascending either through pure ruthlessness like say Reinhard Heydrich or by being a Machiavellian schemer like Martin Bormann. Since the Empire was based on the bad guys from WW2 anyway.

I never watched any of the cartoons or read any of the books and all that stuff so maybe they have done everything better than I would have...but they haven't in much of anything I've seen from the last decade anyway. And as people may be able to tell I have completely stopped giving any kind of a fuck about Star Wars at this point.
Like I said most of the ideas I would have had have been foreclosed or counterfeited by generally worse projects from actual Star Wars. Tarkin...sure they'd make it the good guy goes bad and that wouldn't necessarily make for a bad movie but I kind of imagined Tarkin as ascending either through pure ruthlessness like say Reinhard Heydrich or by being a Machiavellian schemer like Martin Bormann. Since the Empire was based on the bad guys from WW2 anyway.
I like that idea better like he was just born evil and his only ambition is to fuck the galaxy up as most as he can. Just unrelenting phychopathy that he uses to rise through the ranks. He has no real allegiance to the Empire he just wants to destroy.

I'd watch that fo sho
So kind of riding off another thread but I would make 'Vader'. Ultra violent rated R and shows shit he does after becoming Vader.

Like hunting down jedi, questioning what he's become, some woman tries to seduce him and we see titties while he force chokes her.

Do you have a star wars plot/movie of your own or other ideas for the masterpiece I suggested: VADER
Rancor keeper training young Rancors.

Sarlac's dentist.

The Emperor as a kid & going through his training.

Wampa series.
I can't believe they are so brain dead they haven't made a Revan trilogy. It is a guaranteed slam dunk. The story is already there and excellent from the Kotor game
Get Gareth Edwards back and team him up with Tony/Dan Gilroy writing, former has the perfect visual style for Starwars, latters can bring significant depth to it.

As for the subject maybe a feature lenght conclusion to Andor or if not that then something set during the original films but with new characters. I'm supprised they havent done that more really as theres loads of potential for stories there IMHO which doesnt need Luke/Han/Leia. Really the original films do not cover much of the actual rebellion, there the stories of those characters which dip into a few events around it like Yavin, Hoth and Endor but obviously a lot of other stuff happened as well. You've got Geneieve O'Reiliy as Mon Motha who everyone seems to like who could tie it together.

Even "smaller" stories could still be pretty big and Rogue One/Andor have shown you don't need Jedi's involved to feel like Starwars.
Like hunting down jedi, questioning what he's become, some woman tries to seduce him and we see titties while he force chokes her.

I'v seen this somewhere..
Lumpy and his best ewok buddy are students at curosant U. they are much more interested in banging than studying and spend their time getting crossed up with many space broads, intergalatic call girls and many lines of space meth. when they cross the wrong gangsters they have to cook up the cleaned the batch of space meth to replace what they lost. they get their hated and lower professor bills to help them go about making the meth. when the gangsters try to double cross them they are killed in hilarious yet grusome ways.
this leads to the hits inleashing an elite team of?assasins who use their bodies as their weapons (like ninja scroll) to hunt down the boys.

this leads to the final set piece where the police and hurts face off while the boys try and snag enough of the meth and space hooked to party the rest of the semester away

directed by Eli roth

for vivid entertainment
Nothing should ever be made in the Skywalker era ever again
The question is to think about the plot. I don't care about your opinion man.
Mace Windu teams up with a new Jedi played by John Tavolta. They are trying to recover a secret case to return to Jabba the Hutt
Ah a Mace windu origin story sounds good. After Pulp Fiction they get cryogenically frozen and sent to a galaxy along time ago far far away. Then he discovers the force is strong with him. That could work I like it.