Who's career and character do you respect more? Jon Jones' or Francis Nganou's?

You mean like how Francis' PFL contract was that he got 1 boxing match and then had to fight for PFL by early/mid 2024?

And is now instead on his 2nd boxing match instead of fighting for PFL? As well as taking a 3rd and not fighting for PFL at all in 2024?

He conned you guys and it'll never not be funny how badly you all embarrassed yourselves rushing to present him as some kind of saint instead of someone just out for himself.
Wrong, most of us Francis fans just want to see him be happy and compete wherever his is truly appreciated for his worth. Let him get that bag that the cheapass yfc didnt ever give him. He has proven his worth, he basically beat Fury who some consider the goat

I never seen someone cry about Francis not fighting mma in pfl, stop projecting
Jon Jones was drunk driving, hit a car being driven by a pregnant woman, and ran away without checking on her well being. Francis’ character is better as well as his career.
How is this even a question? Francis has a way more lucrative career and hasn't done much to suggest he isn't a decent guy, while jones has routinely acted like a total piece of shit. Prime Jones is the best MMA fighter i've ever watched and his career is decent but he fucked it up. He was supposed to be the michael jordan of MMA and even had a nike sponsorship but flushed it down the shitter.
Michael Jordan punched his coach, cheated on his wife, and denied Nike made his shoes in sweat shops.

Please tell more about how he was a saint.
Wrong, most of us Francis fans just want to see him be happy and compete wherever his is truly appreciated for his worth. Let him get that bag that the cheapass yfc didnt ever give him. He has proven his worth, he basically beat Fury who some consider the goat

I never seen someone cry about Francis not fighting mma in pfl, stop projecting
Francis really proved the UFC wrong by instead never fighting for the organization he signed with that gave him a gazillion concessions instead.

"He's making money over in boxing" yeah by breaking his other contract he signed first. Have fun with that one.

Again, this will never not be funny how much you guys twist yourselves in knots to justify his current actions.
Why are we even debating this?

So far, Jones is by far the better fighter going by accomplishments. He's arguably the GOAT of MMA, whereas Ngannou is probably not even top 20. Oscar to Jones.

And it's just as obvious outside of fighting: Ngannou hasn't been driving drunk, beating up his girlfriend or whatever. He gets the Oscar in that category.

It's cool though, let's talk nonsense as usual.
Francis due to Jones being a career cheat.
You mean like how Francis' PFL contract was that he got 1 boxing match and then had to fight for PFL by early/mid 2024?

And is now instead on his 2nd boxing match instead of fighting for PFL? As well as taking a 3rd and not fighting for PFL at all in 2024?

He conned you guys and it'll never not be funny how badly you all embarrassed yourselves rushing to present him as some kind of saint instead of someone just out for himself.
How did he con me? By putting on exciting fights?
Once again they could’ve have structured the contract in such a way where he would have to come back to the ufc after a certain amount of fights or time.
I understand you love your daddy dana but please go cry to someone else about it.
When you beat your woman bloody on the night you get inducted into the H.O.F in front of your children and your daughter has to tell security at the hotel to call 911 there's a problem.

And I highly doubt that was the first time.
Nope they're probably used to it by now, and thats fucked
Francis gets my respect for not needing the ufc to help arguably steer his career path towards greatness

For being the smarter businessman and not getting screwed out of extra millions by the tyrannical ufc

For having the balls to reject the ufcs treatment and change sports to find his real worth

For not ducking and taking unnecessary, career questioning long ass hiatus' from the sport for no good reason.

For not getting caught with roids in his system multiple times

For not hiding under the octagon in the gym to avoid drug testing

For not crashing into someone else's car and running away while on coke

For not commiting domestic violence and spousal physical abuse against his wife in front of his kids

For not getting abusive with strippers

For not being a fake spiritual


Francis gets my respect for not needing the ufc to help arguably steer his career path towards greatness

For being the smarter businessman and not getting screwed out of extra millions by the tyrannical ufc

For having the balls to reject the ufcs treatment and change sports to find his real worth

For not ducking and taking unnecessary, career questioning long ass hiatus' from the sport for no good reason.

For not getting caught with roids in his system multiple times

For not hiding under the octagon in the gym to avoid drug testing

For not crashing into someone else's car and running away while on coke

For not commiting domestic violence and spousal physical abuse against his wife in front of his kids

For not getting abusive with strippers

For not being a fake spiritual


I can go on and

Francis gets my respect for not needing the ufc to help arguably steer his career path towards greatness

For being the smarter businessman and not getting screwed out of extra millions by the tyrannical ufc

For having the balls to reject the ufcs treatment and change sports to find his real worth

For not ducking and taking unnecessary, career questioning long ass hiatus' from the sport for no good reason.

For not getting caught with roids in his system multiple times

For not hiding under the octagon in the gym to avoid drug testing

For not crashing into someone else's car and running away while on coke

For not commiting domestic violence and spousal physical abuse against his wife in front of his kids

For not getting abusive with strippers

For not being a fake spiritual


I can go on and on

One sec, you’re respecting Francis for not needing the UFC, while the main reason he is where he is now, is because of the UFC. He wouldn’t be getting the Fury or Joshua fights if he didn’t have the name the ufc built.

And talk about character?? This is clearly a UFC and Jones bashing thread. So what character does Francis show by signing with PFL and not having a plans to fight for them? He signed a contract and he’s got no mma fights planned.

Jon is no saint, but his career is more respectable for what he’s accomplished
1. Francis is obviously a sweetheart, Jon is obviously not.
2. Jons career is great but Francis it 2 fights away from undisputed hw boxing champion of the world lol not to mention the 30 mil he's just trousered :)
Michael Jordan punched his coach, cheated on his wife, and denied Nike made his shoes in sweat shops.

Please tell more about how he was a saint.

Definitely never said he was a saint though I admit I didn't know all that. I was saying he had a lucrative career- not that jones didn't, but the fuck ups definitely cost him millions.
Francis for both.
Jones is a far more skilled fighter. But Francis had just enough smarts and a massive athleticism advantage to make it interesting. Jones achieved more but Francis had more adversity and dealt with it much better, hence my respect for him.
Also Jones never wanted the Francis fight and now he's ruining the division and tarnishing his legacy with his refusal to fight top heavyweights
Francis for both.
Jones is a far more skilled fighter. But Francis had just enough smarts and a massive athleticism advantage to make it interesting. Jones achieved more but Francis had more adversity and dealt with it much better, hence my respect for him.
Also Jones never wanted the Francis fight and now he's ruining the division and tarnishing his legacy with his refusal to fight top heavyweights

I don’t know my friend. I think you are off on a few things and gotta be more fair to Jon.

First, Jon wanted the Francis fight and singed the deal. Francis was the one that didn’t take the fight when it was actually on paper, and left the organization. To me, that’s Jon wanting the fight and singing it while the other didn’t. Say what you want about the two years leading up where both guys were going back and forth. But when it came down to it, one guy signed and the other left.

And Jon did fight a top hw in Gane. And now he is not refusing or refused to fight top hw’s. After winning the the UFC wanted Stipe vs Jon, which is perfectly understandable. All parties involved want that fight. But Jon is injured now. And when he’s back they’re gonna do the fight that was planned. Beating Stipe does just As much for his legacy as beating Tom, in different ways
What’s respectable about a guy who got outboxed by The Black Beast? Ngannou beat two legit guys in their prime in his career (Gane and Blaydes) and he looked terrible against Gane. The rest of his record is fluff 40 year old punch drunk dudes.

Comparing Ngannou to Jones is an insult to a guy who’s been dominating MMA for over a decade and a half.
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I don’t think Jon has been led towards greatness I think he’s just stupidly physically talented, has narcissist qualities If not sociopathic which in hindsight do seem to be the perfect recipe for a perfect fighter. It would be different had Jon ever really came back from adversity, but he really hasn’t faced much in the cage. he still keeps fucking up yet he just keeps winning. He does seem to be reignited with the heavyweight title but all this retirement talk doesn’t sound promising for a lengthy reign that clears out the division.

Francis should have stayed but Dana is kinda an asshole, but it’s strange how much the Francis situation with the Heavyweight belt is the same exact situation as Vince McMahon booking himself into Bret Hart holding the WWF World Championship and had agreed to sign with WCW after WWE couldn’t match an offer, Bret’s last match was in Toronto and he did not want to lose to Shaun Michaels .
in my opinion Bret screwed Bret and takes himself wayyyyyy too seriously.
Francis gets my respect for not needing the ufc to help arguably steer his career path towards greatness

For being the smarter businessman and not getting screwed out of extra millions by the tyrannical ufc

For having the balls to reject the ufcs treatment and change sports to find his real worth

For not ducking and taking unnecessary, career questioning long ass hiatus' from the sport for no good reason.

For not getting caught with roids in his system multiple times

For not hiding under the octagon in the gym to avoid drug testing

For not crashing into someone else's car and running away while on coke

For not commiting domestic violence and spousal physical abuse against his wife in front of his kids

For not getting abusive with strippers

For not being a fake spiritual


I can go on and on

Jones is considered the GOAT of his division

Ngannou left to go boxing

This is not remotely equitable
I don’t know my friend. I think you are off on a few things and gotta be more fair to Jon.

First, Jon wanted the Francis fight and singed the deal. Francis was the one that didn’t take the fight when it was actually on paper, and left the organization. To me, that’s Jon wanting the fight and singing it while the other didn’t. Say what you want about the two years leading up where both guys were going back and forth. But when it came down to it, one guy signed and the other left.

And Jon did fight a top hw in Gane. And now he is not refusing or refused to fight top hw’s. After winning the the UFC wanted Stipe vs Jon, which is perfectly understandable. All parties involved want that fight. But Jon is injured now. And when he’s back they’re gonna do the fight that was planned. Beating Stipe does just As much for his legacy as beating Tom, in different ways
Dude nobody wants stipe vs Jones. Nobody. We know what he's doing. He knows what he's doing. Remember Jones is the one who was shamed by Dana for wanting more money. Then he went activist mode until he silently signed a deal with Dana. Then when Francis tried to negotiate more money, he sided with Dana, calling Francis a coward. You don't find it strange how Jon was constantly "bulking up" but suddenly when Francis left, he felt that he'd bulked up enough?

Like seriously bruh. And you're lying saying bearing stipe does anything for his legacy. That dude is old and hasn't fought in 3 years. What could he possibly have for Jon Jones? Seriously? Prime vs prime, I'd favour Jones (even the 205 version) and you're telling me that this guy right here has a chance? Come on bro.


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Well the thread is who’s career and character so you respect more, and I respect Nganou more for sticking it to Dana and the ufc. I believe dana has become detrimental to the sport, and every top fighter who sticks their ground to get what they deserve gets my respect.
I don’t know for sure Francis would have never come back to the ufc if the ufc would have allowed him to box, they could have constructed some sort of contract with obligations to MMA and they didn’t. So fuck em
But you're getting confused. You do know that it had nothing to do with money and all to do with Francis not wanting to fight in mma anymore, correct?
And considering that Dana is head of an "MMA" promotion, I ask again, what does Dana even have to do with this discussion?

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