Law Florida - Senate passes Republican sponsored Bill to outlaw lab-grown meat. DeSantis supports ban

What does being a libertarian have to do with anything? I've always been a small government conservative. I argue against government intervening in people's private decisions all of the time.

We're talking about food which is why your deflection to "human meat" didn't make sense. No one eats human meat so lab grown human meat was irrelevant but you made that your focal point anyway.

Here's a very simple argument for lab grown meat: If company can produce safe lab grown meat, they should be allowed to market it as an alternative to cattle and chicken. If there's a market for it, good for them. If there's no market for it, sux for them. It's no different than any other food product produced in a lab.

For example -- my dad was a research chemist on some Pringles flavors. Lab created flavoring. Vitamins are lab created. The list of food products that have their origin in a lab is pretty extensive. So long as they are safe, people are allowed to make their own choice on whether or not to buy it.

And please stop the "you're not a libertarian" schtick. It's irrelevant. Rather than debating the validity of the subject matter, you're pretending that if you accuse people of the right or wrong political affiliation, it alleviates you from making a coherent argument. (which is why you punted the "make an argument" point back to me instead of putting forward an argument in support of the ban yourself).

Let me show you why it's a deflection: Aren't you a conservative? Doesn't that mean you oppose government overreach? When did you become an economic socialist, using government to control the means of production. As a conservative, you must oppose government intervention in the markets.

See how dumb that is?
I do see how dumb that is, it doesn't seem like you do.

Correct, I'm conservative, neither you nor I are libertarians, nor is MicroBrew, so let's can it with the fake libertarian arguments that you suddenly picked out for select projects. They're still free to grow fake meat for surgical procedures on animals too, they just can't serve it as food.

If you'd like to make a consistent libertarian argument, then make that argument consistently, but lab meat wouldn't crack the top 50 complaints for that. If we accept the reality of government picking winners and losers, particularly with this industry that doesn't even really exist currently for commercial consumption, then we're back to you having to make an argument for why this is different, which you haven't and apparently can't.

If your libertarian argument was sincere, your squabble should be with @MicroBrew , who doesn't want all lab meat available, but of course it's not, and you're just taking whatever you think is the democrat position with no scruples or consistency.
Neither of you are libertarians, so it's obviously disingenuous when you suddenly pretend to be Mr. Libertarian Man for select projects you support.

Pan, we're clearly talking about food, not you deflecting to medical procedures that have nothing to do with food laws.

State and federal governments have lots of food laws about GMOs, cottage foods, fermentation, labeling, food storage, licensing, taxes and regulations, health inspection, wages, farm conditions and equipment, what foods you can or can't sell, so pardon me for laughing at you suddenly pretending you're libertarians.

Since you are the ones complaining, how about either of you give an argument in favor of lab meat that isn't you suddenly pretending to be a libertarian that we know you don't believe in, or a bizarre tangent about skin grafting?

How about providing an alternative product for those that enjoy the taste of meat but do not want animals getting killed over their preference? If they are willing to pay the premium for this, why not provide the product?
How about providing an alternative product for those that enjoy the taste of meat but do not want animals getting killed over their preference? If they are willing to pay the premium for this, why not provide the product?
So same question, how about providing an alternative product for those that enjoy the taste of human meat but don't want to kill someone to get it?

They aren't "willing to pay the premium for this", they make you pay. It's not a profitable business, it's constant bailout and subsidies on the off chance that someday maybe it will only be double the price of real meat. Make it profitable somewhere, and then come back and lobby for it with real numbers, not hopes and dreams and another invoice.
So same question, how about providing an alternative product for those that enjoy the taste of human meat but don't want to kill someone to get it?

They aren't "willing to pay the premium for this", they make you pay. It's not a profitable business, it's constant bailout and subsidies on the off chance that someday maybe it will only be double the price of real meat. Make it profitable somewhere, and then come back and lobby for it with real numbers, not hopes and dreams and another invoice.

There are so many more ethical issues with the consumption of human meat, lab grown or not. Cultural, religious and ethical dilemmas concerning the treatment of human remains, the sanctity of human life etc. I don't think anyone could make a real case for choice over those societal and cultural concerns.
There's been no long-term studies into the benefits/hazards of lab-grown meat.

And has anyone asked the question 'lab-grown from what?'

Did you just wake up from a 30 year coma? Ask whatever nurse taught you to access this website about "google."
I do see how dumb that is, it doesn't seem like you do.

Correct, I'm conservative, neither you nor I are libertarians, nor is MicroBrew, so let's can it with the fake libertarian arguments that you suddenly picked out for select projects. They're still free to grow fake meat for surgical procedures on animals too, they just can't serve it as food.

If you'd like to make a consistent libertarian argument, then make that argument consistently, but lab meat wouldn't crack the top 50 complaints for that. If we accept the reality of government picking winners and losers, particularly with this industry that doesn't even really exist currently for commercial consumption, then we're back to you having to make an argument for why this is different, which you haven't and apparently can't.

If your libertarian argument was sincere, your squabble should be with @MicroBrew , who doesn't want all lab meat available, but of course it's not, and you're just taking whatever you think is the democrat position with no scruples or consistency.
These aren't libertarian arguments. They're small government arguments. Surely you understand the difference?

My squabble is with you because you refuse to state a reason for the government to intervene in the marketplace here. Calling it "libertarian" is, no disrespect, idiotic. It's basic small government principles. A company is creating a product within the existing laws. There is no proof that the product is dangerous to individuals or to the nation itself. Hence there's no reason for the government to step in and prevent individuals from producing the product or from buying it.

That's small government at a fundamental level.

I want you to point out for the last several posts, you have not stated to me a reason for the government to limit this product. All you've done is argue about your perception of other people.

This is why I say most of you aren't really conservatives because you can't, or won't, actually put the principles in application.

So...what is your argument for why the government needs to intervene in this product. Try to be specific and try to discuss the issue.
So same question, how about providing an alternative product for those that enjoy the taste of human meat but don't want to kill someone to get it?

They aren't "willing to pay the premium for this", they make you pay. It's not a profitable business, it's constant bailout and subsidies on the off chance that someday maybe it will only be double the price of real meat. Make it profitable somewhere, and then come back and lobby for it with real numbers, not hopes and dreams and another invoice.
If there's a market for it, it's already legal. There's just no market for it and no one seems interested in creating one. It's that simple.
There are so many more ethical issues with the consumption of human meat, lab grown or not. Cultural, religious and ethical dilemmas concerning the treatment of human remains, the sanctity of human life etc. I don't think anyone could make a real case for choice over those societal and cultural concerns.
He's full of shit. He keeps going back to human meat because he hopes that someone will say "ban it". But no one has said that because we all know that no one is interested in producing the product or buying it.

But here we have companies interested in producing a product and people interested in buying it and he refuses to address the "why" that shouldn't be allowed.
He's full of shit. He keeps going back to human meat because he hopes that someone will say "ban it". But no one has said that because we all know that no one is interested in producing the product or buying it.

But here we have companies interested in producing a product and people interested in buying it and he refuses to address the "why" that shouldn't be allowed.

Human life, meat, cells etc. have so many more cultural/religious/ethical considerations associated with it compared to animal products, lab grown or not. Seemed like a really strange equivalence. Something like:

"Hey, I can keep my dog in a kennel, why can't I keep my wife there against her will... it's the same thing"
He's full of shit. He keeps going back to human meat because he hopes that someone will say "ban it". But no one has said that because we all know that no one is interested in producing the product or buying it.

But here we have companies interested in producing a product and people interested in buying it and he refuses to address the "why" that shouldn't be allowed.
@MicroBrew did say "ban it", in multiple posts, sounds like @Voodoo_Child906 would like it banned too, and even you had to try to pivot off to some weird tangent about medical procedures in a discussion about food laws, because it's your preferred tactic on here to try to dismiss people pointing out your hypocrisy by saying "deflection" or "whataboutism" or the old ", culture wars".

Yeah, I'm the one who's "full of shit", when you have no problem with any other regulation, then suddenly turn into Captain Libertarian when it's something you want. You don't seem to know the difference between conservative, libertarian and anarchist, because of course there is no conservative argument for dumping piles of money hoping to replace one of the world's oldest industries with an experimental product with no long term testing at orders of magnitude higher cost.

Again, you can either bring your case once your have a viable product to sell and show why fake fake meat is such a godsend, or you can run for office in FL, TX, AZ, TN or MT and see whether voters share your enthusiasm for fake meat.
@MicroBrew did say "ban it", in multiple posts, sounds like @Voodoo_Child906 would like it banned too, and even you had to try to pivot off to some weird tangent about medical procedures in a discussion about food laws, because it's your preferred tactic on here to try to dismiss people pointing out your hypocrisy by saying "deflection" or "whataboutism" or the old ", culture wars".

Yeah, I'm the one who's "full of shit", when you have no problem with any other regulation, then suddenly turn into Captain Libertarian when it's something you want. You don't seem to know the difference between conservative, libertarian and anarchist, because of course there is no conservative argument for dumping piles of money hoping to replace one of the world's oldest industries with an experimental product with no long term testing at orders of magnitude higher cost.

Again, you can either bring your case once your have a viable product to sell and show why fake fake meat is such a godsend, or you can run for office in FL, TX, AZ, TN or MT and see whether voters share your enthusiasm for fake meat.

I'm saying that lab grown human meat should be banned for consumption and lab raised animal meat should be approved. The ethical/cultural/religious issues raised with producing human flesh for consumption do not exist in our societies for animal products.
I'm saying that lab grown human meat should be banned for consumption and lab raised animal meat should be approved. The ethical/cultural/religious issues raised with producing human flesh for consumption do not exist in our societies for animal products.
Tell that to @panamaican . He seems to think "nobody has said that" and it's just me hoping they will, even though everybody has said that.
@MicroBrew did say "ban it", in multiple posts, sounds like @Voodoo_Child906 would like it banned too, and even you had to try to pivot off to some weird tangent about medical procedures in a discussion about food laws, because it's your preferred tactic on here to try to dismiss people pointing out your hypocrisy by saying "deflection" or "whataboutism" or the old ", culture wars".

Yeah, I'm the one who's "full of shit", when you have no problem with any other regulation, then suddenly turn into Captain Libertarian when it's something you want. You don't seem to know the difference between conservative, libertarian and anarchist, because of course there is no conservative argument for dumping piles of money hoping to replace one of the world's oldest industries with an experimental product with no long term testing at orders of magnitude higher cost.

Again, you can either bring your case once your have a viable product to sell and show why fake fake meat is such a godsend, or you can run for office in FL, TX, AZ, TN or MT and see whether voters share your enthusiasm for fake meat.
I'm still waiting for you to answer my question.
Since Cows are harmful to the environment, and I do love beef, I'd be all for this synthetic meat tbh, it makes perfect sense.

This legislation is protectionist bullshit.

It'll put ranchers out of business.... firstly, I very much doubt it on the short term, and in the long term, I fucking hope so.
another angry leftist thread just because a republican didn't let globalists shit all over them.
wait whos the leftist in this situation? Whos the republican? Who are the globalists?
We talking about lab grown meat?

Where are da libtardss? Da scientists? AI?

The people who care about animal suffering are the same people who hate humanity.