Jail Debut, Tips?

Long story short, getting 10 days jail for drunk & post-brain op amnesically headbutting stitches into the first illegal immigrant then RNCing the second illegal unconscious last fall in a plea to Misdemeanor Battery x 2 to avoid Disorderly Conduct for having to pin and headbutt/bite thumb to bone patron hitting Aryan Nation felon co-bouncer for hitting his friend, at the expense of my badly needed job itself. Tips?
Its county time it wont be too bad. I took the plea to drop my felonies too.Just bring some money for snacks cause jail food sucks a few books and a deck of cards.
Make some buddies and play spades and chess and itll fly by. My stupid lawyer told me I could do my time standing on my head. They say that to make you feel better bout serving time.
Doubt i coulda done 6 months on my head but atleast I didnt pull the full 2 years
Just be friendly youll be alright brotha good luck.
This is not well-known outside of prison, so don't spread it around too much... but the best way to avoid getting raped in prison is

just consent to every sexual encounter
1. Don't make any friends, the place is full of scumbags.

2. Take the time to improve your english, your post is a trainwreck of nonsense.
If I might so clarify, does a preface of "Long story short" not contextualize the subsequent couple run-on sentences made somewhat in haste between errands? Kindly fuck yourself

He accepted it alright, dude went out and stole a car and drove several hours and pulled up to the tattoo shop where the Youtube guy worked and started blasting his ass as the Youtuber was outside in the parking lot smoking a cigarette

A buddy of mine just retired after 20 years as a CO in a local jail. Not sure where you are but around here he said the youth are the worst. Stay away from the 18-25 year olds always trying to make a name for themselves. hey come from broken homes and live like they have nothing to lose. He says don't make eye contact and stick to yourself, don't make bets, play games for money, or put yourself out there where you will be known or seen. Fly under radar. He said after 20 years the smell will never leave him---B.O, Shit, Piss, Semen, smoke and cleaning product is a bad mix. Although after what you describe, Jail seems about right at this point in your life.