FINALLY, an OTC "Testosterone Booster" checks out:

I tend to agree with Urban here. Why use something that's essentially trying to reproduce the effects of test injections (correct me if Im wrong) when you can just use test injections.
I'm not promoting breaking the law or anything, etc., etc....

Uhhhh, I can't just get test. I have no idea where to get any, I hate needles, and I've only been on it (novadex)a week but I would bet money it's nowhere near as potent as straight test.
Uhhhh, I can't just get test. You can get anything on the interwebz I have no idea where to get any, I hate needles Man up :D haha, and I've only been on it (novadex)a week but I would bet money it's nowhere near as potent as straight test.Exactly my point

KK/Mr. S, let me know if Im crossing the line at all. I don't really know how steroid talk is tolerated here. Kids, don't do what I say...
Do roids intstead?:icon_chee

Thanks for the advice...I attribute all of my gains to you Easternbloc.
Saying "do roids instead" is a bit oversimplified compaired to my sentiment. I meant, if you're going to use something safely to for certain ends, then why not use something else safely to reach those ends more efficiently. Legality is a trivial issue IMO since basically you're artificially boosting your test levels which could set off a banned substance drug test for most athletic commissions. So what's the difference? If you personally have a moral problem, fine. Don't like needles? ok. But don't hide behind the laws as some sort of shield for your media fervor induced fear and ignorance.

Its not like you have to tell your co-workers you're on test, and short of getting busted with it (unlikely unless you're a distributor) nobody's ever going to find out unless you want them to.

Just my opinion I suppose. I personally don't juice because I don't think it's neccessary to achieve my goals (incidently the same reason I don't spend money on novadex). But you can bet your ass I'll be first in line for HRT when I'm 40 and already by supplementing in my thirties to compensate for the drop that's probably already begun.
I saw this thread a few months ago and decided to try it at some point in the future. I ordered 2 bottles from foxsupplements for 55 dollars versus 60 dollars from my local GNC. I've only been on it a week at 4 capsules/night, and this is going to be the most unscientific short term review ever.

I've actually been off of my regular lifting schedule since I started taking this. Kinda lame, but I figured a couple days off from my regular lifting wasn't going to be a big deal. One thing that could or could not be an effect of the Novadex is I did kinda high volume pullups/chins the other day, set a PR, and had some serious DOMS the next day. Usually lasts a couple days but on the second day it was gone. Obviously I don't know if there's any real correlation.

My weight has also been unstable lately. I have hovered right at 215 for a couple months now, but 2 weeks ago I ate a shitload over an entire weekend and bloated all the way up to 232lbs. That's the most I've weighed in a long ass time, at least 6 years. Usually when I eat bad my weight comes right back down after a day of good diet and lots of water. Not this time. I am still 220 two weeks later, however that could have to do with a few factors (more on that later). Anyway, I set the BW chinup PR at a higher weight than I have been in a while.

Here's what could be the deal with my weight and performance results if you can call them that. About 3 weeks ago I started back to a regular supplement schedule religiously taking 5-10grams of fish oil and fiber per today along with some other basic vitamins. The big thing is creatine though. Everytime I've gone back on creatine after being off for a while I've noticed really good results. Some people have told me creatine doesn't do much for them but for me it's worked beautifully. Typically I gain some weight and seem to look leaner.

Completely shooting in the dark here. I don't know what my BF% is. I have barely visible abs, so I am guessing around 14%. I feel "harder", think I look leaner, and my girlfriend has noticed a difference. Her words "You look skinnier." which in her language means what I would call leaner. So I think I look more jackt...better get that tanning membership... /end gay.

Sex Drive
The last couple of months I've had a decrease in sex drive. I don't know what it is, but i just haven't been in the mood a whole lot. The only other time I've experienced this was during a time I was definitely overtrained. Not sure if it's a placebo effect or what but I have seen the return of my sex drive in the past week. Not going to mention specifics...but I've been getting after it a lot.

Side Effects
Since the change in my diet a few weeks ago I noticed a little more acne on my forehead, and in the last week I have been getting zits on my chest and back and my face is a hell of a lot more broken out because I've never had a problem with acne. Also my legs, chest, back, face, and head are completely covered in hair. Oh...I was like that before, so I'm not worried about a little acne.

So like I said I got the two bottles and at 4 capsules a night its an 8 week supply. I plan on using it the entire 8 weeks. If you guys want I'll post updates every week.

Thanks for posting your experience and it was a good read. It'll be good to follow your progress over the coming weeks. The thing you mentioned with your weight could very well be linked to taking creatine, I've found that my weight rises rapidly whilst lifting and taking creatine. I'm very pro-creatine, btw. So if you are 5lbs heavier 2 weeks after then that may have contributed. It was interesting what you mentioned about DOMS being less of an issue and also it surprised me that your sex drive initially went down but then back up. My uneducated expectation would have been and instant rise in libido.

I look forward to hearing how it goes, all the best with it.

BTW, I'm personally wouldn't take either test and Novadex. I don't have a problem with others using it, it's a personal decision but I would have a lot of anxiety about what type of person I would be whilst taking. Fearful in fact. That's probably because I'm a moody bastard! :)
Saying "do roids instead" is a bit oversimplified compaired to my sentiment. I meant, if you're going to use something safely to for certain ends, then why not use something else safely to reach those ends more efficiently. Legality is a trivial issue IMO since basically you're artificially boosting your test levels which could set off a banned substance drug test for most athletic commissions. So what's the difference? If you personally have a moral problem, fine. Don't like needles? ok. But don't hide behind the laws as some sort of shield for your media fervor induced fear and ignorance.

Its not like you have to tell your co-workers you're on test, and short of getting busted with it (unlikely unless you're a distributor) nobody's ever going to find out unless you want them to.

Just my opinion I suppose. I personally don't juice because I don't think it's neccessary to achieve my goals (incidently the same reason I don't spend money on novadex). But you can bet your ass I'll be first in line for HRT when I'm 40 and already by supplementing in my thirties to compensate for the drop that's probably already begun.

You just always have to keep in mind that the current climate of US legislation on this issue puts more guys like you in jail for using what is illegal, then they do chastising athletes for it. The steroid legislation is a mess, but it's the average gym rat who suffers most, not Professional Athletes.
You just always have to keep in mind that the current climate of US legislation on this issue puts more guys like you in jail for using what is illegal, then they do chastising athletes for it. The steroid legislation is a mess, but it's the average gym rat who suffers most, not Professional Athletes.

Suffers most in terms of legal punishment? Or suffer due to the overall legal climate that leads to them using underground labs of questionable quality versus the Pro's who can (likely) afford primo shit?

I want to do steroids now.
Yes legal punishment. I had quite a few friends go down a year or two ago. Personal use, nothing major. They are hard core on it now, it is the same as getting caught with heroin gram for gram.

People notice, is always a huge differance, no. But I can tell you now Urban people would know if YOU took it.
In the SnP forum I recieved a somewhat snide comment about the post I made in this thread saying that I am using Novadex XT, and then in the pub the same poster made the comment that no one in here that has tried this product has a 1200lb total. Though I am sure Donut did when he tried it.

Anyway, I ain't mad about it. He is a strong and respected poster and very much entitled to his opinion. I just want to say a few things about it here, and explain where I'm coming from and why I'm trying this out.

First of all, if you shouldn't use this product until you have a 1200lb total, what should your total be before using other performance enhancing OTC supplements like creatine, beta-alanine, or hell even caffeine? I don't think there is a real answer to that question, and I think it points out that what your powerlifting total is has nothing to do with using this product if you've put some time and effort into diet and training already.

For my part powerlifting and increasing my big 3 has never been one of my goals. I haven't even benched in a year and a half, and don't have access to a rack, so I can't even back squat. My main goals are strength and speed. Instead of benching and back squatting I deadlift, clean(and it's variations), snatch(and it's variations), OHP, etc. etc. Basically I do the basic lifts, a few olympic lifts and speed work and jogging. I have no idea what my total is, and the olympic lifts are completely new to me so I'm learning as I go.

Like I said I started using Navadex XT December 26th, which is exactly (possibly 2 days off) 2 years since I began seriously paying attention to my diet and excercising. At the time I had been smoking since I was 15, and I have a history of food addiction and drug and alcohol abuse. That day 2 years ago I crushed up my two remaining packs of cigarettes and changed my life completely. I weighed 217lbs, was over 20% bodyfat. I don't know what my total was then either, only that I was very weak, had horrible squat and deadlift form, and couldn't even run half a mile without stopping. I hadn't been involved in any sports since jr high when I was 212lbs at 5'5".

In that 2 years I've had multiple injuries and setbacks such as breaks sprains, staph, etc., but I've still made a lot of progress. My weight went from 217 down to as low as 193 and I am now back at 220. I trained MMA for a year and competed in a couple of submission wrestling tournaments, ran a couple of 5k races, and made strength gains even when that wasn't my main goal. My best numbers are a 315lb back squat, 365lb deadlift, and 225lb bench(year and a half ago). I know just how uninspiring those lifts are to powerlifters, but like I said, in the past I did not train in a way that was meant to bring up my 1rm.

So why am I trying this supplement now? It's a legal performance enhancing supplement endorsed by some of the educated posters in the D&S, what more reason do I really need? I don't see any harm in trying it or how it is looked down upon moreso than the aforementioned accepted performance enhancing supplements like creatine and caffeine. At worst it can cause a few side effects that can not be nearly as bad as those from the drugs and alcohol I've used in excess in the past.

So like I said, I have alot of respect for the poster I mentioned earlier, but I wanted to offer some insight into who I am and why I'm using a product he seems to look down on.
Stopped by work (GNC) today, was picking up some supplements, and we have the buy one get one 50% off deal. I ended up picking up a bottle of Novedex XT for 20 bucks. Starting tonight I'm going on the 8 week cycle like they did in the trials. I'll post a log for it if any of you are interested.
I have used it and had a 1200 pound total. I don't right now. But I am in a major endurance phase of training. If I focused on it though back to 1200 total in 12 weeks and I weigh 180 right now.

Like I said though. My diet is perfect, as is my training. I have used AAS and PH's in the past, in fact I was one of "Designer Supplements" major testers. I have found novadex to work. I am older with lower levels, no doubt, and I just don't want to risk the legalities,and I am in better shape now than when I was using. Go figure.
In the SnP forum I recieved a somewhat snide comment about the post I made in this thread saying that I am using Novadex XT, and then in the pub the same poster made the comment that no one in here that has tried this product has a 1200lb total. Though I am sure Donut did when he tried it.

Anyway, I ain't mad about it. He is a strong and respected poster and very much entitled to his opinion. I just want to say a few things about it here, and explain where I'm coming from and why I'm trying this out.

First of all, if you shouldn't use this product until you have a 1200lb total, what should your total be before using other performance enhancing OTC supplements like creatine, beta-alanine, or hell even caffeine? I don't think there is a real answer to that question, and I think it points out that what your powerlifting total is has nothing to do with using this product if you've put some time and effort into diet and training already.

For my part powerlifting and increasing my big 3 has never been one of my goals. I haven't even benched in a year and a half, and don't have access to a rack, so I can't even back squat. My main goals are strength and speed. Instead of benching and back squatting I deadlift, clean(and it's variations), snatch(and it's variations), OHP, etc. etc. Basically I do the basic lifts, a few olympic lifts and speed work and jogging. I have no idea what my total is, and the olympic lifts are completely new to me so I'm learning as I go.

Like I said I started using Navadex XT December 26th, which is exactly (possibly 2 days off) 2 years since I began seriously paying attention to my diet and excercising. At the time I had been smoking since I was 15, and I have a history of food addiction and drug and alcohol abuse. That day 2 years ago I crushed up my two remaining packs of cigarettes and changed my life completely. I weighed 217lbs, was over 20% bodyfat. I don't know what my total was then either, only that I was very weak, had horrible squat and deadlift form, and couldn't even run half a mile without stopping. I hadn't been involved in any sports since jr high when I was 212lbs at 5'5".

In that 2 years I've had multiple injuries and setbacks such as breaks sprains, staph, etc., but I've still made a lot of progress. My weight went from 217 down to as low as 193 and I am now back at 220. I trained MMA for a year and competed in a couple of submission wrestling tournaments, ran a couple of 5k races, and made strength gains even when that wasn't my main goal. My best numbers are a 315lb back squat, 365lb deadlift, and 225lb bench(year and a half ago). I know just how uninspiring those lifts are to powerlifters, but like I said, in the past I did not train in a way that was meant to bring up my 1rm.

So why am I trying this supplement now? It's a legal performance enhancing supplement endorsed by some of the educated posters in the D&S, what more reason do I really need? I don't see any harm in trying it or how it is looked down upon moreso than the aforementioned accepted performance enhancing supplements like creatine and caffeine. At worst it can cause a few side effects that can not be nearly as bad as those from the drugs and alcohol I've used in excess in the past.

So like I said, I have alot of respect for the poster I mentioned earlier, but I wanted to offer some insight into who I am and why I'm using a product he seems to look down on.

Don't worry, I find that alot of S&P posters are very dogmatic in their thinking and tend to be unnecessarily snide with regards to supplements and alternative training methods. (95% of the Guys/Girls of the board regulars are solid, but I don't like people who parrot a certain ideology so they can be "accepted")
Don't worry, I find that alot of S&P posters are very dogmatic in their thinking and tend to be unnecessarily snide with regards to supplements and alternative training methods. (95% of the Guys/Girls of the board regulars are solid, but I don't like people who parrot a certain ideology so they can be "accepted")


Jk, I've just been looking for a scenario all day where I could post that picture. Thank you.

Although I think Mittenzo was right; I ain't got no twelve-hunnet pound total. But I ain't taken no Novadex either.

Jk, I've just been looking for a scenario all day where I could post that picture. Thank you.

Although I think Mittenzo was right; I ain't got no twelve-hunnet pound total. But I ain't taken no Novadex either.

I spend 95% of my time in the SnP, but I think my comment about how strong you should be before you use creatine or other OTC supplements is a valid one. In my mind there's really no difference. To me there's not even a difference between most legal drugs and steroids except for legality and societies uneducated viewpoint.
Very interesting post ATH. i agree. Iti s a persons choice if they want to use something like that.

I am not sure a certain total should be reached as everyone has a different genetic potential.

I myself am looking into havoc by rpn, which as i am reading is basically an oral steroid.
Very interesting post ATH. i agree. Iti s a persons choice if they want to use something like that.

I am not sure a certain total should be reached as everyone has a different genetic potential.

I myself am looking into havoc by rpn, which as i am reading is basically an oral steroid.

I say cut the baconators first! :icon_chee
i heard baconators were super anabolic amost like steroids themselves lol.
Well I thought I would throw this in here. My experience seems to be far from the normal experiences with Novedex XT, which is to say it was entirely unpositive. To evaluate it's effectiveness, I added nothing else to my regular routine. No change in diet or workout or anything. I started on 2 ed for 1 week, 3 ed for 1 week, then on the full 4 ed. I immediately noticed a severe decrease in libido. As I moved up to 4 pills a day, the effect was ampilified and getting it up went from looking at a neck line to an exercise in futility. After two weeks of 4 ed I completely dropped the Novedex XT, and sure enough within a few days my libido returned. I am not sure how to explain this phenomenon, but I do know that I will not be trying it again. I also noticed no real positives, my workouts and everything else felt the same.

I noticed this when I took a the test booster Tribestan. Thought maybe I was crazy, I thought it would be the opposite. I brisk wind would get it up and there was a couple times I couldn't get it up for sex. I have been off for about 3 months and I still don't think my Libido is the same as it was.... I will never touch tribestan again! Now I am a little leary of trying Novadex even though I wan't to
In the SnP forum I recieved a somewhat snide comment about the post I made in this thread saying that I am using Novadex XT, and then in the pub the same poster made the comment that no one in here that has tried this product has a 1200lb total. Though I am sure Donut did when he tried it.

Anyway, I ain't mad about it. He is a strong and respected poster and very much entitled to his opinion. I just want to say a few things about it here, and explain where I'm coming from and why I'm trying this out.

First of all, if you shouldn't use this product until you have a 1200lb total, what should your total be before using other performance enhancing OTC supplements like creatine, beta-alanine, or hell even caffeine? I don't think there is a real answer to that question, and I think it points out that what your powerlifting total is has nothing to do with using this product if you've put some time and effort into diet and training already.

For my part powerlifting and increasing my big 3 has never been one of my goals. I haven't even benched in a year and a half, and don't have access to a rack, so I can't even back squat. My main goals are strength and speed. Instead of benching and back squatting I deadlift, clean(and it's variations), snatch(and it's variations), OHP, etc. etc. Basically I do the basic lifts, a few olympic lifts and speed work and jogging. I have no idea what my total is, and the olympic lifts are completely new to me so I'm learning as I go.

Like I said I started using Navadex XT December 26th, which is exactly (possibly 2 days off) 2 years since I began seriously paying attention to my diet and excercising. At the time I had been smoking since I was 15, and I have a history of food addiction and drug and alcohol abuse. That day 2 years ago I crushed up my two remaining packs of cigarettes and changed my life completely. I weighed 217lbs, was over 20% bodyfat. I don't know what my total was then either, only that I was very weak, had horrible squat and deadlift form, and couldn't even run half a mile without stopping. I hadn't been involved in any sports since jr high when I was 212lbs at 5'5".

In that 2 years I've had multiple injuries and setbacks such as breaks sprains, staph, etc., but I've still made a lot of progress. My weight went from 217 down to as low as 193 and I am now back at 220. I trained MMA for a year and competed in a couple of submission wrestling tournaments, ran a couple of 5k races, and made strength gains even when that wasn't my main goal. My best numbers are a 315lb back squat, 365lb deadlift, and 225lb bench(year and a half ago). I know just how uninspiring those lifts are to powerlifters, but like I said, in the past I did not train in a way that was meant to bring up my 1rm.

So why am I trying this supplement now? It's a legal performance enhancing supplement endorsed by some of the educated posters in the D&S, what more reason do I really need? I don't see any harm in trying it or how it is looked down upon moreso than the aforementioned accepted performance enhancing supplements like creatine and caffeine. At worst it can cause a few side effects that can not be nearly as bad as those from the drugs and alcohol I've used in excess in the past.

So like I said, I have alot of respect for the poster I mentioned earlier, but I wanted to offer some insight into who I am and why I'm using a product he seems to look down on.

creatine - 800lbs
beta-alanine - 950
caffeine - beginner

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