Gym Idiots Thread IV

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The University of Iowa men's swim team was in the gym yesterday: their workout consisted of overhead presses and push presses, done seemingly at random and between bouts of circle-talking, with a barbell weighing between 45 and 95 lbs., plus situps while holding onto a 45-lb. plate.

They're not gym idiots because of the obvious lack of strength--though it is ridiculous for DI athletes to be so weak--but because of the lackadaisical approach to their strength program coupled with no apparent planned progression. Way to take it serious, collegiate athletes.

Is it the off-season? I'm surprised that swimmers would be doing overhead work unless it is. Of course, I know absolutely nothing about collegiate swimming, just know that when I swim and do pressing exercises, it's taxing on the shoulders.

Believe it or not swimmers are not training for a monster OHP nor is it required.

So maybe they shouldn't be allowed in land gyms?

Its not like you ever need endurance in some of the smallest muscles in the body when swimming, just have a 200lb 5RM ohp and make the water your bitch, right?
Believe it or not swimmers are not training for a monster OHP nor is it required.

So maybe they shouldn't be allowed in land gyms?

Its not like you ever need endurance in some of the smallest muscles in the body when swimming, just have a 200lb 5RM ohp and make the water your bitch, right?

So spend time training the press instead of just swimming more? Sounds pretty dumb.
Had a pretty good one yesterday.

Was late to the gym because I got stuck at work - so it was jam-packed with assholes. I'm in Hollywood so try to imagine Night of The Living Curl-Monkey Bros - that was the scene.

I race straight to one of the 3 racks to try and grab one before someone sets up a bosu ball in one. The only free one had a racked bar with 5 plates each side. No one seemed to be using it.

I've been going to this gym on and off when I'm working here for years and have never seen any of the poseurs that frequent it squat more than 400 pounds - and never a legit squat at that.

At the same time a big, bodybuilder type rolls up next to me, also salivating at the potentially free squat rack. He's a strong dude and keeps himself to himself so I offer to share with him if the thing is free.

So I glance around and ask no one in particular if anyone's using the rack. A sweet girl on a Smith machine said yes.

I turn to bodybuilder dude and say "Someone in THIS gym can squat 500 pounds" - and he just shrugs bemusedly and clearly doubtful.

We're just about to say fuck it and start stripping the bar when the mystery squatter arrives. 5' 9", maybe 175, skin tight UnderArmor head to toe.

I see a bench open up, nod to the Bodybuilder dude and scarper over to do bench first instead. I get a resigned eyebrow raise from him as FantasySquatMan asks him for a spot.

Long story short this annoying prat does 3 grinding assisted knee bends, as the poor bodybuilder works out all his embarrassment muscles to failure.

OK - so I do my work out - finally get back to the rack. Do my squats, OHP and am about to do BORs when a voice behind me asks "how many you got bro"

It's the Kneebender!

Straight-faced I look him dead in the eye and say "12"

He's like: "12?"

Stonefaced I say:"12" not tough guy, not aggressive, just totally emotionless and robotic "12"

He gives me a does-not-compute face, but I just stare impassively at him telepathically projecting the concept that I would rather die than relinquish this hallowed ground to him.

So off he went in search of a leg press and every free 45 plate in Hollywood.

Avatar: The Last Kneebender
So spend time training the press instead of just swimming more? Sounds pretty dumb.

I don't know why I keep replying to you when you come out with things like this, but that is like telling every mma guy here not to bother coming in S+C or a gym since they should be getting all their strength, power, cardio and agility work from their direct sport.
As someone who plays a bit of rugby, I have a lot of respect for anyone who could make the national team, all of whom could kick my ass on or off the field (well, maybe not the backs). That being said, 26th in world rugby is not very good, so it does not surprise me that their training is retarded. There is an enormous skill gap between the top 1-8 and top 9-20 teams, and beyond that it drops off even more steeply. Rugby, despite the world cup, is not like soccer. Not that many countries have serious rugby programs which attract top athletes, so quality varies sharply. Most South African, Australian or New Zealand club teams could beat national teams from other countries.

For example, Canada, my national team, is ranked 13 and gets routinely destroyed every four years at the world cup. Despite this, I have every confidence that they could make every team from 20 on down look like a bunch of fucking muppets.

This is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.

Fuck yea
I don't know why I keep replying to you when you come out with things like this, but that is like telling every mma guy here not to bother coming in S+C or a gym since they should be getting all their strength, power, cardio and agility work from their direct sport.

All of the swimmers I know advocate swimming more to get better at swimming. They look at strength training with contempt. At least during the season. Even in the off-season strength training is looked at as a fun hobby rather than a way to become a faster swimmer.

Terrible analogy is terrible by the way.
Sad to say, but a friend in high school bought a huge bucket (20 lbs+) of either protein or mass gainer (didn't know at the time). He was drinking them non stop, thinking he was building muscle with each shake. He wasn't lifting any weights or doing any sports. He did gain weight, but just got fatter. At least it was in like 1995, back when you couldn't just find 10,000 articles about it in 15 secs.

That was also the time frame in which I was doing competitive downhill skiing and the full time paid S&C coaches from the federation were making us do a full body workout on nautilus machines. Free weights were too dangerous and they wouldn't risk us being injured...

That same friend is now working construction and he got a work safety obligatory class in which the guy told them any form of training was destroying your body. According to this genius, each time you train, you break your muscles and it ages your body. Not really part of his class, just an irrelevant opinion he likes to tell hundreds of people likely to take it as a fact...

This happened to one of my buddies friends, he was taking Mutant Mass but didn't work out as much as he should have while taking large servings of the stuff.

He used to be a cut track and field kid and he ended up being a chubby nonactive highschool senior in less than a year.
I never go to Pop Eyes, but I see so many Pop Eyes shirts whenever I go to any gym in the city.

I've gone a few times. I see at least 5 shirts whenever I visit the gym. I think some guys just hang out at pop eyes...
I've gone a few times. I see at least 5 shirts whenever I visit the gym. I think some guys just hang out at pop eyes...

I know a few people and have a few friends (2) that actually spend $200 every month on supplements. One is an amateur body builder (he's sponsored now) but the others rarely workout.. I don't know how you can dish out that much cash on random supps.
I know a few people and have a few friends (2) that actually spend $200 every month on supplements. One is an amateur body builder (he's sponsored now) but the others rarely workout.. I don't know how you can dish out that much cash on random supps.

Back when I was wee quarter squatter, I got into that whole muscle media pre-body-for-life physique challenge. So I was shelling out for 3-4 boxes of myoplex (a months supply), 2 tubs of phos****en HP, Betagen, and some Ripped Fuel. Shit ran me nearly 300 bucks a month.

A fool and his money are soon parted.
Thats a lot of money on supps lol.

All i ever buy is fish oil, protein, multis, maybe some no xplode and that only runs me about 80 bucks a month lol.
Believe it or not swimmers are not training for a monster OHP nor is it required.

So maybe they shouldn't be allowed in land gyms?

Its not like you ever need endurance in some of the smallest muscles in the body when swimming, just have a 200lb 5RM ohp and make the water your bitch, right?

You need to stop posting in this forum.
Wow you guys are sensitive.^^^

What did you expect? Most people, whatever country they live in and no matter how cynical they may feel about it, don't like it when forgeiners insult their nation.:rolleyes:
I know a few people and have a few friends (2) that actually spend $200 every month on supplements. One is an amateur body builder (he's sponsored now) but the others rarely workout.. I don't know how you can dish out that much cash on random supps.

This raises an interesting question; can you still be a gym idiot if you don't go to the gym?
This raises an interesting question; can you still be a gym idiot if you don't go to the gym?

Funny story about one of my close friends who used to buy a bunch of supplements (not anymore)

He used to go to the gym just to do pull ups and push ups nothing else.

He would also wear Everlast hand wraps from Walmart when doing these (He said he thought he looked cool)... Needless to say me and my friends ridiculed him to no end.
That same friend is now working construction and he got a work safety obligatory class in which the guy told them any form of training was destroying your body. According to this genius, each time you train, you break your muscles and it ages your body. Not really part of his class, just an irrelevant opinion he likes to tell hundreds of people likely to take it as a fact...

I'm an HSE (Health, safety & environmental) trainer for an oil & gas servicing company...and would be floored if more of our employees did any sort of physical training. Less back injuries? Yes please.
(Just felt like defending my with anything you can find uniformed people everywhere, a degree does not combat this)
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