'The Wire' - It gets better after the 1st season, right?


Plutonium Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2011
Reaction score
So in the past I've tried to get into The Wire, and failed.

1st attempt - Quit after the 1st episode.

2nd attempt - Quit after the 6th episode.

So this week I've given it a 3rd attempt and just finished the 8th episode.... and I'm bored.

For those who praise The Wire as the best TV show ever, it gets better after the 1st season right? The 1st is setting the table and introducing characters and the themes of the cops/dealers?

Edit - I've heard spoilers throughout the years, so don't bother with the cute "Have you got to the point that ______ dies?"
I guess it's just not for you. I was hooked from the moment I turned it on. First season is one of the best.
If the hook wasn't set by episode 2, then the show isn't for you.
Season 2 was when i was convinced this is the fucking most overrated shit ever.

I stuck through tho..

I made it all the way before the beginning of the last season and....quit.

Tis boring.
The Wire was the shit back when they made it but by 2018 standards it's a little dated in terms of acting, dialogue and all that stuff.

Like if they released it today it would be a total flop.
Was season 2 the docks? Docks are easily the worst season, but it helps set up the rest of the series.
I watched season 1 recently. I liked it but my gf was indiferent and it wasn't worth fighting over.
It might just not be for you.

It is objectively great, but I could see some not caring for it's style, or subject matter.
Also when I watched it HBO had the episodes out of order. Some were missing and some were real poor quality too. Not sure if this is still the case.
Season 2 was when i was convinced this is the fucking most overrated shit ever.

I stuck through tho..

I made it all the way before the beginning of the last season and....quit.

Tis boring.
I can't imagine having an opinion this bad.
Season 2 is pure genius and so gutsy of them even to attempt. Season 4 is the single greatest season any show in the history of television has ever had.
Season 4 was the best iirc

The season with the kids

But all the seasons are top tier television
Goat Tier Characters

Bitch Made Characters

People shitting on season 2 but it was a lot of people's favorite season. I didnt end up watching until a few years ago but enjoyed it. Liked the early 2000's nostalgia as well.
I'd rank them, in descending order:

- Season 3
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Season 4
- Season 5
People shitting on season 2 but it was a lot of people's favorite season. I didnt end up watching until a few years ago but enjoyed it. Liked the early 2000's nostalgia as well.
It took me a while to learn to appreciate 2. I think a lot of it has to do most people nowadays can't relate with dockworkers.
i thought it was a brilliant show, and i only watched it fully a couple years ago.
if you're not hooked by the end of the first season, then the show isn't for you.

regarding the 2nd season, it was much better the second time around for me. lots of groundwork was laid out in that season for the rest of the series.