Crime 10 dead in mass shooting in Buffalo

Come'on Khabib, its only a 15-second google search to find out.

Yeah, totally not racist. o_O
Nice job ignoring the rest of my post. Okay he' probablys racist but do we know that this was his motivation for his killing? One could certainly assume that and be forgiven based on his social media posts but when charging someone with a hate crime you have to have enough to establish a certain level of certainty with regard to the intent behind the action at hand. But in the case of the Buffalo shooter he posted a 100 page manifesto detailing why he carried out these killings and racism was a central motivating factor. Hence why the racism angle is central part of this story.
Okay he' probablys racist but do we know that this was his motivation for his killing? One could certainly assume that and be forgiven based on his social media posts but when charging someone with a hate crime you have to have enough to establish a certain level of certainty with regard to the intent behind the action at hand.

Say the Buffalo shooter didn't have a 180-page manifesto, instead he's made several social media posts about killing black people... and then he drives 4 hours to a predominately black area and kills 8 black people.

Would we REALLY be huddling around asking eachother 'well, he made have made those threatening white people post on Facebook, and later went on a rampage killing black people...'

...Would we really come to the conclusion of....

..."Yeah, I don't see a connection here at all. Its a complete coincodence." ??????

Wow almost 1300 posts y'all are being played. Maybe this is making you ignore ppls cant pay food, gas, rent, and other bills as Biden wrecks shit. Thinking thats his hope singling out 10 murders out of 50,000 year. Thats a weekend in Chicago
Say the Buffalo shooter didn't have a 180-page manifesto, instead he's made several social media posts about killing black people... and then he drives 4 hours to a predominately black area and kills 8 black people.

Would we REALLY be huddling around asking eachother 'well, he made have made those threatening white people post on Facebook, and later went on a rampage killing black people...'

...Would we really come to the conclusion of....

..."Yeah, I don't see a connection here at all. Its a complete coincodence." ??????

Like I said if you assume that he did it out of racial animus that's hardly a crazy assumption based on his social media posts. But when we're talking about charging someone with a hate crime the standard of evidence is such that you want to have a bit more certainty in regards to the intent behind the criminal act in question. In the Buffalo shooting there is no doubt, the guy posted a manifesto detailing not only that it was indeed racial animus but even elaborating more specifically on the Great Replacement stuff. In the other case if you can nail him more easily on murder then it makes more sense to avoid the hate crime charge if its not a slam dunk argument. That's how I see it at least.
So even though the shooter himself cites it as his primary motive and its a central component to the whole story, it has no bearing on the story itself? Sorry chief but can't say that makes any sense at all. Discussing his motives is absolutely relevant here and this isn't the first shooter of his kind.

How exactly would you carry out this mental assessment? Who would be eligible to purchase a gun and who wouldn't? How would you enforce this? How would this affect patient confidentiality? Any time I hear someone talk about mental health evals they don't seem to offer any details that would explain the key logistical and constitutional questions. So no, of course of I don't support vague policy proposals from people who don't know the first thing about guns or mental health
So even though the shooter himself cites it as his primary motive and its a central component to the whole story, it has no bearing on the story itself? Sorry chief but can't say that makes any sense at all. Discussing his motives is absolutely relevant here and this isn't the first shooter of his kind.

How exactly would you carry out this mental assessment? Who would be eligible to purchase a gun and who wouldn't? How would you enforce this? How would this affect patient confidentiality? Any time I hear someone talk about mental health evals they don't seem to offer any details that would explain the key logistical and constitutional questions. So no, of course of I don't support vague policy proposals from people who don't know the first thing about guns or mental health
Red flag laws exist right? Someone reports a looney they are scared of and their guns get taken away while the threat is assessed. Do the same for a purchase. With all the shit this kid has been investigated for there should be some box checked in some system to where if he goes to purchase a gun, 1. He's blocked and 2. Someone is notified to investigate it and they go do just like they would for a red flag investigation. That's a start
Like I said if you assume that he did it out of racial animus that's hardly a crazy assumption based on his social media posts. But when we're talking about charging someone with a hate crime the standard of evidence is such that you want to have a bit more certainty in regards to the intent behind the criminal act in question. In the Buffalo shooting there is no doubt, the guy posted a manifesto detailing not only that it was indeed racial animus but even elaborating more specifically on the Great Replacement stuff. In the other case if you can nail him more easily on murder then it makes more sense to avoid the hate crime charge if its not a slam dunk argument. That's how I see it at least.

Even if its not 100% certain, there's far more than what's necessary to add the charges and make the argument in court.

'Wow, you posted online about killing white people, and then drove through a Christmas parade full of white people. The parade could have been filled with Asians, Latinos, Blacks, or gay pride, but it just so happened to be filled with white people, who you threatened to kill. Damn, what amazing luck."
Red flag laws exist right? Someone reports a looney they are scared of and their guns get taken away while the threat is assessed. Do the same for a purchase. With all the shit this kid has been investigated for there should be some box checked in some system to where if he goes to purchase a gun, 1. He's blocked and 2. Someone is notified to investigate it and they go do just like they would for a red flag investigation. That's a start
Red flag laws don't take guns from people indefinitely, they allow for the person in question to get their guns back after a certain amount of time or else they'd be entitled to due process. So I don't see how that would've done anything to stop this kid except maybe delay his plans for a few weeks if someone happened to have called the cops on him? See this is my issue with gun control folks, they use tragedies like these to justify laws that wouldn't even have prevented the tragedy in the first place. They basically just spitball policies and hope something sticks regardless of whether it'd actually help or not.
Even if its not 100% certain, there's far more than what's necessary to add the charges and make the argument in court.

'Wow, you posted online about killing white people, and then drove through a Christmas parade full of white people. The parade could have been filled with Asians, Latinos, Blacks, or gay pride, but it just so happened to be filled with white people, who you threatened to kill. Damn, what amazing luck."
Uh sure they could've done that but you can see how there's a big gap in the level of certainty behind the criminal acts in question between the Buffalo shooter and this other guy and surely you can see how that might've informed the way prosecutors handled the case. And since these took place in different cities we're talking about different cops and prosecutors who might deal with such matters differently.

Or maybe the government just hates white people or whatever.
Uh sure they could've done that but you can see how there's a big gap in the level of certainty behind the criminal acts in question between the Buffalo shooter and this other guy and surely you can see how that might've informed the way prosecutors handled the case. And since these took place in different cities we're talking about different cops and prosecutors who might deal with such matters differently.

Or maybe the government just hates white people or whatever.

No, I'm not agreeing that the new standard of certainty in a hate crime case is the suspect had to have written a 180-page manifesto to be absolutely certain of guilt in a hate crime.

The Buffalo shooter wrote he hated black people in a manifesto.
The Wisconsin driver wrote on social media he hated white people.

And they just to happen to shoot, or run over, people of the race they written they hated.

Wow, what amazing coincidinces.

I keep saying that, but rather than implying it I'll outright say it - You guys are doing some mental gymnastics making up excuses as to why the Wisconsin shooter isn't being charged with hate crimes.
No, I'm not agreeing that the new standard of certainty in a hate crime case is the suspect had to have written a 180-page manifesto to be absolutely certain of guilt in a hate crime.

The Buffalo shooter wrote he hated black people in a manifesto.
The Wisconsin driver wrote on social media he hated white people.

And they just to happen to shoot, or run over, people of the race they written they hated.

Wow, what amazing coincidinces.

I keep saying that, but rather than implying it I'll outright say it - You guys are doing some mental gymnastics making up excuses as to why the Wisconsin shooter isn't being charged with hate crimes.
No, I'm simply pointing to relevant differences between the cases that would explain why the cases are being handled differently which you're ignoring in favor of implying some kind of anti-white agenda or something like that. Which is ironic in a thread about a white shooter who believed in an anti-white conspiracy and went on a rampage because of it.
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No, I'm not agreeing that the new standard of certainty in a hate crime case is the suspect had to have written a 180-page manifesto to be absolutely certain of guilt in a hate crime.

The Buffalo shooter wrote he hated black people in a manifesto.
The Wisconsin driver wrote on social media he hated white people.

And they just to happen to shoot, or run over, people of the race they written they hated.

Wow, what amazing coincidinces.

I keep saying that, but rather than implying it I'll outright say it - You guys are doing some mental gymnastics making up excuses as to why the Wisconsin shooter isn't being charged with hate crimes.
Sherbro. The authorities in Wisconsin have a motive for his rampage, and it has nothing to do with race.

Your supposition that black people get preferential treatment from DA's, especially in predominantly white districts like the one this occurred in in Wisconsin is next level crazy.
Come'on Khabib, its only a 15-second google search to find out.

"he pointed to a story about “white privilege” and a white police officers being “violent towards peaceful protesters.” Brooks also posted a meme on Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and “real Jews.”"

He committed his rampage within a 24 hours of Kyle Rittenhouse was declared innocent of all charges.

"The ex-con charged over the deaths of six people at a Wisconsin Christmas parade shared social media posts calling for violence against white people — and suggesting “Hitler was right” for killing Jews."

They included numerous posts attacking cops, comparing them to Ku Klux Klan members and calling them “violent street gangs” — as well as calling for violence toward white people, according to screenshots.


Yeah, totally not racist. o_O
do you not know what black israelites are? lol they believe they are the true jews spoken of in the bible and somehow this entirely fabricated story of hitler secretly knowing who the “real” jews were got around the Hotep section of Facebook.

read the shit you’re looking at for once, for the love of christ lmao
Guarantee you could do a quick search on Twitter and find plenty of posts like that.

I don’t think that is a game you want to play. A quick search of social media will show plenty of white wing racial hatred.

In his post he blanketly references posters here and our reactions. So it’s not too much to ask that he finds examples of posts here. Unlike random social media posters we on SD are part of a group so can answer for ourselves.
No, I'm simply pointing to relevant differences between the cases that would explain why the cases are being handled differently which you're ignoring in favor of implying some kind of anti-white agenda or something like that.

That's the thing, these aren't the only two hate crimes to ever happen. There's been MANY suspects arrested, charged, and convicted for hate crimes with far less evidence than what we have for the Wisconsin driver.

Which is ironic in a thread about a white shooter who believed in an anti-white conspiracy and went on a rampage because of it.

Neither you or @andnowweknow have come up with a cited reason why the prosecutor hasn't charged the Wisconsin driver with hate crimes.

Until someone does, I'm going with the obvious common sense explanation - the prosecutor is a Democrat elected politician that's funded by Soros money.

When the Wisconsin SUV massacre happened it was all over the news, and then it was revealed the driver was a black BLM member and *poof* the story just couldn't get buried fast enough.

How about the recent NYC subway terrorist shootings? There was ALOT of media attention about that and... black guy *poof* the story dissapeared.

But the Buffalo shooting? White guy in military garb killing 8 black people? Has a long 180-page manifesto? Claiming to be... well... extremeist everything?

The media -

They're using it to blame Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, call for more gun control, silence free speech on the internet, call the entire Republican party extremeists in league with the Ultra-MAGA crowd.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, and they're looking forward to the next nutcase to shoot up black people, a school, a hospital, etc etc etc so they can do it all over again.
That's the thing, these aren't the only two hate crimes to ever happen. There's been MANY suspects arrested, charged, and convicted for hate crimes with far less evidence than what we have for the Wisconsin driver.

Neither you or @andnowweknow have come up with a cited reason why the prosecutor hasn't charged the Wisconsin driver with hate crimes.

Until someone does, I'm going with the obvious common sense explanation - the prosecutor is a Democrat elected politician that's funded by Soros money.

When the Wisconsin SUV massacre happened it was all over the news, and then it was revealed the driver was a black BLM member and *poof* the story just couldn't get buried fast enough.

How about the recent NYC subway terrorist shootings? There was ALOT of media attention about that and... black guy *poof* the story dissapeared.

But the Buffalo shooting? White guy in military garb killing 8 black people? Has a long 180-page manifesto? Claiming to be... well... extremeist everything?

The media -

They're using it to blame Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, call for more gun control, silence free speech on the internet, call the entire Republican party extremeists in league with the Ultra-MAGA crowd.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, and they're looking forward to the next nutcase to shoot up black people, a school, a hospital, etc etc etc so they can do it all over again.

i literally just explained all of this to you and you chose to ignore it and write a novel

Sherbro. The authorities in Wisconsin have a motive for his rampage, and it has nothing to do with race.

Are you a parrot?

Do you just mindlessly repeat what you're told?

Because that's about the only explanation as to how you can be so stupid to believe that and repeat it constantly.

Apparently you haven't bothered to ask yourself "wait, how do they know that?" Based on what evidence? Has the media bothered to ask that question to the prosecutor, or did they get what they wanted, being able to make the headlines say "Wisconsin Driver Not Motivated By Racism!"

Your supposition that black people get preferential treatment from DA's, especially in predominantly white districts like the one this occurred in in Wisconsin is next level crazy.

Is it really 'getting preferential treatment?' He's going to prison for life either way.

This is about labeling. Equal treatment under the law. ANY AND EVERY hate crime be labeled as hate crime regardless of the preferential narrative of the media and Democrats.

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