260 to 230

Yep. Need to get more disciplined with my diet, will increase effort by 200%. I wouldn't worry about muscles though - there are 2-3 times I took pictures with pump, I think at page 5 and at the 1. I gained a bit of size in the last several months.

The rest of the pictures are taken first thing in the morning, so I look my flabbiest.

For some reason I never experienced visible muscle loss, despite my lack of discipline.
Day 358: 259.5 lbs Finally dropped. My belly fat also feels squishy and not hard like 2 weeks ago.


Deficit: -800.

Note: Had some work done. Spent 3 hours working with Photoshop, will have 8 hours with a tutor this weekend to get myself to proficient level with this software.

Will start learning illustrator and Premiere soon.

Hope to join the Sherdog's Shoop community soon.
Day 359: 260

Diet: 2300 calories.

Deficit - 1146

Note: work, interviews done. Now it's time to watch a movie.
Day 360: - Will weight myself less frequently.


Managed to stay in deficit despite a party and another party.


Attended UFC conference. Had to stand in the crown for over an hour. Was meh....but damn, Connor is so charismatic and quick-witted. Kind of became a fan.
Day 361


Note: Day was kind of weird. Had to finish some work for internship, but generally all we did was watch Aliens.

I feel like I have slimmed down, but only by a little bit. That means I must have been under counting calories and overestimating the amount of activity I do. Well..time to reassess and refine my diet further. Still, progress has been made, maybe I just got used to very fast weight loss.

Note2: ...Gf was coming over, so I ate a lot on purpose to rejuvenate. Drank organic milk - 2 litres, couple of sandwiches and 3 slices of seafood pizza. Still in deficit, but I again..I might be overestimating my numbers.
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Diet revisions: My weight hasn't moved much (3-5lbs in 3 weeks), and to be awfully honest, I didn't feel like I am dieting much.

Several things that were causing this: 1. Late night munchies - it was getting to the point, where I've been having trouble falling asleep. 2. Girlfriend and friends dropping by. It is hard for Russians not to set up tea with sweets for guests, so I always been keeping something in case friends drop by, and would often eat some myself (even worse we would also....extract...certain chemical compounds from..plants).
3. Unstable schedule.

Revisions: First things first, I broke up with my GF...just a bad match, despite her being good looking. Doubt I will hook up with Brazilian girls again...really boring to be around, silent and outright lazy in bed, and ... whatever. Happily single and go back to focusing on dieting.

2. I am starting IF 16/8 protocol from tomorrow. My diet definitely needs more structure. Will create a meal plan later as well. I will start watching carb intake - not Keto, but will stress protein more. This will also help with sleep, since I will be getting a good chunk of calories right before bed.

3. Getting up early has been a challenge, but I feel like I have to start waking up at 6.30 a.m. Have lots of work to do, and I am too tired by night.

4. Short food list: IIFYM sounds great on paper, but eating whatever you want just doesn't work for me.

From now on will stick to: Lamb/Beef - Cottage Cheese - Brotein Pow(d)er - Veggies (More carrots) - Bananas/Spinach shakes - porridge. Will unblock certain members in case I eat something else --- for a day, as a method of self-punishment ;).

I got rid of all the sugar in the house, will stick to Stevia.

I designated Sunday, Wednesday and Friday for power lifting and mobility work.

Let's get down to business, shall we?
Day 362: -


Note: Abs still hurting from Friday.

Note2: I re-configured my BMR on Chron-O-meter.com - it has been way too high. Also I wasn't diligent with my calories. Too much eyeballing for meat, didn't count sugar in my tea and so on.

Note3: Will aim for 1500 daily deficit.

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My updated supplement stack:

Just bought sodium-free salts. Has 640mg of Potassium per tea spoon.
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Day 363: 259.5 lbs (IF Day 1)

Note: Slept around 4 hours, tired as hell. Worked around 5 hours as well. IF went fine - I ate first calorie at 4 p.m., however, I drank too much coffee. Around 500mg of caffeine today. Woke up at 6.30 a.m. Hopefully, tomorrow will be easier.

Note: It was my 3rd time tanning, going to get brown in 3 weeks hehe.

Note: Been using supplements more. Tracking calories religiously now. BTW, cottage cheese does NOTHING for my satiety and is still expensive. Going to stop eating it.

Well..let's keep going. Okay?
IF Day 2: 259.0 3pm-12am

Note: Felt sick and really needed sleep, so played it safe and ate at very small deficit (~200). No regrets here.
IF Day 3: 260.1 lbs 4.30pm-11pm.


Note: Everything is alright, just have feel a bit ... "sorrowful". Bought V8 for that K.

Note: Ok guys...I want to experiment with Keto. I keep reading a lot of interesting things about being Keto adapted, and since my MMA fight will not be this August, I just want to focus on weight loss and getting in a good shape for the summer.

I did have bad experience with it before, however, I didn't know that much of what I am doing. This time, I am more educated, and very motivated currently.

Going to take lots of electrolytes and not train that hard first month.

If I feel too shitty, there is always Cheesecake to pull me out of keto haha.

I will keep IF to 9/15 which is very close to my normal everyday eating pattern ( I skip BF).

Advice appreciated, but you know I am batshit crazy when it comes to my diet.




^^Visual proof of my willpower. 0 calories despite that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
IF/Keto Day 4: 256.9 lbs.


Note: Feels like I am in Ketosis, even though I am not going under 50g of carbs. So far...it is a surprisingly pleasant experience. I feel mental fog, however, it is not unpleasant. I keep drinking lots of Potassium and Salt, not to mention a gallon of water per day. I feel like yesterday's crazy power lifting session really sped up the process.

Motivation levels are over 9000+ right now. I even made myself jog a lot, despite the fatigue.

Note: Added quality Mutlix4, L-carnitine (4000mg) to my supplement stack.

Note: Went for a long ass walk. Good times. Got some quality looks.

IF/Keto Day 5: Cheat day/refeed.

Went to a bar with friend's coworkers....scored a date with a girl really my type. Might be relationship material.

Eating cheesecake of peace now. Cheers bros, back to diet tomorrow.
Day 6-7: Been eating around maintenance and walking/socializing a lot.

It has been just over a year of continuous logging and I think I have accomplished a,lot of goals I have set out to accomplish: I got a lot more confident, sociable and easy-going. I have good friends now, dating a girl that I really like, 2 internships and so on.

Everything except that damn elusive 6-pack!!! But, my weight gain was caused by psychological issued before and I feel I have finally conquered them (wasn't easy).

I will take a week off logging everything religiously, and just diet on my own for a bit.

Happy easter people!
Easter Week Break

Note: I am eating normally, however, I will have to drop Keto again. I am getting sick ..again. I don't know why my immune system drops with keto, but it just does.

A pity. But will just increase my IF fasting time and drop calories.
My new NUMBER 1 song...absolutely sick when you hear it in the club.

Realizing that I have been addicted to logging daily here. Not that it is dangerous or something, but I will take some time off now.
It was somewhat hard to keep posting diet that is really "looked down" upon around these forums. Peer-pressure man! For some reason, VLC diet with occasional cheating has been historically most effective for me....and that's my plan for now.

I will keep dieting and enjoying my life for several weeks, but will come back after that...230 has not been achieved yet, and I will definitely need the help of this log to really lean out.


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