3 years with my current girlfriend, and I still like my ex

In a relationship for 3 years already with my lovely girlfriend. She has wife material qualifications, gorgeous, sexy, can really cook good food, sweet, caring, open minded, wild in bed, etc.

Yet until now, I still continue to stalk my ex, and I miss her. She still looks beautiful as ever. I feel like I still want her back.

Is this normal?
What should I do?

It's not just a no. It's an OH HELL NO!!
Bro, plenty of us on here will "comfort" her. Don't sweat it.

I say go for it. What's the worst that could happen?

And now you create the thread about wanting to comfort her. I feel bad for your current GF
Continue to stalk her, girls love that. Find out what she is going to do this weekend and follow her. When she is finally alone go and grab her arm pull her close to you and shove your tongue down her throat. Wait for her to slap you and call the police and finally when you get arrested we don't need to get shit threads like this.
I got the opportunity to ghost a girl who ghosted me years ago. Was satisfying. At almost 40 everyone looks like shit now and I stayed in shape. Louis ck has a bit about this. I am the branch above the glimmering last branch before dying alone. After me it’s far unemployed guy and they know it. But I’m married now and all that shit is out of my system.... I think

Can you show me the Louis CK bit?
Delete your social media or block her so you can't stalk her (I'm assuming you aren't stalking her in real life).
you creepy mofo

Just kidding. Seems like you've got some man decisions that need to be made, because if you think this will change if you marry your current gf, guess again. Then it becomes a real issue cause you still have all these feelings for the ex.


Be like this...

And not like this...

Or I'll be like this...
Exes are Exes for a reason. Let it be.
There are two proper things to do. Depending on your situation. One, if you are sitting good with a new girl, ignore her. Or two, comfort her, bang her, and when it is done and she starts talking about how she feels for you and she wants to try again etc..... as cool as you can sound, end it with a short sentence. Do that, and that girl will be in love with you for the rest of her life.

Yeah...except TS already has another thread out there from a couple of months ago talking about how he pines for his ex.

You guys are all talk. " Yeah , bruh ....just bang her a few times and walk away like a G " . Its all macho posturing from a dude that's gonna end up at her beck and call like a puppy dog , sweating her twice as hard as he pretends she will be in the fantasy scenario you laid out.

From my observation , its dudes that get hung up on ex's more often. Women are generally done when they are done , short dalliance with an ex for validation not withstanding. TS has zero hand here.
In a relationship for 3 years already with my lovely girlfriend. She has wife material qualifications, gorgeous, sexy, can really cook good food, sweet, caring, open minded, wild in bed, etc.

Yet until now, I still continue to stalk my ex, and I miss her. She still looks beautiful as ever. I feel like I still want her back.

Is this normal?
What should I do?

I say go for it. You might end up in a situation where you regret it but you'll learn something from it. Either you'll realize that your one of those grass is always greener over here guys. Which is how I am and I've learned to stop thinking about exs cause it'll just be the same shit if I get them. Or you'll get back with your ex realize she was you true love and live happily ever after. I can tell you which one I think is more likely but I think you know. Either way go for it and learn that 's what life is all about.
This is exactly why I lol at modern western relationships
It’s not heartless to mind your own business. You aren’t in her life anymore and have a new life with a new chick for a long time. You gave up your rights to personal convos when you broke up. Your advice seems weak and self serving....how does that help her at all?

Agreed.....that was some shit advice. Its a ruse to rekindle contact in the hopes it'll lead to more , that's it and that's all.

Why people feel the need to lie to themselves , I don't get. Protects the conscious in some silly way I guess?
Just stop looking at her profiles and problem solved.

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