30 years old: limit?

Like everyone has said, 30 is not old lol. I for one was so immature between 18-25. Drinking a shit ton, girls, curls, not taking care of my body from work stuff, did I mention drinking a shit ton. I feel now at 30, I'm more mature, I can take all this information I have learned about running and lifting and apply it better then I could when I was younger and stupid. In my opinion TS, 30 is where it's at!!
Frank Shamrock is just hitting his prime now!
The hell?

30 is when you are in your Prime. You don't heal as fast, but you are stronger than ever before.
You're probably just past your athletic prime, TS, but you can always do some roids to improve.
39 years old:


All i see is a fat guy
compared to the old-ass fucks in this sub-forum it is.

you don't know what you're talking about, so think what you like.

also, that means you were what, 11-12 when you first signed up here?
And he's been a nurse since before that.
He's been a nurse since his birth. Actually, he was his own obstetrician.
you don't know what you're talking about, so think what you like.

also, that means you were what, 11-12 when you first signed up here?

So? My Dad got into it and started my account here cause I loved the sport. We watched it all the time.

I love reading about old farts here trying to be all keen in MMA when they look ridiculous trying to train. You're the one who knows nothing.
Its a fat guy, hes strong sure but looks unhealthy, look at mark henry of the wwe.

Come back after you win World's Strongest Man 4 times, the Arnold Strongman Classic 7 times, and finish on the podium of both a combined 20 times, little fella.
I'm 30 working out 6 days a week so no I'm not feeling old. I don't honestly feel much different than I did in my early 20's except I drink more and have more disposable income.
I am 47.

Should I rip you a new one?


You are fine man. Train smarter than the kids.
Im 5 years older than you and train about that much. My recovery isnt what it was 10 years ago but my muay thai and boxing is better than ever.

The only supliments I use are Whey and fish oil.

Just wondering, do you find weight cutting for a fight harder at 35? What I mean is, is there alot more effort needed when you're at that age compared to a decade prior?
In july 2015 ill be 30 years old.
I lift 2 to 3 times a week, strenght training waved periodization.
i do 10 hours a week of krav maga classes.
i want to add one day of sprinting to my routine-maybe 20 or 30 minutes.
i also want to add two hours of judo classes a week.

i take whey, creatine, bcaas. I tend to eat right, one cheating day per week.
Sleeping and resting is not a problem.

Will i be sucessful in my journey? Am i getting old?
Anyone with similar routine and age?


Can I ask how much you're paying for 10 krav classes a week ?

I ask because I'm thinking of upping my boxing training, supplementing with privates but it will be close to $200 a month, unsure if its an obscene amount to spend
I'm 34 and train S&C 4X per week, and do 4 hours of jiu jitsu as well. I'm stronger than I've ever been, nearing a 1200 lb. raw total.

I make sure I get 1 good solid rest day per week where I eat a lot of carbs. I take a good multi, fish oil, ZMA, and creatine.

Aside from that, I try to hit the sauna after each S&C session. I follow that up with a contrast shower if it's a bitch of a workout. I usually soak in a salt bath after my last training session of the week too.

Aside from my recovery time increasing with my age, no other age related issues to speak of.
I try to have as much secks as possible. Lifting weights and having secks have kept me healthy and strong.

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