A headache is weakness leaving the brain

It took an additional 6 weeks!

Squat day:
Warmups: 5x45 5x135 5x185 2x225 1x275 1x315 (add belt) 1x365
Work sets: 5x405 5x405 5x405

First set felt great. Good bar speed, felt easy, wasn't even that beat after the set. Second was ok, but was definitely more challenging. During the third set, the guy at a smith machine next to the squat rack decided it would be a good time to go work his way around my moving bar to go rummage through the weights on the rack. I was too loaded down with weight to curse him adequately, and too excited after the set to remain mad.

3x5x405 is a new PR for sets across. I did a single set of 5x405 back 2 years ago, and if felt so heavy that I promptly reset to 365.

Congratulations. Very, very nice.
Continuing my break from lifting, but had a great BJJ class today. Looked at some interesting calf slicer attacks that can result from partially taking the back. Had some good top game in rolling.

Back to the gym to lift tomorrow.
Have continued to train BJJ on Tu/Th/Su. Today I signed up with a local Judo club to do M/F workouts. Also ready to get back in the gym, though I think the emphasis for now is going to be on front squats and deadlifts. My deadlifts got neglected a bit due to the heavy back squatting over the last couple months, and I'm hoping that by running front squats that don't wipe me out as much that I can get my deadlifts in.
Sunday night BJJ. Lots of side control work, which was actually really helpful for me. We also had some visitors from an affiliated gym in San Antonio drive up. The nice thing about Sunday night classes is that we aren't just the only game in town, I think we're the only game in Central Texas, so we draw a lot of visitors. It's always great to roll with new people who have very different games.
Judo class yesterday. Good class, but felt pretty beat up from the throws, even though they are light. I'm really struggling with having a good ukemi. Forearms are so trashed today that it's difficult to type.

BJJ class tonight. Mostly self defense techniques today, with a few rounds of sparring at the end. Fun class.
2012? I've been gone way too long.

Restarting the log. I'm about 60 pounds lighter than I was 2 years ago, and crazy week. Was back in BJJ last night for the first time in a long while. Embarrassing strength training logs to resume this week.
I've been back training for about 5 weeks now, and probably need to start logging.

I've had a training layoff of nearly 2 years. Dropped about 60 pounds, primarily by sitting at my desk a lot and not lifting, and frequently not having time to eat. I lost my dad to a heart attack earlier this year, and that has nudged me to start taking better care of myself, and especially my heart. Currently weigh about 185, and I'm probably the leanest that I've been in 15 years.

1. I'd like to keep my body weight below 200 pounds. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea a couple of years ago, and it's definitely aggravated at higher body weights.
2. Need to get my squats and deadlifts back up to 2x bodyweight. I suspect that this is going to be hard, given (a) that I'm not going to eat like a madman the way I did before and (b) I've got some goals that will probably conflict with this.
3. Take conditioning much more seriously. I'm primarily concerned about general cardiac health. My proxy for "conditioning" at this point is to get my 5k time down to something around 20 minutes. This is going to be tough, as that's pretty close to my best 5k times when I was even lighter than I am now.
4. I really need to work on my BJJ. I'm a brand new blue at this point, so it isn't clear that I have a good specific goal that I can work on for the rest of 2014.
5. I'd really like to be able to do a 1 arm chinup. I'm terrible at chinups, and can only do a few at a time. I can do so few that it's hard to program them.

The Plan:
1. I've got BJJ classes 3 times per week, and within my organization, I can visit each of the other schools (within an hour drive or so) once a month for free, so I should be able to bump this up to 4x per week.
2. Running. Before last month, I hadn't really run in years. I started out just walking about 2 months ago, and have eased back in to running. Right now, I'm running really slowly (about 11 minute miles). I've been doing this intentionally to try to keep my heart rate at about 130-140 during these runs, and this seems to have paid off with a significant drop in resting heart rate. I'm trying to run 6 days a week. Right now this is about 2 miles per run, but I expect this to move up to an average of 3 miles per day, but with a long run on the weekend, and a couple of my weekday runs dropping to short relaxing runs. I am considering joining a running club that will get me access to a coach.
3. Still not sure what I'm going to use for lifting programming. I did resume lifting about 2 weeks ago, and so far I've been keeping the weights low just to get the body used to pushing and pulling things. I did look at Greyskull LP, and it has a lot of things I like.
Horrible numbers to post, but on the plus side, they are bound to go up from here.

Pullups: 4, 3, 3, 3, 3
Squats: 5x135, 5x155, 5x185
Bench: 5x135, 5x155, 5x155, 5x155
Press: 3x95, 3x95, 3x95, 3x95, 3x95

Nothing felt particularly hard, but not wanting to push things until I have a better lifting base. Should be able to do an easy linear progression on most of these for at least 6-8 weeks, then we'll see what we have to tweak, and how badly running is going to hurt me.
2 mile run this morning at about a 10:30 pace. Heart rate was low, but legs just felt terrible, and my calves were cramping up. Don't think it was a hydration issue - probably just legs being very surprised by the squats yesterday.

2.5 hours of BJJ this evening.

Pullups: 5, 4, 3, 3, 3
Press: 5x95, 5x100, 5x100

Back was feeling a bit off, so I skipped the deadlifts that I had planned to do.

Morning today:
Woke up with an achy knee and almost did nothing. 2 mile run, just over 11 minute mile pace. Slow, but I'm really glad I did it, and the knee feels much better now. I think the slacker hypochondriac in me is trying to trick me into skipping things.
Pullups: 6, 5, 4, 3
Squat: 5x135, 5x155, 5x185
Bench: 5x160, 5x160, 5x160

Had planned to do 3 sets @185, but my back has been aching all day. Decided not to push it.
Didn't really want to run this morning, but with 72 degree temperatures in June in Texas, it seemed morally wrong not to. Was actually glad that I did - the run felt great. Not much faster, but did get into a groove for a while at a 10 minute pace that felt very clean and effortless (until I had to start the uphill portion).
Pullups: 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
Deadlifts: 5x135, 3x245, 2x245
Press: 5x95, 5x100, 5x100, 5x100

Was trying to see if I could do 5x5 of pullups with adequate rest. Answer? No, I cannot.

This was my first time deadlifting in a couple of years, and I hadn't planned on doing anything more than a couple sets at 135 to get the back used to load. However, there were a couple of guys who had set up to dead (not a lot of floor space in my gym), so I asked to work in since they had 135 on the bar. Did that set, felt super easy. They jumped to 245 for the next set, and I basically said "screw it, I'll lift it". Reps felt ok, but didn't want to force the lower back into something it wasn't ready for so I kept the reps lower than they could have been. I probably need to be cautious and legitimately work up from 135 if I want to be safe.
3 mile run at an 11 and change minute pace.

This run actually felt great, and my heart rate stayed right where I wanted to.
Morning lifts, which is a little unusual for me

Pullups: 5, 5, 5, 5, 3
Squat: 5x135, 5x155, 5x185
Bench: 5x135, 5x165, 5x165, 5x165

Squats felt much better than any prior sessions, but I'm going to hold steady or do very mild increases until I'm confident the back is ok.
2 mile run, same slow pace. Heart rate was a little higher than normal, likely due to the fact that I drank several beers the night before. I've cleaned up diets/habits pretty heavily, and this was the first time I'd had alcohol in a while, and I think it disturbed my sleep patterns.