Locked AEW CXIII : It's Wednesday , Where's the Thread

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They're showing the All In fight on Dynamite?? Just let it gooooo!++
There is no upside to airing that footage unless Punk is lying and Jungle Boy actually kicked his ass and now Jack is returning. This has to be a bait and switch. Incredible stupidity. Move the fuck on.
I don't see the point of airing the footage honestly. Punk already admitted to choking Perry.
There is no upside to airing that footage unless Punk is lying and Jungle Boy actually kicked his ass and now Jack is returning. This has to be a bait and switch. Incredible stupidity. Move the fuck on.
I mean are we not sure punk wasn’t get beat down?
Thumbs up to Tony for releasing the footage. I like that he’s getting a bit ballsier. However… I will laugh my ass off if the footage makes his side look worse.

I'm glad he's showing it. Why not? It's not like hes doing a whole 2 hour show on the footage. Why does everyone always have to take the high road with Punk after he causes problems wherever he goes then keeps talking about in interviews after it's over. Hulk Hogan and Mach crawled so Mr Khan can run by airing grievances on live TV, pal!


Observe this, Punk!
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Thumbs up to Tony for releasing the footage. I like that he’s getting a bit ballsier. However… I will laugh my ass off if the footage makes his side look worse.

No chance he does that... intentionally. Unless it's edited all to fuck. I bet it's a guy in a bad Punk getup
"Live on Wednesday Night, we ain't trolling" - The Esteemed EVP of AEW Nicholas Jackson

I'm glad he's showing it. Why not? It's not like hes doing a whole 2 hour show on the footage. Why does everyone always have to take the high road with Punk after he causes problems wherever he goes then keeps talking about in interviews after it's over. Hulk Hogan and Mach crawled so Mr Khan can run by airing grievances on live TV, pal!


Observe this, Punk!
If it's footage that was shot for a doc with people aware they were being filmed and it would be shown, that's one thing.

Anything else is sending a shitty message to employees, all of them, about their privacy in general and especially if they upset Tony.
If it's footage that was shot for a doc with people aware they were being filmed and it would be shown, that's one thing.

Anything else is sending a shitty message to employees, all of them, about their privacy in general and especially if they upset Tony.

He wasnt filming them secretly taking a leak.
Didnt Darby use real glass in that stupid spot that cut up his whole back? If so I wonder what Punk would have said, if he was still in the company.

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Do you think Tony Khan hinself was filming Punk assault Jack Perry? It supposedly security footage.
It's not the filming. It's the releasing. I don't think you understand my point.

There were security cameras in the arena. The footage was released to them for an internal investigation I assume. That all makes sense. It's normal.

Putting it on TV now, especially because some answers in an interview made you upset, I wouldn't want to work there. Especially as talent, I'd want my off camera time to not be something to be shared publicly and I'd not want to feel like my worst moments would be broadcast. It's not about Punk, it's about everyone else and the future.

Also, it makes them look petty and amateur in my opinion. Tony is the boss, it's different than punk in an interview.

ps I'm not a fan of Punk and I do like AEW. I just think this is a bad step all around. Focus on making your product great and attracting new people to it.
It's not the filming. It's the releasing. I don't think you understand my point.

There were security cameras in the arena. The footage was released to them for an internal investigation I assume. That all makes sense. It's normal.

Putting it on TV now, especially because some answers in an interview made you upset, I wouldn't want to work there.

Also, it makes them look petty and amateur in my opinion.

ps I'm not a fan of Punk and I do like AEW. I just think this is a bad step all around. Focus on making your product great and attracting new people to it.

Maybe the footage rebuttals something that Punk is stating in interviews. If someone is trying to spread lies about your company and you have footage proving otherwise its fair game to me. Like I said before, he wasn't illegally recorded. If you don't want videos out of you assaulting someone then don't do it with security cameras on you. Security footage gets leaked all the time. Punk is going on interviews with main stream journalists and bad mouthing/possibly lying about his former employer.That's pretty amateurish if you ask me. Which goes back to my initial post.
Maybe the footage rebuttals something that Punk is stating in interviews. If someone is trying to spread lies about your company and you have footage proving otherwise its fair game to me. Like I said before, he wasn't illegally recorded. If you don't want videos out of you assaulting someone then don't do it with security cameras on you. Security footage gets leaked all the time. Punk is going on interviews with main stream journalists and bad mouthing/possibly lying about his former employer.That's pretty amateurish if you ask me. Which goes back to my initial post.
I never said he was illegally recorded.

Nothing Punk said will stop anyone from watching AEW who likes AEW, no footage Tony shows will make more people watch (long term). If anything, it's possible people will be turned off by it. Like anyone pumped up about wrestling after this weekend and tuning in to see some more wrestling.

I tune into dynamite to watch a wrestling show, not relive drama that was an annoyance the first time around. I'm relatively sure that I'm not alone.

There's no upside, all the people who think Tony is a clown... That won't change. Punk will still be a huge star in WWE.
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I tune into dynamite to watch a wrestling show, not relive drama that was an annoyance the first time around. I'm relatively sure that I'm not alone.

That annoyance is going to keep getting brought up over and over and over and over and over and over and over. It got brought up by an MMA journalist doing interviews with WWE talent to promote a WWE show, which is why we're here again.

If this video shows the truth, maybe it'll squash this stupid shit and we won't have to keep hearing about "what really happened" "who is lying" etc. It's been 8 months and AEW has another Wembley show around the corner, maybe they don't want yet another Wembley show overshadowed by this dumb ass CM Punk bullshit and we all know everybody would be talking about last year's CM Punk bullshit on the next Wembley show.

I hope this video squashes this bullshit.
That annoyance is going to keep getting brought up over and over and over and over and over and over and over. It got brought up by an MMA journalist doing interviews with WWE talent to promote a WWE show, which is why we're here again.

If this video shows the truth, maybe it'll squash this stupid shit and we won't have to keep hearing about "what really happened" "who is lying" etc. It's been 8 months and AEW has another Wembley show around the corner, maybe they don't want yet another Wembley show overshadowed by this dumb ass CM Punk bullshit and we all know everybody would be talking about last year's CM Punk bullshit on the next Wembley show.

I hope this video squashes this bullshit.
If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you.

Showing the footage and taking about it will lead to more conversation. More questions in interviews.
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