Television AHSOKA Live-ActionSeries (Premieres Aug. 23, 2023)

Maybe I need to watch some episodes of Rebels (to understand the backstory) or maybe I'm just getting too old for this shit. But my kneejerk reaction to the first two episodes is what in the blue hell is this contrived girl power bullshit fuckery?

Now this is my first introduction to "hot rebellious purple hair chick" and "imitation Amelia Earhart with green sideboobs behind her head chick" but I guess these are important characters who have been popular? If so, do you guys still like them as portrayed in live action? Indiana Tano finding the map was a nice touch - I think RD is still doing a good job as Ahsoka.

IDK I guess I'll keep watching for now but I hope this gets better. They've been teasing Thrawn six ways from Sunday and I don't know much about him either but when this dude finally shows up, he better fucking be a 12th degree grandmaster of thug jitsu or something.
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Just started watching Ep 1, 15 minutes in and did not love the first Ahsoka scene, I don't think it was shot well. Im optimistic off of some posts in here, not a great start though.
Maybe I need to watch some episodes of Rebels (to understand the backstory) or maybe I'm just getting too old for this shit. But my kneejerk reaction to the first two episodes is what in the blue hell is this contrived girl power bullshit fuckery?

Now this is my first introduction to "hot rebellious purple hair chick" and "imitation Amelia Earhart with green sideboobs behind her head chick" but I guess these are important characters who have been popular with viewers? If so, do you guys still like them as portrayed in live action? Indiana Tano finding the map was a nice touch - I think RD is still doing a good job as Ahsoka.

IDK I guess I'll keep watching for now but I hope this gets better. They've been teasing Thrawn six ways from Sunday and I don't know much about him either but when this dude finally shows up, he better fucking be a 12th degree grandmaster of thug jitsu and face smashing fu or something.

This has literally been there characters since rebels. They were members of the rebels crew, and this is basically continuing the story instead of a new series of rebels.

Thrawn is a master strategist, not a face smasher etc.
This has literally been there characters since rebels. They were members of the rebels crew, and this is basically continuing the story instead of a new series of rebels.

Thrawn is a master strategist, not a face smasher etc.

I knew Thrawn was a strategist, but at this point he's been teased more than the bearded lady and they've created some lofty expectations. I hope he delivers. To me, Wren and Syndulla came off REALLY one dimensional. Like oh no, we have the rebellious teenager who's not going to listen to anybody! She's just going to keep riding away on her speeder even after we told her to stop! Holy shit, she went there! And Syndulla standing around playing the role of Captain Obvious. First two episodes are giving me strong Reva vibes, but I'll keep watching for now.
Huge fan of Rebels. Was a little weird with all the familiar voices being replaced by live actors (with the exception of Chopper and hopefully Zeb in the future). Thought everyone was solid though. Only complaint
Can we please stop with people getting impaled with fucking lightsabers and it ends up being a glorified flesh wound? Seriously Sabine gets a lightsaber through her gut and a day later it looks like she had nothing more than a hickie.

Looking forward to next week.
Created by: Dave Filoni
Written by: Dave Filoni
Executive producers: Dave Filoni
& Jon Favreau


Solid start. I like the production.
Music has that classical feel which hits the tone of old school star wars.

In good hands with Filoni.

Rosario is a little stiff.
Particularly in the action and fight sequences.
She runs like a granny.
They need to stop have her chase things.

Reserving judgement to see how plot elements and storytelling unfold. The intial exposition to set the scene was a little obvious and on the nose, but that may be to avoid confusion for new viewers or folks who dont know rebels info. (Rebels wasnt my favorite but i did watch it.)

I'd like to see a little more "Snips" and a little less of this grumpy stiff rendition of Ahsoka.

A+ for production and imagery, cinematography, etc, which is making up for the stiff parts, at least so far.

Look forward to coming major character introductions.

Fuck Kathleen Kennedy
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Interested to see how this plays out. I didn't hate HC as much as a lot of people did. I'd like to see what he can do with more experience and less corny dialog to work with.

Personally I think Hayden took the lumps for a lot of lazy writing which really was not his fault.

I don't think even Daniel Day Lewis, DiCaprio or Christian Bale could do much with lines like "I hate sand, it gets everywhere."

Clone wars Anakin is the real Anakin to me. And if he would have gotten that swagger and banter to work with he could have done just fine. And that was Filoni, as is this series.

I don't think Filoni or Hayden would have even bothered if they weren't going to do it right this time.
Maybe I need to watch some episodes of Rebels (to understand the backstory) or maybe I'm just getting too old for this shit. But my kneejerk reaction to the first two episodes is what in the blue hell is this contrived girl power bullshit fuckery?

Now this is my first introduction to "hot rebellious purple hair chick" and "imitation Amelia Earhart with green sideboobs behind her head chick" but I guess these are important characters who have been popular with viewers? If so, do you guys still like them as portrayed in live action? Indiana Tano finding the map was a nice touch - I think RD is still doing a good job as Ahsoka.

IDK I guess I'll keep watching for now but I hope this gets better. They've been teasing Thrawn six ways from Sunday and I don't know much about him either but when this dude finally shows up, he better fucking be a 12th degree grandmaster of thug jitsu and face smashing fu or something.
Rebels is a must watch. Filoni is going to use it and this series and other launch pad to his movies. Rebels episodes are only 20 mins so you can burn through the whole series pretty quick, and the overall story is great and adds to the overall star wars story.
Those sons of bitches made the temple puzzle shit from the Jedi Outcast games lore
Decent balance of advancing the story and red lightsaber fighting. I watched Rebels and don't recall Ahsoka ever taking anyone as apprentice. Did I miss something? Never realized Hera's rear end was so large and in charge. I especially liked the use of background music in the first episode. I knew the Power Rangers henchman was gonna escape to fight again. He's too fancy looking to be one and done.
Just started watching Ep 1, 15 minutes in and did not love the first Ahsoka scene, I don't think it was shot well. Im optimistic off of some posts in here, not a great start though.
Ahsoka's fighting in the first fight didn't look right. Kinda herky jerky or something.
Just watched the first 6 minutes and the Captain letting the suspected Imperalists to come on board was so corny and idiotic.

Oof. Hope the rest of the show is not this stupid.

lol, exactly what I was thinking. With him contemplating letting them on with his finger on his lips like "hmmm" :)

Show comes off a bit average with ever present feminist in your face structure.

Maybe gets better, less stereotypical with all this girl angst, B actors, too predictable and not feeling any creators vision. Oughta be more thoughtful like Rebels, incorporating eastern philosophies that were always used for Jedi) be it in style or dialogue/characters . But it seems likely Filoni is out of 10 shows , 9 phoning in.
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Maybe I need to watch some episodes of Rebels (to understand the backstory) or maybe I'm just getting too old for this shit. But my kneejerk reaction to the first two episodes is what in the blue hell is this contrived girl power bullshit fuckery?

Now this is my first introduction to "hot rebellious purple hair chick" and "imitation Amelia Earhart with green sideboobs behind her head chick" but I guess these are important characters who have been popular? If so, do you guys still like them as portrayed in live action? Indiana Tano finding the map was a nice touch - I think RD is still doing a good job as Ahsoka.

IDK I guess I'll keep watching for now but I hope this gets better. They've been teasing Thrawn six ways from Sunday and I don't know much about him either but when this dude finally shows up, he better fucking be a 12th degree grandmaster of thug jitsu and face smashing fu or something.

I mean the only main male protagonist is literally missing(and Anakin is a ghost). It's kind of hard to avoid the girl power vibes when the entire group of protagonists are women. The 2 main protagonists of Rebels died and went missing respectively so the story got here organically. We knew going in it was going to be an all female show.

I don't like Disneys makeup for aliens in general but there's nothing wrong that doesn't apply to converting animation to Live action in general. These are all the VA's I think and that's the most important thing.

With Thrawn watch his Rebels arc if you're wondering what to expect. He is kinda Napoleon or Frederick the Great? He doesn't have any magical powers so his whole thing is being smarter than everyone else. Thrawn good at martial arts but there's nothing physically imposing about him compared to our typical Star Wars villians. He likes art and culture and is kind of a mix between polite and menacing. Hes the kinda dude who'd take all of Alderrans artifacts off planet before blowing it up because he appreciates their culture.
I mean the only main male protagonist is literally missing(and Anakin is a ghost). It's kind of hard to avoid the girl power vibes when the entire group of protagonists are women. The 2 main protagonists of Rebels died and went missing respectively so the story got here organically. We knew going in it was going to be an all female show.

I don't like Disneys makeup for aliens in general but there's nothing wrong that doesn't apply to converting animation to Live action in general. These are all the VA's I think and that's the most important thing.

With Thrawn watch his Rebels arc if you're wondering what to expect. He is kinda Napoleon or Frederick the Great? He doesn't have any magical powers so his whole thing is being smarter than everyone else. Thrawn good at martial arts but there's nothing physically imposing about him compared to our typical Star Wars villians. He likes art and culture and is kind of a mix between polite and menacing. Hes the kinda dude who'd take all of Alderrans artifacts off planet before blowing it up because he appreciates their culture.

I don't mind the large amount of female lead characters because like you said, it's organically that way and because all of them were established and have depth. Normally I'd be the first to complain, but I'm not getting that vibe.

Thrawns chick is a Dathamor Witch...i know one of the cartoons delt with them but thats also some OG EU lore...Courtship of Princess Leia, not the best book but had some cool momemts