Elections All but one Top Political Leader in the UK and Ireland are (part) South Asian or Black

Late stage colonialism?
We've already exploited their people and resources. We're now looking to exploit their leaders to fix our messed up countries. Admittedly we're not doing a great job on our choices there so far...
this wouldn't raise eyebrows if globalists weren't actively destroying every western nation in the world with identity politics.
It doesn't matter to me. But we also can't ignore certain things.
Like the fact London will never have a non Muslim mayor ever again.
But the thread says nothing about religion. This is all about race, if it doesn't matter to you, then you must think this topic is invalid.
Interesting coming from someone who literally just said race doesn't matter but I'll bite.

Let's hear some of these correlations.

I don't have to wear sunblock like you whites!!!!! Saves me minutes at the beach.

This is the article that @Kassitus didn't want you to see.

I dont have access to your paywall news site, but it seems you mean I don't want him to see that Sunak thinks Britain isn't racist? What point were you trying to make here lol
I guess the immigrants of former colonies have better and more popular ideas on how to run the country.

isn't the UK like 70% white and Ireland probably even more so?

It seems like a voter problem (if you can even call it a problem)
the part after you started typing

Demographically, they're not dying? The stats say otherwise. Spiritually, they're not already dead? They believe in nothing outside of materialism, so how am I wrong? Culturally, they're not rotten? What is their culture outside of just worshiping migrants/refugees/minorities?

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