Opinion All the major republican policies pass, now what?

So the wall gets built, social security gets dissolved, taxes are cut and abortions are illegal.
More police and less environmental regulations.

Oh and book bans and trans rights are taken away.

Im sure I'm missing a few but these are the main ones right?

Realistically how much better off is the country?
When you type it like that, it starts to feel like a police state.

Wall people in, take away choices, and police them more aggressively. And hopefully, if the taxes are low enough they won't notice all of the things they're not allowed to do. Dystopian. I understand that's not what they're thinking but that's not a crazy way to interpret it either.
Well, republicans don’t constantly have to be passing policy for the sake of passing policy like democrats.

That’s why democrats say “they don’t have that many policies”..well, duh. We want less government, less regulation, less bureaucracy which inherently means our policy wishlist is quite small. That is a GOOD thing .

So “then what” isn’t a relevant question to those who want no more than to have secure borders, limited government bureaucracy outside of the essentials(border enforcement being essential), end the abomination of abortion, end government funded race essentialism and hopefully through that influence a reverse in cultural decay.

After that it is defense. Keep democrats away from it.

but as we saw in Poland recently. Strong men created good times and security…good times create complacency and security inspire recklessness.
No obviously not but you're just take offense because you identify with the right and have to defend it. Go ahead and carry water for them, but we both know that they want to exploit workers to the maximum possible extent and that under their rule without a counterbalance that's where we would end up.
Feel free to list all the suggestions of abducting kids and forcing them into sweat shops. It was a simple request that you back up your claim, and you couldn't come up with anything.

If I said "democrats want to cut everyone's penis off and murder children", you'd obviously ask me for examples, and I could at least give you myriad examples of them cutting people's dicks off and the million babies they murder every year, but for some reason you can say "they want to abduct kids and force them into sweat shops", and your best evidence is "there are commercials on AM radio about making money"?
What's OT?
It was a section on here where people were brutally roasting each other and entertaining although I did not visit it before it went away. But good times there
It was a section on here where people were brutally roasting each other and entertaining although I did not visit it before it went away. But good times there

That sounds fun lol

Thank you for explaining!
Feel free to list all the suggestions of abducting kids and forcing them into sweat shops. It was a simple request that you back up your claim, and you couldn't come up with anything.

If I said "democrats want to cut everyone's penis off and murder children", you'd obviously ask me for examples, and I could at least give you myriad examples of them cutting people's dicks off and the million babies they murder every year, but for some reason you can say "they want to abduct kids and force them into sweat shops", and your best evidence is "there are commercials on AM radio about making money"?

Look I know who you are and I know you want to fight for this to the death but the fact is it is reasonable to think Republicans would do this because they would. The magic market would take care of everything and kids would be working in sweatshops because all they care about is profit and the exploitation of human beings for personal wealth.

Republican's basic instinct is to gut government protections of human beings and the environment... obviously. And you know this, you're just practicing apologetics.

Thats just what it means to be a republican at bottom on the economic level.

As far as the dick cutting thing, you won't find a poster on this site Republican or Democrat that knows more about that issue and criticizes it more than me. The difference is when I criticize it I'm not coming from bigotry as some people in the right are and I use scholarly sources to back up my reasons as to why it's so dangerous.

I won't carry water for the Democrats even though I'm a lifelong Democrat, unless they're right.
Which ones are which? What are their top priorities? Last time they had full control, their only major legislation passed was another tax cut for rich people (inheritors of large fortunes, high incomes, and corporations). They came very close to passing a big Medicaid cut and another tax cut for rich people, along with a removal of protections for pre-existing medical conditions and regs on insurance. There were rollbacks to environmental regs, and they reduced legal immigration. And they filled the judicial system with anti-abortion theocratic wackos.
Gutting SS is just a leftwing talking point and not something the party as a whole is trying to do. The polls show Republicans aren't united on abortion. Trans rights is another one that isn't defined and offers no context. Same with "book bans".

As for the environment, I don't think anyone wants to live in a polluted wasteland. I think a lot of people look at things going in places like Cali with their emissions goals and see big problems with it. I think any sort of regulation toward green energy without including nuclear is ridiculous.

Depends how you define fringes, maybe.
The TS is clearly talking about things that aren't supported by the majority. He brought up Haley talking about raising SS age in the debates. Meanwhile RDS said the opposite in the same debate. Why is it Haley's opinion is the republican stance but RDS's opinion doesn't count? Should every whacky idea from the squad be considered the Democrat's main policy positions? Beto O'rouke wants to tear down the walls around Texas. Stacy Abram's is lobbying to outlaw gas stoves. Is that where all democrats stand?
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Biden didn't say he doesn't support UHC. He said “I would veto anything that delays providing the security and the certainty of health care being available now."
He said it cost too much which is the same as not supporting it.
Gutting SS is just a leftwing talking point and not something the party as a whole is trying to do. The polls show Republicans aren't united on abortion. Trans rights is another one that isn't defined and offers no context. Same with "book bans".
The GOP as an institution is very united on abortion, though, yeah, voters are mixed (similar with Democrats but reversed, BTW). The House Republican Study Committee, which has 176 Republican Congresspeople on it, proposed cutting SS by ~$720B over 10 years (and more beyond that) just a few months ago. That's been a continuing theme, and realistically, deficit cuts aren't going to be possible without either tax increases, which Republicans all pledge never to support, or cuts to SS/Medicare/Medicaid. Fair on trans rights not being defined, but given that opposition to trans people has been one of the most frequently discussed issues of Republicans, I think it's a bit disingenuous to deny that they have any interest in taking legislative action against them.

As for the environment, I don't think anyone wants to live in a polluted wasteland. I think a lot of people look at things going in a Cali with their emissions goals and see big problems with. I think any sort of regulation toward green energy without include nuclear is ridiculous.
The IRA was a major bill that includes subsidies for investments in reducing GHG emissions, along with mitigation efforts (like seawalls, infrastructure improvements, etc.), plus new regulations around power-plant emissions, and more. It was unanimously opposed by Republicans in Congress. They've often talked about a kind of Luddite, pro-coal movement, which would contribute to a polluted wasteland. We can also see this at the state level, where a lot of red states have laxer environmental protections (and higher pollution levels as a result).

The TS is clearly talking things that aren't supported by the majority. He brought up Haley talking about raising SS age in the debates. Meanwhile RDS said the opposite in the same debate. Why is it Haley's opinion is the republican stance but RDS's opinion doesn't count? Should every whacky idea from the squad be considered the Democrat's main policy positions? Beto O'rouke wants to tear down the walls around Texas. Stacy Abram's is lobbying to outlaw gas stoves. Is that where all democrats stand?
But, again, raising the SS age *is* the majority position. See above (the RSC). I agree that picking just one person would be the wrong way to go about it. I think it is politically toxic so they kind of tend to waver back and forth between insisting we need to cut SS (or raise the age) and angrily denying that they support that position. The other move they pull a lot is promising huge, unspecified spending cuts, and then when anyone tries to do the math to see how it could work, they deny supporting that (fundamental issue there is that the general public stupidly supports cuts to spending in general but opposes cuts to any specific category of spending).
Well, republicans don’t constantly have to be passing policy for the sake of passing policy like democrats.

That’s why democrats say “they don’t have that many policies”..well, duh. We want less government, less regulation, less bureaucracy which inherently means our policy wishlist is quite small. That is a GOOD thing .

So “then what” isn’t a relevant question to those who want no more than to have secure borders, limited government bureaucracy outside of the essentials(border enforcement being essential), end the abomination of abortion, end government funded race essentialism and hopefully through that influence a reverse in cultural decay.

After that it is defense. Keep democrats away from it.

but as we saw in Poland recently. Strong men created good times and security…good times create complacency and security inspire recklessness.

This would make more sense if Republicans were explicitly arguing that current policy is ideal.
So every nutty thing AOC or Omar say is a major democrat policy? Got it.

Also, its pretty evident you live in a fantasy land where you think the country would be some sort of utopia if it wasn't for those damn chuds. In reality, Democrats have never brought UHC up for a vote and Biden says he doesn't support it. Biden voted in favor of raising social security age when he was a senator. And minimum wage is already a regional issue (as it should be).
I love that mentioning policies that mainstream Republicans are pushing and have passed triggers you so much.

Sorry the party you support does the type of shit a villain in a Disney movie would.
So why do you suppose the "trans athletes" aren't a bunch of women trying to play the higher paid men's sports? Seems like a no brainer if there isn't a competitive handicap, and the only difference is men get paid more, no?

If this really was the end of the world and would get people to focus on important causes I'm sure most people would cave. Most transwomen probably are willing to concede playing in sports if you accept their identity. But if people ban transwomen in sports the right will just move on to something else. It is not a sincere argument its a tool for a larger agenda.
The women who play these sports also don't care about said sports? Interesting

Are the people complaining about these topics predominantly female athlethes or anti trans activists?
Are the people complaining about these topics predominantly female athlethes or anti trans activists?
Not sure which one is predominant. But it's definitely both. Although the athletes have to worry about suspensions for speaking out, so maybe they don't speak out as much as they would like. In which case maybe the activists are more predominant, thankfully.
I love that mentioning policies that mainstream Republicans are pushing and have passed triggers you so much.

Sorry the party you support does the type of shit a villain in a Disney movie would.
LOL, you really are one of the those guys that think the chuds are the root of all your problems.
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Neither party wants all of their policies to pass. Some of their advertised policies are just empty promises that they make soley because they know they can blame the other side when they don't deliver.

The major power players of the Republican party don't care THAT much about middle class tax cuts or debt.

The major power players of the Democratic party don't care THAT much about elevating the poor out of poverty.

They both make token gestures, but never come close to fully delivering even when they have a super majority.
Gutting SS is just a leftwing talking point and not something the party as a whole is trying to do. The polls show Republicans aren't united on abortion. Trans rights is another one that isn't defined and offers no context. Same with "book bans".

As for the environment, I don't think anyone wants to live in a polluted wasteland. I think a lot of people look at things going in places like Cali with their emissions goals and see big problems with it. I think any sort of regulation toward green energy without including nuclear is ridiculous.

The TS is clearly talking about things that aren't supported by the majority. He brought up Haley talking about raising SS age in the debates. Meanwhile RDS said the opposite in the same debate. Why is it Haley's opinion is the republican stance but RDS's opinion doesn't count? Should every whacky idea from the squad be considered the Democrat's main policy positions? Beto O'rouke wants to tear down the walls around Texas. Stacy Abram's is lobbying to outlaw gas stoves. Is that where all democrats stand?
Ron not doing anything about it is a death knell.
Haley wants to kick the van down the road and raise the retirement age to be inline with life expectancy, which is dropping.
No one mentioned removing the ss tax cap because that would raise taxes on the wealthy while helping the poor.