Anybody actually knows whats happening to Canada?

How would you know how the people in my neighborhood felt? After the first few days it was obvious that there were no more rules of acceptable behavior. The facade of civilization almost immediately crumbled.
Looting, burning of houses and businesses, regular assaults? murder?


Then it paled in comparison to BLM protests. There is no debate about that.
@Ares Black constitutes approx. 40% of all posts since about page 12.

Wonders why people are calling it another meltdown...

to be fair, i'd say about half of those posts is just him calling me a puppet for sharing videos, articles, photos regarding that non-fiery and completely peaceful canadian protest.
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Looting, burning of houses and businesses, regular assaults? murder?


Then it paled in comparison to BLM protests. There is no debate about that.
No one knew what would happen. In retrospect it's a minor miracle that it got shut down without any major casualties.

The police were not enforcing the laws. I personally witnessed multiple assaults and there are countless other accounts of violence, harassment, and intimidation.

The BLM protests involved literally millions of participants. Considering how small and pathetic the Freedumb Convoy was in comparison, they managed to cause a lot of damage.
It's so fucking funny that @idrankyourbeer is so passionate about defending the same bullshit narrative pushed by shameless grifters like Donald Trump, Russell Brand, and Jordan Peterson.

Stellar company you are keeping, my man. Excellent judgement you are displaying. Nothing to see here.
It's so fucking funny that @idrankyourbeer is so passionate about defending a narrative pushed by guys like Donald Trump, Russell Brand, and Jordan Peterson.

Stellar company you are keeping, my man. Excellent judgement.

what narrative? did daper don, russel brand, or jordan peterson record those videos at the trucker protest and put them on youtube?

so where is the evidence of the violence and widespread fires that you speak of? you've been asked to provide a sample over and over and over and instead of simply providing us with anything, you decide to tuck your dick and cluck. every. single. time.

despite camera's throughout every city block near the parliament and everybody walking around with cellphones, are we still waiting for somebody to capture the footage of this violence and pyro and put it out there to the public? or are you just making all this shit up to invent a bullshit narrative that supports the baseless bullshit narrative that the CBC and the rest of the liberal state-funded media spoonfed to you?

good heavens no! look at all those nazi's and terrorists having a grand old time in downtown ottawa. all stomping all over your rights by playing hockey and dancing and having cookouts and jumping around in bouncy castles. would you care to watch any more footage? it's all over the internet.i'll be happy to provide it to you. but i still cant find any of this violence and fiery inferno's of which you speak of. sadly, i don't think we're gonna get that from you no matter how many times anybody ever asks you, mostlikely because it's all bullshit and never even happened.
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what narrative? did daper don, russel brand, or jordan peterson record those videos at the trucker protest and put them on youtube?
No, members of the protest did, you absolute numpty.

Doesn't change the fact that you are on the same side of this issue as some of the most dishonest people in the entire world. That should set off some fucking alarm bells, except you are such a puppet you refuse to consider the possibility that you have been duped by propaganda.

Spoiler Alert: You have been duped by propaganda, puppet.
Wonder what the narrative would be if black people occupied Washington DC if Trump won the election?


I can't work out if the ring wing stance is "it's okay to shoot someone who is blocking a highway" or "it's okay to block an entire Canadian city, and nobody is allowed to do anything"...
No, members of the protest did, you absolute numpty.

Doesn't change the fact that you are on the same side of this issue as some of the most dishonest people in the entire world. That should set off some fucking alarm bells, except you are such a puppet you refuse to consider the possibility that you have been duped by propaganda.

Spoiler Alert: You have been duped by propaganda, puppet.

cluckedy cluck cluck cluckedy cluck cluck look at ares black tuck and cluck.

good heavens no! oh the humanity!

got any videos of that violence and fiery inferno that you speak of to show us yet or are we just gonna keep on clucking? i can do this all day. there's enough real world footage of things that actually happened in the real world to go around.
cluckedy cluck cluck cluckedy cluck cluck look at ares black tuck and cluck.

good heavens no! oh the humanity!

got any videos of that violence and fiery inferno that you speak of to show us yet or are we just gonna keep on clucking? i can do this all day. there's enough real world footage of things that actually happened in the real world to go around.

speaking of credibility, is there any credibility towards your claims of rampant fires "everywhere" ever happening during the trucker rally? if so, feel free to post pictures or video.

i don't see any fires in these ones either. perhaps you can post some clips of these fires you speak of and point me in the right direction. i've only asked you 10 times while you tuck your dick and cluck. maybe the 11'th time will be the charm?

they weren't the propane fires that were underneath the grills to barbeque meat to hand out to the protesters were they?

Jesus christ!

How many players do they have on the ice?
I would like to formally invite any interested Sherbros for a tour of the affected neighborhood. It will take a few hours, and then we can have a beer.

Note: the tour of the sites posted in convoy propaganda will only take a few minutes, since that's where all the happy people were.
Jesus christ!

How many players do they have on the ice?

the coaches need to get penalized for too many nazi's on the ice.

my goodness look at them all having a good time outside. they're not even wearing their ritualistic muzzles of shame, also known as a face diaper. i'll bet that none of those domestic terrorists and their demon spawns even have their vaccine passports either!
the coaches need to get penalized for too many nazi's on the ice.

my goodness look at them all having a good time outside. they're not even wearing their ritualistic muzzles of shame, also known as a face diaper. i'll bet that none of those domestic terrorists and their demon spawns even have their vaccine passports either!
Instead of all this arguing about the nature of objective reality, lets instead focus on the many things we have in common.

We are both top-notch posters on the best karate forum in the world!

We could both confidently name the MMA GOAT and explain why!

We both like beer!
Instead of all this arguing about the nature of objective reality, lets instead focus on the many things we have in common.

We are both top-notch posters on the best karate forum in the world!

We could both confidently name the MMA GOAT and explain why!

We both like beer!

piss off troll. i'm the worst poster in the war room and i put in alot of work to earn my rightful belt, and i cemented my legacy with nothing less than a fight of the year performance and tit-for-tat slobberknocker against the cucks4tuck guy. i am not going to share my title with you. i won't even allow you the privilege of holding my jockstrap.

try harder this year young grasshopper and maybe you will be one day my level, for one must crawl before they learn to hop.
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