Anyone else disturbed by how many female fighters White has kissed at UFC events?


Red Belt
Nov 2, 2017
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it's a common thing here in new York and I assume boston. I kiss all my female friends and so does every male I've ever met in my entire life who grew up here
What has become of Sherdog, has it always been like this?
That's a contradictory question; to ask what has become of something entails that you must have known what it was like before it changed, and yet you ask if it has always been this way as though you have no beforehand knowledge of these forums.

GTFO with this #metoo bullshit
You brought it up, not me.

it's a common thing here in new York and I assume boston. I kiss all my female friends and so does every male I've ever met in my entire life who grew up here
How many employers/employees do you see do that though? Different relationship.
He kisses his mother with that mouth.
He's like that creepy Family Feud guy from back in the day..

That's a contradictory question; to ask what has become of something entails that you must have known what it was like before it changed, and yet you ask if it has always been this way as though you have no beforehand knowledge of these forums.

You brought it up, not me.

How many employers/employees do you see do that though? Different relationship.
It's not a typical employer employee relationship at all. Stop reaching
Most people in the world aren’t hysterical when human beings interact in ways that have developed over thousands of years.

Take a day off.
I mean I don't do that so it's kinda weird but I'm not bothered by it
How many employers/employees do you see do that though? Different relationship.

UFC fighters are independent contractors, not employees, therefore Dana can grope/kiss/bang/deny benefits/etc as he pleases.
they all look pretty consensual to me...

but i expect lawsuits 15 years down the road when they need more money

plus, at least he's not making his contractors kiss his ass on national tv like Vince. Rose should thank her lucky stars. Take the kiss.
this thread is creepy. not the videos either. it’s a creepy mindset that considers those examples creepy.