Anyone else disturbed by how many female fighters White has kissed at UFC events?

yeah, the problem here is that he is their boss. kinda creepy
I knew he was Uncle Dana, but I didn't realize until now that he's actually Creepy Uncle Dana. lol
I knew he was Uncle Dana, but I didn't realize until now that he's actually Creepy Uncle Dana. lol
It's Uncle Creepy.

Hopefully only a matter of time before the UFC ring girls come out that Dana White abused his power.

Then its good night.
That's a contradictory question; to ask what has become of something entails that you must have known what it was like before it changed, and yet you ask if it has always been this way as though you have no beforehand knowledge of these forums.

Thanks dad.
I don't know how it is in the US, but over here in Europe, I kiss all my female friends on the cheek and it's even appropiate to do so when you meet someone on a first date. There's actually nothing to it ...
Is normal, if i were Dana i would kiss Rockhold all the time
To be fair, he only kissed JJ's hat.
(Timestamped; White kisses Rousey)

(Timestamped; White kisses PVZ)

(Couldn't timestamp; White kisses Tate at around 30 seconds)

(White kisses Namajunas)

(White kisses Jędrzejczyk)

What's wrong with a little smooch? Stop over reacting and give grampa dana a smoochScreenshot_2017-07-21-12-42-09.png Screenshot_2017-07-21-12-42-09-1.png if you look at it side ways , never mind don't try that!

There has been a disturbing lack of Romero/Rockhold gifs in this thread. WTF is wrong with you people.

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