Anyone else having their Xmas ruined due to inability to find Proper 12???

First world problems man, Conor's whiskey is so damn successful I can't find any bottles to gift to all of my family and friends. Has anyone in the US found a bottle in December?

Can't find it and I'm devastated. I refuse to drink good whiskey and NEED that blended garbage Proper 12. I'm canceling my party if I can't find a bottle by Christmas Eve.
Can't find it and I'm devastated. I refuse to drink good whiskey and NEED that blended garbage Proper 12. I'm canceling my party if I can't find a bottle by Christmas Eve.
i already have good whiskey in stock don't need it
ts is proof conor jock riders are retarded and dickless.
First world problems man, Conor's whiskey is so damn successful I can't find any bottles to gift to all of my family and friends. Has anyone in the US found a bottle in December?
Production has ceased since they found traces of "Irish rat" fecal matter in testing. Cheers!
First world problems man, Conor's whiskey is so damn successful I can't find any bottles to gift to all of my family and friends. Has anyone in the US found a bottle in December?
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I saw a video of Conor getting roasted by a man drinking Jameson, so I got myself a bottle of that instead.