Anyone here despise females?

I'd rather it be a world of just 7 billion women and me. Maybe a few homies.

Define 'equal'

If the idea is that men and women are the same (equal), then it comes down to "In what way?". Certainly there are differences between the sexes so 'equal' can't be taken literally.

Equality is a political buzzword but rarely is it qualified with an actual meaning.

It's also becoming more common that people just throw up their hands and declare something as 'hate' when they don't understand it or disagree with something. So you'd also have to define what that is supposed to mean.

Equal as they have both been given life by God.

"I'll treat a bitch like a queen,
But she's got to realize that I'm the g0ddamn king"
Anyone who automatically hates, or thinks half the population is inferior to them is a toolbag. Their opinions are automatically irrelevant. I lump 3rd wave feminazis into that category with other such ignorant ideologies.
Anyone who automatically hates, or thinks half the population is inferior to them is a toolbag. Their opinions are automatically irrelevant. I lump 3rd wave feminazis into that category with other such ignorant ideologies.
Well... I'm certainly not a toolbag and I don't think, I know that all conservatives (about half of the population) are inferior to me. How do you explain that?
I would hope that men never treat women "equally" to how they treat other men. That wouldn't go too well.
No. I think a lot of males just fail to understand the dynamics of male / female interaction.
As for females acting like the world revolves around them, again, who's fault is that? If you're put upon a pedestal constantly, you get used to it, and come to expect it.
Whenever I see a broad that's acting selfish, materialistic, like a whoore or whatever, my initial thought is that whatever men there are in her life have failed her. Of course, it's not all nurture, but the extent of nature's influence is shaped by the men in her life.
Well... I'm certainly not a toolbag and I don't think, I know that all conservatives (about half of the population) are inferior to me. How do you explain that?
You're a toolbox. Jihadists are tooltrucks.

For the sake of simplicity I didn't want to list all tool storage and convyance devices. Toolchest, toolkit, tooldrawer, tooldboard, toolip, toonafreedolphin, etc...

The last two probably shouldn't be on the list.
I can't imagine despising females. In terms of dealing with them, they're no different from guys. Most aren't as smart, attractive or interesting as they think are.
They're equal in terms of rights and value, but not the same. I also really don't think anybody hates all women. You can dislike certain types of women, even very common types of women, but just saying "hates women" is a silly thing that doesn't apply to anyone.

And again, some white knight comes in here and is completely unable to find anything in between being insufferable and "do as your told and stay in the kitchen". Do you just not know any women who work and are nice people? I personally wouldn't want my wife to have to work, especially if we have kids, and according to stats, most women seem to agree. Women are much more likely to choose a husband who makes more than her, regardless of her own income level, and women divorce men at significantly higher rates when he doesn't live up to the breadwinner role and makes less than she does. You're just looking at things very simplistically and are white knighting by boiling everything down to "hates women".
Nope, love them.

And they love me. We've got a good thing going.
You're a toolbox. Jihadists are tooltrucks.

For the sake of simplicity I didn't want to list all tool storage and convyance devices. Toolchest, toolkit, tooldrawer, tooldboard, toolip, toonafreedolphin, etc...

The last two probably shouldn't be on the list.
Wrong. All of those things are useful. The the things you compared them to...
Tyrannical feminists in positions of power can be worrisome.
No. I think a lot of males just fail to understand the dynamics of male / female interaction.
As for females acting like the world revolves around them, again, who's fault is that? If you're put upon a pedestal constantly, you get used to it, and come to expect it.
Whenever I see a broad that's acting selfish, materialistic, like a whoore or whatever, my initial thought is that whatever men there are in her life have failed her. Of course, it's not all nurture, but the extent of nature's influence is shaped by the men in her life.

Dominant Post.


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