Anyone practice voodoo/occult?

Don't buy it at all, but I love talking about it. Done a lot of reading on Crowley and even LaVey.
My boss owns an apartment building and has a bunch of african immigrants as tenants. One of the tenants complains to him that other tenants have been practicing vodoo in their suites and are casting spells on her. He jokingly asked her what she expected him to to about it put a sign up in the hallway that says "No Vodoo" she thought he was serious and wants him to put the sign up.
Im still an intern, but hopefully I get my license to warlock by next semester.
I do not actively practice, but I do research and read about it (which is something that I think behooves all those that have a thirst for understanding and knowledge). It's something that is both historically relevant as well as relevant today in our modern world.

To give two examples:

Historically - Prominent members of the Nazi party were influenced by occultist/esoteric beliefs. Hitler included. Look up the Vril and Thule societies if you're interested in that topic.

Modern day - The entertainment industry is rife with occult symbolism. Two practitioners of note at the level of entertainer, would be Jay Z and the late David Bowie. Both of which have been seen referencing Crowley (those two were brought to my attention by another poster here, in another thread. But they are far from the only ones exhibiting occultist symbolism in some manner).

There's also all types of artwork that bears the mark of occultist/alchemist/esoteric beliefs and practices, both overtly and hidden in plain sight.

Getting into occultism is something I'd suggest be done with caution and respect. There's dark areas in that realm, and you can, in a sense, invite darkness upon you by delving too deeply too haphazardly.
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When I played Warcraft 3, my favorite unit was Orc shaman if this counts for anything

I had a Tauren Shaman in WoW but I quit after the Lich King.

I am curios to know if anyone practices the esoteric?

I ask because I am in to meditation and it has given me tons of benefits but I always feel weirded out for wanting to dabble in the more mysterious aspects of the unknown discipline.


Obama is evil.
What would practicing the occult entail, jerking off in a circle of epsom salt?
I flunked out of Hogwarts 4 months in so "no" I guess
The closest thing to voodoo I saw was a Navy Corpsman who got tired of Iraqi police begging him for Valium and other narcotics to get fucked up. So he found a dead dog and removed it's head and placed it on a broken broom handle. He started telling them when they would come claiming bullshit illnesses that he was a voodoo doctor and he would shake that nasty thing around while chanting gibberish (touching them with the head as often as possible) and claiming that he had cured then with voodoo. It was seriously disgusting. The worst part about it was he kept it in his medical room.

When the Company XO took a visit to our patrol base and found it well...... Let's just say he wasn't happy.
I am curios to know if anyone practices the esoteric?

I ask because I am in to meditation and it has given me tons of benefits but I always feel weirded out for wanting to dabble in the more mysterious aspects of the unknown discipline.

For your time, enjoy the evil Will Smith doll:

I just laid down, fuck you for posting that nightmare fuel.
I’m super interested in the occult. Just watched this Crowley documentary for the 3rd or 4th time earlier. Wish I could find one I haven’t seen.

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