Are you actually “buying” this ppv because of Lawler vs Diaz?

Are you buying this card because of lawler/diaz

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No, not when streams are as accessible and abundant as they are, you would have to be a sucker to pay. It is easier and more convenient to start up a stream than buy the fucking PPV these days. The fact UFC scams there fighters and only pay out 17% or whatever the fuck of revenue makes me feel even better about not paying.

Not to mention the main card isn’t anything special, Volk fights suck ass, Nick Diaz is like 45 and Murphy vs Shev shouldn’t even be sanctioned. Lol no thanks, I’ll save the 90 bucks and stream.
I buy all the PPVs.. by paying monthly for a VPN.
I spend $70 at happy hour for myself. I'm buying the PPV & might even stream it. I'm not a casual & don't skip fights because the fight isn't on the title path.
You must not watch a lot of fights.
My body's saying let's go...but my heart is saying no.

If you wanna be with me.

Baby there's a price to pay.

I'm a
@genecop in a bottle, you @Ogata Riggs me the right way

Right Clemmy?

Poet you :)
I didnt buy it, i booked this boating trip that i'm gonna take on seven seas. <Wink>
Its one of many fine attractions on the card but its mostly all about the main event for me.

Diaz vs Lawler has some sad potential
I am 100% buying this. Maybe twice.
I'm not buying the PPV, but I am going to overpay for beers and cash in loyalty points at a local Buffalo Wild Wings just to watch this fight on the card. Absolutely.
No to buying, but its a strong contender to be torrented the next morning. Just to see how Nick looks
I believe that are many fans who can't pay and they don't use links either !
Two of my all time favorites and I'm skipping. I have zero faith the fight delivers due to age, mileage, and in Nick's case extreme ring rust. Not to mention it appears Nick can't or doesn't want to make weight. Two WMMA fights on the main card further sealed my decision.
Of course not, I'm buying it to see if Roxy can derail yet another prospect.