ASH VS. EVIL DEAD Thread (Cancelled After Season 3)

Is anyone else is watching on IGN?
i think Facebook has better VPN detection and won't let me watch. and the ign stream stutters every so often.

Edit: not bad, at all.
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Finally this show is back. Loved the first episode
oh fuck, it's out already? need to check this out ASAP.
ah, okay. looks like this coming Sunday is the premiere.

Its on Starz website right now, it premiered yesterday on IGN followed by a QA with Bruce and Lucy. Fucking loved it, Evil Dead is fucking awesome.
I finally got grossed out for the first time in Season 2 ep 2.
Ash's head going up that corpses ass was a little over the top
Sorry if I'm jumping in on this thread but I'm keen to watch the latest episodes. Anyone know where to stream? Its not yet available here in Australia

Before the Mods delete, the Ash vs Evil Dead Facebook page offered a link to a free stream a week or so ago
I'm so stupid. Even after reading this thread, I decided to watch last episode while eating.

Very extremely bad idea...

@The Big Babou : On the Internet, there is a Wire that is Prime. Find it and you will find Ash (and all the other shows you want to watch).
I'm so stupid. Even after reading this thread, I decided to watch last episode while eating.

Very extremely bad idea...

@The Big Babou : On the Internet, there is a Wire that is Prime. Find it and you will find Ash (and all the other shows you want to watch).
careful there its popup hell.

all uc
I remember hearing about this a few years ago and just saw it is actually in its second season. I don't have HBO so I wanted to see if it was worth going out of my way to watch.
oh fuck yeah it is. Every episode so far is still hilarious
It's not on HBO, its on Starz, but yes it is fucking awesome. If you're a fan of the movies, you'll most likely love the show. It's more along the lines of army of darkness, but there is some creepy stuff in there.

My only complaint is that the episode lengths are not consistent and vary from 20+ mins to about 40 mins. I was hoping for an hour a week, but we're lucky if we even get 30 mins.
I was skeptical going in. I'm not a big TV watcher but I loved the Evil Dead movies. The first episode hooked me and I've been watching ever since. It's a logical progression from the movies and all of the cast are great.

The episodes are starting to feel like the same formula but Bruce Campbell is always entertaining. If you like Evil Dead, you should like the series.
Tons of blood, decapitations, great special effects and funny one liners.

Show is great, haven't seen an episode that left me with any complaints.
It's not on HBO, its on Starz, but yes it is fucking awesome. If you're a fan of the movies, you'll most likely love the show. It's more along the lines of army of darkness, but there is some creepy stuff in there.

My only complaint is that the episode lengths are not consistent and vary from 20+ mins to about 40 mins. I was hoping for an hour a week, but we're lucky if we even get 30 mins.
Completely agree, it's absolutely superb!!!

Was a little disappointed EP 3 of season two was twenty odd minutes, finished way too soon!

Dat ending tho!!!!!
Completely agree, it's absolutely superb!!!

Was a little disappointed EP 3 of season two was twenty odd minutes, finished way too soon!

Dat ending tho!!!!!

Yeah I find myself saying that about most episodes, they're so good they seem like they only last 10 mins. And yes that ending was something, wasn't surprised though. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this show gives NO FUCKS about anyone or anything.

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