Bikes and Barbells: failure it's always an option.

How are you riding gravel on a tire that narrow.

Specs on bike please.
Tue 24-8-16

- Sumo DL: 3 x 6 x 130 kg last set 8 reps
- Paused Squats: 4x85 - 5x4x80 kg (lowered the weight to do better pauses)
- Ring pullups 1x6

No time to front squat today. Good pulling.
How are you riding gravel on a tire that narrow.

Specs on bike please.

It isn't that narrow. It's a Compass Bon Jon Pass, 700 x 35 mm, tubeless set up. Really, really nice, supple and fast tire... and the gravel wasn't very rough for the most part and there was a lot of tarmac too, so perfect tire for that terrain.

Edit: couple guys did the route in 23mm clinchers... that was very very narrow, and they were slow in flat sectors of gravel that wasn't super smooth. There was a 650b x 42mm Grand Bois Hetres, and another 700x35 with Schalwbe Marathons.
Wed 24/8/16 BW. 86.5 kg

- OHP: 3 x 8 x 35 kg
- Chins: 9-8-8
- Spoto Press 4 x 5 x 52.5 kg & Kroc Rows 25kg DB 4 x 10
- Lateral raises 5kg db & Low-High cable flys x10 kg
It looked narrower from the pic. I use a specialized 35mm on large gravel and hard pack limestone which most trails around here are
Fri 26/8/16

- Squat: 3 x 8 x 85 kg last set 10 reps
- Hip Thrust: 3 x 8 x 105 kg last set 10 reps
- Snatch Grip DL: 3 x 10 x 75 kg little rest
Mon 29-8-16

- Bench press: 5 x 62.5 - 3+f x 62.5 (technical fail, touched to low and lost the bar forward) - 5 x 60 kg & band facepulls
- Pendlay row: 3 x 5 x 65 kg - last set 7 reps
- OHP 30kg 10-10-4 reps & Chinups 9-7-4
- Finisher: KB swings, pushups, KB push presses

Fucker up the bench but progressing.
Wed 31/8/16 BW: 86.5 kg

- Sumo DL 3 x 4 x 140 kg last set 7 reps
- Paused Squats: 6 x 4 x 82.5 kg

- Front Squats: 50 kg 12-12-9 little rest
- Ring pullups 1x8

Really good day.
BTW, took the KB to the beach this weekend and messed around a bit with it, great fun!

Also, the sunday my girl and I did like 22km walking. There was a pullup bar on theway, so did some pullups... and got the band so she could do some assisted chins. She barely could do one but the pic looks awesome xD

Thu 1/9/16

- OHP: 5 x 40 - 4+f x 40 - 6 x 37.5 kg
- Chins: 3 x 5 x 8 kg last set 6 reps
- Spoto Press: 4 x 5 x 55 kg + Kroc Rows: 25kg 13-11-12-11
. Lateral raises 5kg DB's and Low-High cable flys 10kg x2
Sun 4 / 9 / 2016 - some 90km on the bike, really hilly and bad tracks, so quite slow.

Mon 5 / 9 / 2016

- BP: fucked up the loading so... Fx70kg - 3x65kg - 2x3x62.5kg (last set 4 reps) I need more quality reps on the bench + band facepulls
- Pendlay: 3 x 3 x 67.5 kg last set 5 reps
- OHP: 3 x 9 x 30kg + Chins 8-8-7

Pic from yesterday
Tue 6/9/16

- Sumo DL: 3 x 3 x 147.5 kg (straps) last set 5 reps.
- Paused Squat: 6 x 4 x 82,5 kg - good
- Front Squats: 3 x 12 x 50 kg little rest

This week should've been 2 reps on the DL, but confused myself and did 3's... went really well so no problem there, just stupid me striking again!

Bought straps and tried them on today. They worked fantastic for what I've got them: technique was much improve compared to over/under, bar closer to me, not drifting the left side. Raally comfortable. Anyway, at first, lifting with the straps feels a bit odd, lacking the feedback from the hands... just a little time to get used to it I guess, but is something I've never seen mentioned.
Thu 7/9/16

- OHP: 3 x 3 x 42.5 kg
- Chins: 3 x 3 x 12kg last set 5 reps

- Spoto Press: 4 x 5 x 55 kg + Kroc Rows 25kg DB's (15-13-15-13)
- Pushups and DB lateral raises (5kg) - 30 reps eachs in 4 minutes

Got today the belt, weightlifting shoes, wrist wraps and DL socks. Along with the straps, I've got some nice gear and looking forward to use it a lot!
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Thu 8/9/16

- Squat: 3 x 3 x 95 kg last set 8 reps ¿PR? (belted)
- Hip Thrust: 3 x 3 x 120 kg last set 10 reps

- SGDL with squat shoes 3 x 10 x 80 kg + pushups 6-6-10

Weighlifting shoes and the belt felt great squatting.
Fri 9/9/16

- Power Cleans & Jerks: 3 x 40 - 3 x 45 - 3 x 50 - 3 x 55 - F(jerk) x 60 hg ||| PC only -> 2x60 - 3 x 65 - 2 x 70 - F+1 x 75kg

First time (power) jerking he barbell, liked it but I've got a lot to learn.

- Farmer's walk (per hand): 50 kg x 15m - 60kg x 15m - 70kg x 7m + 70kg x 3m

Did the farmers with 2 tricep bars. They work great except for the lack of knurling to grip it. The last set, with 140kg between both hands, was hard as fuck... and just lifting it of the floor was a challengue.

- DB Bench & abs: 3x9 15kg DB bench press + pallof press + stir the pot.

DB bench was a humbling experience... fuck.
Mon 12/9/16 BW: 86.3 kg

- Sumo DL: 3 x 6 x 125 kg - last set 8 reps (strapped after 2nd rep)
- Paused Squat: 6 x 4 x 85 kg - really good

No time for more today.
Wed 14/9/16

- Bench Press: 3 x 8 x 57.5 kg + band facepulls
- Pendlay Row: 3 x 8 x 60 kg - last set 10 reps
- OHP: 3x32.5 kg 8-6-6 reps + pullups 3x5

Benchig in Oly shoes is surprisingly comfortable, I feel better the leg drive and all that. Also used wrist wraps. Good benching, quality reps at least.
Switched to pullups, I'm gonna try to improve my best to 10 strict pullups... currently I should manage to do 6.
Thu 15 / 6 / 16 BW: 87.7 kg

- Squat: 3 x 8 x 90 kg last set 10 reps
- Hip Thrust: 3 x 8 x 110 kg last set 10 reps

- SGDL: 3 x 80 kg 12-12-10 reps
Got 5kg of whey protein and 1kg of creatine.... LETS BULK BABY!!

Yeah, i didn0t really realize how big 5kg of protein can be, xD.

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