Bob (Mueller)'s 13 Russian Burgers: Russia Investigation v.13

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Bombshell Russia indictments: What do they all mean?
By Jennifer Rubin

The special counsel’s actions raise a host of questions, but here is what we can say with confidence:

  • There is no “hoax,” and Trump’s insistence that the Russia investigation is about nothing only reinforces the perception that his ego won’t allow him to concede that he received Russian help and/or that he’s been trying to disable the Russia investigation, precisely because he did not want this plot of interference to come out.
  • It will be exceptionally hard, if not impossible, for Trump now to fire Rosenstein or Mueller.
  • Mueller and his team are moving with remarkable speed, wrapping up witnesses and substantiating a conspiracy to influence the election. There is much more to this than “just” evidence of obstruction. There is an embarrassing scheme to fix our election by a hostile foreign power that certainly could have been the motive for Trump’s effort to thwart the Russia investigation. Mueller has multiple cooperating witnesses: Michael Flynn, Richard Pinedo (the indicted American), George Papadopoulos and soon, we are told, Rick Gates). Trump and his legal team should be exceptionally worried about what else Mueller has.
  • The president’s failure to take action to protect the U.S. election system and prevent another assault on our democracy — a real and ongoing concern voiced by the unanimous testimony of his top intelligence officials — appears to be a gross dereliction of Trump’s duties and an abrogation of his oath.
  • The Russian plan was specifically aimed at helping Trump. “By February 2016, the suspects had decided whom they were supporting in the 2016 race. According to the indictment, Internet Research Agency specialists were instructed to ‘use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump — we support them),'” The Post reports. “Prosecutors say some Russian employees of the troll farm were chastised in September 2016 when they had a ‘low number of posts dedicated to criticizing Hillary Clinton’ and were told it was ‘imperative to intensify criticizing’ the Democratic nominee in future posts.”
  • While Rosenstein said there was no evidence that the actions in the indictment affected the election outcome, such an assertion, he surely must know, is not a provable fact and is legally immaterial. No one can prove how many people were affected by what the Russians put out.
  • A plan of this magnitude involving so many people and so much money could not have feasibly been conducted without the knowledge or assistance of the Kremlin
The indictments and plea raise a slew of questions: How did Mueller get the information? Did any Trump official have any connection to the Russians? How did the Russians determine what hashtags to use and what themes to push? If we are now in pursuit of social media players, are the hackers who broke into the DNC and John Podesta’s emails in sight? Rosenstein described help afforded to the Russians by “unwitting” figures linked to the Trump campaign. However, as one Russia guru points out to me, “on the ‘unwitting’ Trump campaign officials, we know there was a hell of a lot of ‘witting.’ That is effectively what the June 9 meeting [at Trump Tower] and [outreach to Russians from] Papadopoulos show.”

Once more, we are reminded how little we know about what Mueller has already found. If he has this much evidence just on the quadrant of a Russian troll farm, what else is out there? Stay tuned. We are nowhere near the end of this investigation.
Has anyone mentioned that Paul Manafort is being hit with entirely new charges?

I wonder if this new information comes from Gates copping a plea for immunity on some charges. Gates reportedly already had his "Queen for a Day" interview that happens in plea deals whereby as part of the immunity agreement they sit in a room surrounded by all other investigations and answer any and all questions posed to them for as long as the investigators have questions to ask. This is said to have likely already happened - and there is zero incentive to lie in these because if you knowingly lie it voids the whole deal - and all the information you gave up can be used against you again.

Gates was Manafort's partner, and right hand man. He certainly doesn't know everything about Manafort's shady international dealings, but he likely knows more than enough. He also worked for the Trump campaign even after Manafort was fired, through the election, on the transition team and even early in the administration before moving to a Trump supporting SuperPAC.

The leverage they had on Gates was that his wife also signed fraudulent loan/mortgage applications. The Gates' applied for bank loans mere months apart from different banks and reported VASTLY different assets and net worths. She signed the bank forms. She knew she was lying. That's bank fraud. The Gates' have a young family and don't want to have their children raised by relatives while Mommy and Daddy are in prison.
Bob Mueller Is Not Playing Around

Friday’s indictments prove that Russia interfered in our election. And they make it almost impossible to fire him.

Supporters of the president have been quick to point out that the indictment does not allege purposeful cooperation between the Trump campaign and the Russians charged. Some, apparently including the president, have gone so far as to suggest that the indictment exonerates him, proving his frequent assertions of “no collusion.” It does nothing of the kind.

First, the indictment makes clear that some Trump campaign workers unwittingly worked with the Russian conspirators advancing this scheme, which is already a disturbing development. It also says that on repeated occasions the indicted individuals conspired with “persons known and unknown to the Grand Jury,” explicitly leaving open the possibility that others were involved.

More to the point, as elaborate as the charged scheme was, it is limited to one particular disinformation operation. The indictment does not even address many of the areas in which knowing cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russia would most likely have occurred if it did occur. For instance, the indictment does not address the hacking of accounts belonging to the Democratic National Committee and others, nor does it address those who participated in the now infamous summer 2016 meeting in Trump Tower, apparently set up to obtain negative information about Hillary Clinton. The steady stream of pleas and indictments we have seen so far makes it only logical to conclude that there is more to come. We don’t know yet where it will all lead, but the trajectory seems to be closer and closer to the Trump campaign.
Adding all of this together, one thing is clear about this week’s developments: They leave the president in substantially more peril. His longstanding efforts to cast doubt on the idea that Russia interfered in the election are in tatters. His campaign now appears to have at least unwittingly furthered the efforts of Russian saboteurs to wreak havoc in our election. And this latest indictment, together with a likely Gates plea, very much leaves the door open to future findings of Trump campaign cooperation with Russian election interference. We all should hope that Mueller is successful in getting to the bottom of this debacle; his track record so far suggests he will.
lol yeah you mean it just happen to be targeted towards your candidate. You're delusional
Not my candidate.

I always giggle a bit when a trumptard calls someone else delusional too.
If you have a made-up gender, you shouldn't count as a person.

So California doesn't count in my book.
Man you're trolling hard lol.

Hillary got more votes, and the Russians helped rig the election in trumps favor.

And they stated it had no effect on the election.
No. No they didn't lol. The only people who think that, are delusional trump supporters.

This is just delicious. You morons have been wrong the whole time, and now the truth is in your face, and you're still in denial.

This really puts the nail in the coffin for trumptards. People who voted for trump are simply poor and stupid lol.
Oh my God...

The AG Literally says it to your face, and you're still trying to work around it.

And seriously, that's all he can say. I'll throw you a bone, and say that the impact of the "meddling" that was done is immeasurable, but in no way can be proven to have had an effect on the outcome. All one can do is speculate. However, you will never see any official point to a Russian facebook ad and claim "You see this one? 9064 votes changed because of it. Oh' and this one, 4837 votes went to Trump because of it."

Bottom line, unless they can prove that voting machines were tampered with, and votes were literally changed, you're never going to hear "Russian meddling totally 100% effected the outcome of election", because they simply can not draw that conclusion, based on some facebook ads, and twitter trolls. If you're expecting those words to ever be spoken by anyone other than CNN hosts, you're going to be sorely disappointed.
Says the #Canadian
Nothing suspicious about a guy that keeps saying how innocent he is and was cleared when evidently he was not.

Come on I get it Trump makes some SJW angry.
But can anyone legit say they think Trump is clean?
Doesn't have to be collusion.

But its Donald "sued 1000 time by the working class" Trump.
You must be a real idiot to think he is clean.
Are Trump followers really this delusionally stupid? Russian bots/trolls? or just to stubborn to admit they done been conned?
I don't think you're quite bright enough to post here, and that's saying something
Coming from you, that’s not saying much. You’ve always stood out as one of the dumbest & weirdest posters on here. You were yellow the last time I saw you. Also you were nominated as sherdogs worst poster lol you aren’t qualified to rate other posters.

As it pertains to this thread, you need to quit being a sore loser. Hillary lost & she has no one to blame but herself & her lazy liberal voters. You’re one of them. Just accept it & move on. Don’t be such a whiny little bitch your whole life.
Are Trump followers really this delusionally stupid? Russian bots/trolls? or just to stubborn to admit they done been conned?
I sincerely believe Trumptards are just this stupid.

They think coal is a viable source of energy. In 2018.
If you really believe that, why is Trump so hostile to the investigation? Why is he attacking Mueller and the fbi? Why is he shaking in his boots and constantly making statements about it? If you were innocent wouldn't it make sense to just cooperate and stfu about it?
Coming from you, that’s not saying much. You’ve always stood out as one of the dumbest & weirdest posters on here. You were yellow the last time I saw you. Also you were nominated as sherdogs worst poster lol you aren’t qualified to rate other posters.

As it pertains to this thread, you need to quit being a sore loser. Hillary lost & she has no one to blame but herself & her lazy liberal voters. You’re one of them. Just accept it & move on. Don’t be such a whiny little bitch your whole life.
Definition: triggered
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