Media Bryce Mitchell thanks Josh Emmett for not hitting him with follow up shots

If you're surprised people are discussing MMA fighters on an internet forum that exists to discuss MMA fights you may be as dumb as that moron Bryce Mitchell.

You said it yourself. Stop reaching, getting worked up over other people's beliefs is idiotic.
Time for him to go train at team alpha male
Gotta respect the no follow up when it is completely unnecessary. It's important to be ready to pounce, just in case the ref doesn't stop it, but having that level of restraint is always impressive.
Nobody needs to get worked up to identify that Bryce Mitchel is an uneducated conspiracy nutbar.

I didn't say you cannot identify it, I said its weird to have emotional reactions to it, such as you immediately calling him a moron and whatever else that followed in future posts.

Again, his beliefs don't affect you in any way, so why care? I mean you can do or say whatever you want, just know that its useless and bizzarre as fuck.

+1 here that won't ever need to hear about it again though (meaning blocked)
I didn't say you cannot identify it, I said its weird to have emotional reactions to it, such as you immediately calling him a moron and whatever else that followed in future posts.

Again, his beliefs don't affect you in any way, so why care? I mean you can do or say whatever you want, just know that its useless and bizzarre as fuck.

+1 here that won't ever need to hear about it again though (meaning blocked)

Goodnight sweet prince, you're dumb as a shovel.