Can you look yourself in the mirror and say you gave trump a chance?

I do, after the election I got kinda surprised by the outcome, but looking into introspective I said fuck it! Let's see what's he's capable of, and I went with very low expectations. He actually did it! Went lower down the shitter. Muslim ban to start of, just forgot to add Saudi Arabia, arms deal, Russia ties. Long list! More recent net neutrality who you idiots are going to suffer through, I guess it's easier to call Snowden a traitor and have all your Info handed to big companies.
So how about you, how much time did it took to lose your faith on the Don?

Yes and he’s doing ok so what was your time frane 1 year until you said that’s it ?
I did, I stopped after he bombed the Syrian army. That was unforgivable to me.
Nope,actually he’s not...rhetoric and action are two entirely different things.

Obamacare.. still there
Borders,still open as all hell...he’s actually underperforming compared to Obama’s deportation rates.
Taxes..nope,mine are still the same..fucked..and from every thing I’ve read on this plan..I’m about to be even more fucked...corps are gonna do nicely though.

Aside from America being the armpit of the world now in regards to politics,nothing has changed at all..we have an entertaining potus..
As in clown.
You sure? Didn't he just lower my taxes? That alone will get him another vote from me for a second term. He's just getting started too.

And you say the armpit of the world in regards to politics? Lol sounds like you believe too much of what you see in the media. Have you actually traveled the world & heard people's opinions first hand?
I do, after the election I got kinda surprised by the outcome, but looking into introspective I said fuck it! Let's see what's he's capable of, and I went with very low expectations. He actually did it! Went lower down the shitter. Muslim ban to start of, just forgot to add Saudi Arabia, arms deal, Russia ties. Long list! More recent net neutrality who you idiots are going to suffer through, I guess it's easier to call Snowden a traitor and have all your Info handed to big companies.
So how about you, how much time did it took to lose your faith on the Don?

I stopped reading after Muslim ban.
Well I would agree that Trump has some buffoonish, cartoonish qualities to him. But he also has some impressive and even genius qualities to him too(before you scoff at the genius remark show me another political novice defeat both political parties and win the presidency). Mix it all together and an overt buffoon is not what you get.
I see what you're saying, I mean I'd never be one to call Trump dumb, he engineered one of the great political upsets of all time so you have to be impressed by that in and of itself. I just think that our President should carry himself with dignity, and Trump displays little to none of that.

What has he specifically said or done that has made you feel embarrased?
Geez too many tone-deaf utterances to count. Most recently off the top of my head I'll go with the "Pocahontas" joke in front of Native American war heroes. That was fucked up man. Have you ever been at a party where someone tells an awful joke in the wrong company and you just cringe inside? That's our President now, and the hits keep coming by the day.

I know. Instead of dropping inflammatory truth bombs on twitter everyday we used to have presidents that lie, cheat, steal, invade countries, bomb innocent people, and sabotage the country in a sophisticated, elegant way.
This was thaaaaat close to being a brilliant reply. The flaw? Trump's twitter blathering is anything but "truth bombs", it's the rantings of an insecure egomaniac with thin orange skin.

To the point of your statement on the nefarious machinations of our government, that's a truth bomb, kudos to you on that.

My point is just that it's sad to see the devolved level of political discourse that we see today, from both sides of course, reflected in our leader. Again, we lack dignity far too often.

In the end, despite the cartoonish-ness of Trump and the US political climate in general, I understand that it's really business as usual, GOP vs Dems in the same shit-show. It's just odd to me to see you and others cheering for Trump like he's some sort of revelation. He's not. The Dems deserved to lose the election for barfing up Hillary as their candidate but Trump is no hero. He's a shameful indictment of the state of the Union.

Nice talking to you bud, I hope you and yours are well.
NO. I knew years ago he was a liar and a clown..most people who lived in NY knew this ..He won because he duped less informed dullards
I do, after the election I got kinda surprised by the outcome, but looking into introspective I said fuck it! Let's see what's he's capable of, and I went with very low expectations. He actually did it! Went lower down the shitter. Muslim ban to start of, just forgot to add Saudi Arabia, arms deal, Russia ties. Long list! More recent net neutrality who you idiots are going to suffer through, I guess it's easier to call Snowden a traitor and have all your Info handed to big companies.
So how about you, how much time did it took to lose your faith on the Don?
Yeah I can definitely say I gave him a chance; more than a chance, since I was generally supportive of him and very critical of Hillary.

I didn't vote for Hillary , or Trump for that matter. I still don't feel I would rather have Hillary as President, but I don't like Trump as president either. I sort of fluctuate on whether Trump is better or worse than Hillary on foreign policy issues.
Yeah I can definitely say I gave him a chance; more than a chance, since I was generally supportive of him and very critical of Hillary.

I didn't vote for Hillary , or Trump for that matter. I still don't feel I would rather have Hillary as President, but I don't like Trump as president either. I sort of fluctuate on whether Trump is better or worse than Hillary on foreign policy issues.

You would rather have a President who colluded with Russia than Hillary? Just stop the masquerade that you are being logical.

Member's of "the cult" such as yourself would vote for the town drunk, as long as he has an R next to his name.
You would rather have a President who colluded with Russia than Hillary? Just stop the masquerade that you are being logical.

Member's of "the cult" such as yourself would vote for the town drunk, as long as he has an R next to his name.
The US establishment is too paranoid about Russia. Instead they should focus on Saudi,Pakistan and China.
I gave Trump a chance. Until a month ago I would have said he’s doing a pretty good job, but his childish antics and demeanor on Twitter are absolutely laughable

This month, with Net Nutrality and this Tax Plan, he’s lost it from me
I remember in the aftermath of the disastrous 2008 election all the obama jock sniffers were demanding that we give barry a chance. You can expect that Trumps most vociferous critics would never give anyone but their own candidate a chance. No candidate who isn't a liberal would ever be good enough.
I remember in the aftermath of the disastrous 2008 election all the obama jock sniffers were demanding that we give barry a chance. You can expect that Trumps most vociferous critics would never give anyone but their own candidate a chance. No candidate who isn't a liberal would ever be good enough.
And the flip side of the coin is that the most vocal and ardent rightwingers never gave Obama a chance and would never give a Democrat a chance if they behaved like Trump.
He didnt deserve a chance since he didnt deserve to win
I was all aboard the hype train but not living in the US my only information came from peers who resided down there and polling results and was happily shocked come election night.
I absolutely can. I hoped deeply that he would keep his word about draining the swamp. He lied and has been disappointing in ways I did not even imagine. He is the worst thing that has ever happened to America from a president.
I do, after the election I got kinda surprised by the outcome, but looking into introspective I said fuck it! Let's see what's he's capable of, and I went with very low expectations. He actually did it! Went lower down the shitter. Muslim ban to start of, just forgot to add Saudi Arabia, arms deal, Russia ties. Long list! More recent net neutrality who you idiots are going to suffer through, I guess it's easier to call Snowden a traitor and have all your Info handed to big companies.
So how about you, how much time did it took to lose your faith on the Don?
Yep. I thought he'd do some good based on ego. As in, someone with an ego like his would want a good legacy, so he'd be likely to do some good.
This is like asking someone to give a turd topped with whipcream and a cherry a chance.
I know what I"m looking at. Me giving it a chance isn't going to make it not shit.

Trump has been in the public eye for 40 years. He isn't some new guy we've never heard about. He's had public feuds with celebrities, had his own reality show that went on for years, and probably had more campaign/election coverage than any other president ever. He is an embarrassment and shows his incompetence day after day.
You don't need to taste a turd to verify that it is in fact a turd.
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