Chuck Liddell Just Said He Wants to Fight Jon Jones on the MMA Hour.

Who cares what he said. He can take his geriatric MMA to Bellator where they are desperate to throw anyone they can on TV for ratings.
He's going to fight Tito in November under Golden boy promotions, he may fight Chael after or maybe Fedor in Bellator, the UFC isn't signing him.

Tito, Chael and Fedor all flatline him.
Tito, Chael and Fedor all flatline him.
I think banging into a mailbox might K.O him at this point. Now I grew up watching Chuck, respect everything he did in MMA, and wish him well. But this 'call out' or tourettes chatter should be ignored by everyone.
I kind of respect his balls and belief - its almost Sherbro like...

That's just the level of delusion you need to be the best I think.

Well, I think he still has better odds than us probably but at his age, that almost delusional self belief isn't an asset anymore but just dangerous.

I wouldn't mind him going against Tito tough - so much more realistic than going against a GOAT like Jones. I hope he doesn't need to fight because he's broke, that would be absolutely worst case scenario.
Golden Boy Promotions will host Chuck vs Tito 3 first, then Chuck vs some scrub (former pro boxer or some shit) then after Jones gets his suspension for 4 years they will have Chuck vs Jones under the NSAC.
The only fight Chuck has a chance against Jon these days is who can snort more coke in a party.
Is Chuck broke? Did all his money go up his nose? Sad what happens to some 'celebrities'.

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