Confession that she'll never know (long)

Why haven't you at least banged a hooker?

You don't even have to speak to them or make eye contact. Just hand her a note that says "Do not talk to me or look at me. Please just take your clothes off and bend over."

Also, the girl you had a crush on is long gone. Just forget about her. She has figured you out and moved on with her life.
Your opening post and your thread:

Ain't nobody got time for that.

Very well written. Hit me right in the feels, even if I question the truth of this story.
Anxiety issues can go away, or at least severly decrease, with the right therapy. Other issues like depression and a wrong self immage as well.

I´m speaking out of my own experience, and from observing some people with serious issues around me. There´s absolutely no reason to think that you can´t improve yourself, with the right help. So go see a doctor, therapist or psychiatrist or something.

To be honest, the only reason not to do so would be so that you can keep making posts like this and get sympathy and attention from others and wallow in self pity. But maybe you like playing the victim. Pretend you are the only person that can´t be helped and is cursed with a lonely and sad life or something. I can´t figure out why though.
Im not here for sympathy Jesus...
I expected maybe a few replies like the rest of my threads.

Im probably just going to disappear because i feel like a moron now, like i usually do every time i post personal shit here.

I should have never made this thread i regret it. Maybe she doesn't even care about me
Im not here for sympathy Jesus...
I expected maybe a few replies like the rest of my threads.

Im probably just going to disappear because i feel like a moron now, like i usually do every time i post personal shit here.

I should have never made this thread i regret it. Maybe she doesn't even care about me

Maybe you should quit being a wuss about it and hit her up on facebook or some shit.
Im not here for sympathy Jesus...
I expected maybe a few replies like the rest of my threads.

Im probably just going to disappear because i feel like a moron now, like i usually do every time i post personal shit here.

I should have never made this thread i regret it. Maybe she doesn't even care about me

You should understand that a tale like this would be received with a certain amount of incredulity. It's the internet, and people are constantly making stuff up, trolling, whatever. It's not reflective on you as a person.

It's the best thing I've read today, and I've been on the internet all day, take comfort in that.
You should understand that a tale like this would be received with a certain amount of incredulity. It's the internet, and people are constantly making stuff up, trolling, whatever. It's not reflective on you as a person.

It's the best thing I've read today, and I've been on the internet all day, take comfort in that.

Did someone say 'incredulity'?????
I have been there dude, and it did not happen only with one girl but with many. One time a girl said that she loved me, and I couldn't even say a word. Guess what, she wasn't a ten... Today if a had the chance I would take her immediately without blinking. Man when I think about how many girls I could have had...
Anyway you have to lose your shame and don't be afraid to fail, it belongs to life. For me what worked was Alcohol and whores, now a live happily with a 9.5, but only because a got a lot of 7's and 8's on the way.
Just go for it.

And don't over think it.

Just go back to where she works in the next few days and tell her "I know I may have been kinda oblivious in the past, but the truth is I always liked you and I was just too shy to ask you out. Can I take you to dinner this Friday?"

Say something like that.
Maybe slightly augment the phrase, but in the end ask her to dinner on a very specific day so she knows you're serious and you can set the plans. Then get her number and call her. Keep the conversations short because you're probably shy and not the best at initiating long conversations with women (like most men) ....unless she does all the talking, then let her chat away.

Be nice and follow through on your commitments. If you say you're going to do it, do it. Let her get comfortable and you're in there. (then you'll get super comfortable too.)
I'm calling BS on this. There's no goddamn way a 30 year old virgin doesn't remember the name of the one that got away.
Im not here for sympathy Jesus...
I expected maybe a few replies like the rest of my threads.

Im probably just going to disappear because i feel like a moron now, like i usually do every time i post personal shit here.

I should have never made this thread i regret it. Maybe she doesn't even care about me

Probably your entire problem in bold above.

I expected this, expectations not met, depression ensues.

And how on earth could you NOT expect this and yet you end up feeling like a moron EVERY TIME you post personal shit?

I'm gonna post my "Woe is me and my ineptitude" thread on an MMA forum and hope a bunch of agro, wanna be alpha's give me some hardy pats on the back!?

Isn't there like a Lifetime Channel forum or some kind of Good Housekeeping or something where you could find a bunch of post-menopausal women to lavish you in "keep your head up's"?
Isn't there like a Lifetime Channel forum or some kind of Good Housekeeping or something where you could find a bunch of post-menopausal women to lavish you in "keep your head up's"?

I feel for the character in the story, and I would certainly wish such a character to keep his head up.
I am gonna go against the majority of advice here.

Continue to wallow in self pity. Don't talk to this girl or any other girl for that matter.

Do sign up for a WOW subscription and join millions of people just like you in an online colorful environment.

And if you really start to get desperate you can always go to the Goldshire Inn and find some hot dranei girl to ERP with.
Im not here for sympathy Jesus...
I expected maybe a few replies like the rest of my threads.

Im probably just going to disappear because i feel like a moron now, like i usually do every time i post personal shit here.

I should have never made this thread i regret it. Maybe she doesn't even care about me

So what then? Venting may temporarily make it better, but in the long term this kind of behavior will destroy you.

It's just that you sound very depressed and I guess people here just want to help you get over it. It can get better, and people want to see you get better as well.

So maybe you can take some comfort in the fact that there's still hope for you and that people want to help you get better.
How about just going ahead and being honest with her man? If anything you owe it to her and you'll get your answer, maybe she still likes you, maybe she doesn't. At least this way you'll know. The worst thing you can do is nothing.