Dear Haters,Do you consider Conor as the GOAT when he knocks out Khabib?

Conor Mc Gregor all defeated the following fighters:
Jose Aldo (KO 13 seconds)
Eddie Alvarez (TKO 2nd round)
Dustin Poirier (TKO first round)
Chad Mendes (TKO 2nd round)
Max Holloway (UD while fighting on 1 leg)

When Conor KO's Khabib october 6, there are no excuses even for the haters to not recognize the greatness of champ champ Conor mc Gregor. If you put all the hate aside, you have to respect the man. The greatest of all time, inside the cage AND business wise outside the cage.
It would be very impressive, however his fights with Nate would hugely taint a GOAT claim.
Ronaldo is approaching the end of his career and IS still considered to be the best in the world by many.
If Messi were not around he would be considered the best by most.

I think you're correct for the most part.
There's always exceptions to a general rule.

True but that's what I mean when I say consensus
It’s theads like these that lead to so much hate for Conor, and his delusional fanbase.
CM Punk's career UFC pay is nowhere near GSP's, on top of that he's a two-sport athlete like Lesnar, so if you were to compare him, you must compare him to other athletes who're in both WWE/MMA.

What kind of deep twisted rabbit hole are you trying to lead me down Louis Bolanos?

Yeah MM fighting BUMS! Scared to fight REAL COMPETITION IN TJ. LOST TO CRUZ. EVERY TOP NAME HE LOST TO. How is he the GOAT if a low ranking WW can beat him

GOAT .....imo is a lb for lb ranking.......

MM is #1

guess what ....he probably could never beat a top 10 Heavy...

Your blinded by size BIGOTRY sir.

He has fought the BEST there is at his Weight and some very good ones that were Heavier ......................

I will for lb..

He is probably the smallest 125 out there also.
Conor essentially has Aldo, Max, Chad and Alvarez, and two of those wins aren't all that impressive considering the circumstances.

Max was a noobie training out of his garage.

Chad took the fight on very short notice. And given what we know about Conor's cardio now, that made a huge difference.

Conor has a ton of talent, but he hasn't proven his longevity, ability to conquer diverse skillsets. That's just the truth. I wish he had fans who are honest enough to recognise this.
GSP hasn't lost since and his last fight was in a division he never fought before, against the champ. Fedor went a whole decade before someone actually beat him. Let's see if Conor even fights again before we declare him the greatest thing since internet porn.
Firstly, you don't have to make excuses for GSP or Fedor. MMA is an unforgiving sport in which even the best fighters can lose unexpectedly to fighters they were supposed to beat.
Secondly, I haven't said he's the greatest. Any and all talk of the GOAT is entirely subjective so your opinion is no more valid than anyone else's.
I'm not saying khabib is a can crusher, I'm saying the haters will say that in hindsight if Connor ko's khabib.
Personally I don't think they will ever fight


If Conor actually KO's Khabib in an impressive fashion Sherdog would meltdown and claim that a 26/0 dominator who steamrolled through his last opponents in the UFC is 'not that good' after said KO:D
I don't know how much the belts mean, I think strength of competition and how you beat them is more important.

For example I think JDS had one of the strongest runs at HW of all time but its overlooked because he didn't have the title.

Check out this run:

I think this beats Cains run but people talk about Cain more cos he had the belt.

Wow, thats a good list, people do overlook JDS
Give me an example of a pro sport where an athlete who gets paid significantly more than everyone else in his career is not at least in GOAT conversation. I'll wait.

Conor McGregor. GOAT LW? Maaybe.. GOAT MMA Fighter? I think that's a hard sell.

I appreciate your attempts to buck Sherdog's ignorance on the promotional aspect of combat sports but you push it way to far some times.

Yes, the best athletes/players make the most money. That's how it's designed to work, but it doesn't determine who is best. I've never, in my life, heard a sports fan use this metric. You're linguistic wrestling here. I don't think you would seriously use this metric to define who you think is best.

Crosby and Ovechkin are going to make 2/3 of what Johnathan Tavares makes next year, because of a whole slew of different reasons. Nobody is going to make the argument Tavares is a GOAT anything in hockey.
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Because more hypothetical threads about Conor aren't corny as fuck

Whoever wins Conor vs Khabib will spark a mega meltdown and we will never hear the end of it :D.
By your logic Brock Lesnar is in the HW goat discussion. Not to mention so is Anna Kournikova having never won major event. Keep up the good work champ.

But Brock is the Heavyweight GOAT bro :D
