Law Dems want to decriminalize HIV+ sex with unknowing partners ++UPDATE ITS NOT A FELONY ANYMORE++

As a person in California a lot, damn I don't want an accident here or a medical situation.

They can donate blood, give anyone HIV, and meh.... slap on the "limp" wrist. That's crazy!
As a person in California a lot, damn I don't want an accident here or a medical situation.

They can donate blood, give anyone HIV, and meh.... slap on the "limp" wrist. That's crazy!
You filthy Bigot you must accept AIDS the same way you accept open borders, made up genders/races, communism and straight up attacks on free speech.
You filthy Bigot you must accept AIDS the same way you accept open borders, made up genders/races, communism and straight up attacks on free speech.

I need to sell my beach house, but damn the weather is good.
Maybe you should reread it then, and rethink your interpretation.
There is no other interpretation. It was clear by your words you support that law. If this is incorrect then do not be obfuscate any longer and just be clear with your words.
how long until we get the first story of someone hiring someone else to give their ex aids?
He could be a bug chaser, and he just wants to share his passion with the rest of the country.

He's hoping other people will get infected with his enthusiasm.


There is no other interpretation. It was clear by your words you support that law. If this is incorrect then do not be obfuscate any longer and just be clear with your words.
Oh look, now the moron thinks that his interpretation is absolute. Another sign of obvious ignorance.
He has to be trolling, no one could actually think this way. Well, I guess progressives that think this way are making laws for the rest of the world to live by so I stand corrected.

Or @snakedafunky has HIV and is super sensitive about it.

But ya, he has to be trolling at this point.
Good, that is what freedom looks like.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility. Don't want to get the AIDS.
Don't engage in activities that might expose you to it. Very easy.

The government forcing someone to disclose their personal health history or you go to jail is clear government overreach.

Trollin' hard.
Seriously, Trump could win in 2020 on this issue alone.

"Keep America Great" vs "I'm With AIDS"

Tough choice.
Looks like we've got a few 'gift givers' and 'bug chasers' here on sherdog

Who does this serve? It is an unmitigated betrayal of the constituency.

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