Do you feel cheap for using Ezekiel ?

Cool to see that 90% of the people don t think of it as cheap.

BTW, to those posters writing things like :" learn to defend it before calling it cheap", all I can say is try reading the thread next time before posting ;)
I do. I catch fellow white belts at least once every BJJ class with that, and it just feels to easy.
I think it is the only sub that you can get from guard (excluding pain subs).

Anyway. Any one also feel guilty when using it ?

BTW, how do you do it ?
I find that it works even better when you start with the hand on top, like grabing the opposite colar, laying your forearm gently on uke's neck, and after proceed to slide your other arm under his neck. In my experience, people expect it less that way...

Ezekiel ftw ! (even if I feel cheap about it).

ezekiel is awesome. doing it from inside the guard is just a bad habit that you are getting away with because you are using it against white belts.
I mostly use it to get them defending. I don't feel as good about hitting it as I do a triangle, flying double kneebar, etc.
Question: how do you normally do it? I was taught to use the blade of the hand across the trachea, but in Saulo's book, he has the blade across the carotid...kind of like my way if you rotated your hands 90 degrees.
Nobodies opinon means shit....why are u singling me out? Im not the only one who doesnt like the Ezekial....and I dindt say it was cheap....i said it was LAME IMO

yeah that guy is being out of order

you might not like it but it takes more skill than a neck crank or a school boy head lock or just smothing someones mouth with your fat belly :eek:
I stop using it as the first move I go for because I got pretty effective with it. I use different stuff now so I can practice them. I will go for it in a comp or against a more skilled opponent though.
That's a choke that the more advanced guys tried on me all the time when I started but they never got me with it. I later found out that they had a bet going to see who could tap me with it first.

when your in someones guard your primary focus should definitely not be to submit them it shoud be to pass the guard
I caught one dude with one in the grapplers quest a few weeks ago. he seen it coming and didnt do anything to prevent it until his coach yelled it out, by then it was too late.. I have video of that.
No Gi no because you have to use some strength.
Gi- kinda, but the general consesus if they tap, they tap.
i usually wrist lock them when they used that choke on me..
you might not like it but it takes more skill than a neck crank or a school boy head lock or just smothing someones mouth with your fat belly :eek:

No matter how many times I come across posts like this, I still find it amazing that so many people refuse to see that neck cranks are every bit as technical as any other move in jiu jitsu.

Oh well - their loss I guess.
Training is probably time to work on new moves if you think you've mastered that choke.
This kind of move should be taught in white belt for sure. And also how to deal with it in guard. The big problem with the sportification of BJJ is that if it is not a proper way to do things you don't get taught the counters. Ie people who put all their weight forwards in your guard and try to even just crush your throat etc. More emphasis should be on what to do if somebody bigger and stronger than you who doesn't play by the BJJ rules gets in your guard. This way when somebody tries it while rolling you wil nullify it quick smart.

Plus if new guys are getting backmounted or submitted by white belts everytime they try to submit them when in their guard they will listen more to the pass before submitting advice.
I felt cheap when I did the fist in carotid variation, where if you can't get the blade of your arm across the throat, you just punch into their neck.

I did it for the lulz.